
Home at last

The following hours, once they landed on base, were filled with a haze of questions, medical checks, and a full debrief. They had all done their AAR's in Admiral Lee's office in silence. The last few hours catching up to them- hell the last few months it seems. The constant back and forth, one mission after the other. One injury after the other. And now with the loss of a brother, it all seemed so pointless now.

"The investigation into our mole is underway, chief Diaz." Admiral Lee said walking into his office, seeming to have aged a decade in the last hour.

"That's a relief sir. But I have to ask. What about Columbus? His body is still on the ridge." Buck asked Admiral Lee.

"Don't worry about that chief, I personally had Team 10 sent out to the grid coordinates you gave us. He was recovered where you said he was, and I'm being told he is enroute as we speak. He is coming home chief, and that's because of you and your team." Lee replied, eyes kind and understanding.

"Good. That's a relief." Buck replied. "Sir, do we have any word on who sold us out?"

"We have a few POI's, but there is someone I like really well for this. A corporal Joy Enslin, a comms officer in TOC. She has some very suspicious money trails behind her. Coincidentally enough, the money transactions all coincide with when other teams from other missions were attacked" Lee told Buck, the distaste for the matter clear on his face.

"Med tells me that you'll be healed up in no time. You're just going to be sore for a while. But I imagine six cracked ribs, miraculously only two broken, a sprained wrist and a hairline fracture to the left forearm. A minor concussion and bruises. Of course, the burns from the cattle prod I'm told will be sore for a bit. And you need to look out for infection?" Lee asked, astonishment clear in his voice.

"Well sir, I guess I'm harder to crack then they figured." Buck grinned.

"Indeed Chief." Lee grinned back. "Viper, you're more than badass and you know it sister" Hammer snorted, from where he and the rest of the team had been racked out, so far quiet. They all laughed at that before settling down.

"Chief? I'm told that this was to be your last tour of duty. No chance I can get you to stay once you are healed up is there?" Admiral Lee asked

"Yes sir. It is my last I've been in for 12 years sir, so no, I'm done. I think it's time I focus on being a mother and a wife now. They have waited long enough." Buck said. "Speaking of family, has my husband been notified that I'm okay?

"Admiral Lee grimaced in apology, " No, Chief, I'm afraid not. Between the mole, and getting your team back on base, and medical assessments, I have yet to let them notify your family. If you would like, I can do so now? Have them notified?" Lee offered

"No sir. I would prefer you not do it. We don't know if we might have to be spun up again or what might be needed from us. I know them well enough to know that only seeing my face on a screen or hearing a static filled voice on the line won't help them. And I'm guessing CACO already made a MIA notification to them?" Buck said. " That they did. I'm told your husband sounded slightly spaced out when they spoke to him." Lee said in sympathy.

Just then Admiral Lee's phone rang. Once he answered the phone a serious look filled his face, his eyes flashing in anger.

" Send her to holding. I want her locked down tight. Her betrayal cost us a fellow brother and almost cost us an entire SOG team." Lee snapped down the line hanging up the phone. Everyone looked at the Admiral in question, tension shimmering through their shoulders.

" Its been confirmed. Corporal Joy Enslin was involved in leaking your location to the cell who captured you and killed Petty officer Daniels. She will be taken into custody and charged with treason and conspiracy to commit murder. She will pay for what she did. Of that I assure you." Lee said with conviction clear in his voice.

With his words, there was a sense of relief running through the team. To know it wasn't all for nothing, that it was finally over, at least for today. Their mission was over and they could stand down. And for Buck, its was time to go home to her boys.

As everyone got up to leave the admiral's office, Lee spoke "Chief Diaz, a word please?" he asked as the team reached the door. Everyone looked at Buck before she nodded at them that she would catch up with them soon "Sir?" Buck asked. " Due to the nature of your injuries and the time you served, it has been decided that you should go home earlier. You will be given a full honourable discharge and not a medical discharge. You have served faithfully for a long time chief it's time to pass the torch and be with your family" Lee said with a smile.

" Thank you sir. It's been an honour serving our country and this team." Buck said with a smile.

