
Harem for The Dragon God

Being born into a world of fantasy Kenji Itsumora always wondered why everyone looked down on him until one day when he made a huge discovery. "My father was from a family of dragon gods?!?!" Kenji asks with confusion in his voice. "Yes and that means you are a dragon God yourself." The woman answers with certainty. "Don't I have to be a dragon to be a dragon god?" Kenji questions stupidly. "Not in this case. You possess the means to use that power, and you should use it to conquer everything." The woman Responds with a smile on her face. Yes I will gladly use it to conquer the world and will make my own harem!! I want everything and anything I can get! No one will ever look down on me again if I become the ruler of the world! This world was already plagued by such evil that it made Kenji look pure and more like a hero. Follow along to see where Kenji goes and what comes from his journey! -------- ------ ------- Warning!! R18 Content is included! Sex scenes, Potential incest, and Yes gore. Since it is considered to be in the category obviously. Also please be patient for updates, as I'm also working on two other stories atm! But if you really enjoy it, make sure to let me know! Powerstones, Reviews, and comments! Disclaimer: Cover does not belong to me and if it is yours and you want it taken down, let me know immediately. ---------- Also feel free to check out my other works! "My Own Succubus" "Why Can't I Be the Hero?!?!"

Kota_Sama · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Untold Depths

The voice from before echoed around me briefly before disappearing once more. It seems I'm going the right way but what is it that I'm looking for here?

I only know of the tomb but I don't see any clear pathways that can lead me to it, is there anything here or did I take the wrong door? No, there was only one door in the room so it has to be this way.

Everything around me seemed like a bunch of dead ends so I wasn't sure what to look for here since I've got very little to go off of.

I took a minute to think and tried looking around once more since there has to be something here for me to use as a clue.

"I know the path is somewhere." I say to myself out loud.

A door suddenly sounded like it was opening nearby, maybe that's my way forward. Looking around the corridor for this door I couldn't see anything at first till a flash of light appeared before me.

It was shining down on a staircase that went down more, that's got to be the way for me to go next.

{In the Depths of Istel} An Hour Later.

I feel like I've been walking for a long ass time but it looks like I'm about to hit the bottom of the steps so that gives me some hope.

All around the bottom here was carvings on more pillars but this time there was no door in sight. Don't tell me I have to figure out some damn puzzle now, because I'll lose my mind.

"Trust your memory. The vision holds the key." The Voice Echoes off the walls.

The carvings resembled a few different things while one seemed awfully familiar to the person I saw in the vision earlier. It resembled a woman with long hair, I only saw one woman in that vision earlier.

I placed my hand on the carving like I did earlier and the same feeling began to go through my head.

"We have to have faith that this place will keep her safe." The hooded man says.

"That's why we brought her here Sora." The Woman replies while standing next to him.

The two of them stood outside of a barrier with multiple seals protecting it. They seemed to know what they were doing here.

I watched as they went behind each door and placed a new seal each time.

"He will do anything he can to find her you know." The Woman says with worry in her voice.

"I know. That is why we will protect her with everything we got." Sora replies as he takes hold of her hand.

A bunch of the knights came running over, it seems something was happening.

"He's here." The Knight Captain says while holding his sword.

"Stay here, I'll go with them to help." Sora says before running past the Knight.

"Be careful!" She shouts as she watches him get further and further into the distance.

What happened here? All of this seems pretty intense for something like this to be so far away in this cave. Makes me feel like I got out of things with my family a lot better.

I wasn't hidden away like her, right?

"Miza, We both love you very much. Don't ever forget that." The woman says while placing her hand on the door.

Everything went back to normal as a door began to appear before me once more but this time it was already open. Can anyone see these doors or am I doing something that makes me special?

With that thought in mind I began to head through the door, there wasn't much time to waste since I needed to get back to my friends as well. They are worried about me and I can only imagine how much time has passed.

"I can sense you." The Voice Echoes.

That's not disturbing at all. I'm close though, so that's all that matters right now.

I walked down the corridor and began to notice that the symbols were slowly beginning to disappear the closer I got to the end of this hallway. Am I finally getting close to the tomb I saw in the visions or is there more to this madness?

Everything got dark around me after I hit the end of the corridor so I lit up my hand with a bit of fire, this was going to have to do.

I kept heading forward but this room was another giant area like the ones I've seen, except I could see one final door. It was huge, unlike the doors I've seen earlier. She might be behind this door.

No pillars this time but I could see some writing on the door that spoke with an ancient tongue. Why can I read it perfectly though?

'Open your heart and the door shall open to you.'

Open my heart? That sounds painful, though it could be a metaphor or something.

I closed my eyes and began to think about my family before they disappeared from my life. They were what I'd have considered my heart to be back then so this has to be it.

Memories of them began to go through my mind as I waited to see if this was the key to getting inside or not.


I quickly opened my eyes to see the door opening up as the barrier behind made itself clear to me. Now this was definitely going to be the hard part of this whole ordeal since I've never destroyed a barrier before.

At least I don't think I have. The tomb was on the other side of this barrier though, I have to get through.

After walking through the door I placed my hand on the barrier and began to channel some magic through it. Maybe a combination of magic could work to open this damn thing up.

Boom!!!! I felt myself get sent back towards a wall as sparks came off the barrier.