Admiral Lee shook his head and said " the honour was mine Chief Diaz, your courage, dedication to team and country, and your perseverance to see the mission to its completion is what made your team great. Your leadership and intelligence, and your out of the box thinking always guided your team well."

With these words Admiral Lee saluted Buck sharply, a gesture she returned as well.

After she was dismissed she joined the team, answering their unasked question stating that she was being given an early honourable discharge. There were whoops of joy filling the air as they celebrated with her, even if it meant they were losing her as a leader.


16 hours later

Eddie truly was running on will alone, getting through each day seemed longer and harder as he waited for news that could very well crush and shatter his heart and that of his sons. That was what had him sitting in the 118 loft early that morning, not listening to the sounds around him just existing.

Bobby approached Eddie, asking " How are you holding up?"

" Fine." Eddie said.

"Okay" Bobby said, eyebrows raised. "Want to try that again? With the truth this time."

Eddie signed, " what do you want me to say Bobby? That im shattering the longer I hear nothing? That i'm terrified every time the phone rings or there is a knock on the door that it's someone going to tell me that my wife is dead? That's I'm scared the Navy is going to call and tell me they can't recover my wife's body and that I'm going to bury an empty coffin. That im scared that Christopher is going to look at me and ask where his mother is? Is that what you want to hear Bobby?"

"if that's how you feel and that's what's running through your mind? Then yes, Eddie, that's what I want you to tell me. Like I said we're here for you and Chris." Bobby said, clamping a hand on Eddie's shoulder and smiling gently.

"Thanks Cap." Eddies said, sitting back on the couch. The rest of the 118 were sitting around Eddie in silent comfort offering what little support they could.

A few minutes later, they heard soft steps on the stairs and looked over at them, seeing a tall blonde woman in green camo fatigues ascending the steps looking pretty banged up but with a smile that could light the room.

"Can we help you ma'am?" Bobby asked politely.

Everyone looked on in curiosity, except Eddie, who seemed like he was lost in thought.

"That depends on if you know where I can find firefighter Eddie Diaz? I'm told he's assigned to station 118." The woman replied with a soft smile at Eddie. At her voice, however, Eddie flew to his feet spinning to look at the stairs, frozen in shock, eyes wide. " Ev… what?" " your home?" "Please tell me I'm not dreaming?" Eddie stuttered in one breath.

"oh, Eddie, baby no. I'm home. I promise." Buck said with a smile lighting her blue eyes, stepping towards Eddie. Eddie met her halfway, eyes scanning over the body he knew so well. Gently pulling her into his arms hugging her like she was something precious, which she was to him.

"Gracias, Dios mio, I thought I was going to lose to, carino" Eddie said softly into her neck, Bucks arms tightened around him and she whispered softly into his ear "Never, mi corazon, I will always fight for you and Christopher, until my dying breath baby. That's what I promised you. And i'm home now, for good. Brass decided that it was fair. It was my last tour anyway." Buck said.

"That and you're injured. Lets not forget that shall we." Eddie said with concern in his voice.

There was a soft sound of someone clearing their throat, causing the embracing couple to turn while still keeping touch with each other.

"Care to introduce us Eddie?" Bobby asked with a smile at the couple.

"Right, sorry cap" Eddie said with a slightly bashful smile on his face, pulling Buck closer slightly, still not able to believe his wife is in his arms again, scared that if he lets go she might just disappear and it all would just be a cruel dream.

"Guys, this is my wife, Chief Evalynn Diaz. Baby, this is Captain Bobby Nash, our firefighters Howard ' Chimney' Han, Henrietta ' Hen' Wilson and Lesley Sheldon. My partner on the rig. And the police sergeant is Athena Grant, Bobby's wife." Everyone smiled warmly in greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you all. And thanks for looking out for this one here." Buck gestured with a gentle squeeze and a smile at Eddie.

" No problem. We're a family Chief. We look after our own" Bobby said with a warm smile at the couple, already seeing the difference in Eddie's demeanor just by having Buck back in his arms.

"Please captain Nash, it's Buck. No need to be formal and it's a life i'm leaving behind for something much better anyway." Buck said.

"Well then please call me Bobby," Bobby said while the rest of the team nodded and said to call them by their names too.

" Hope you guys dont mind, but i'm stealing Eddie."

" Im guessing you're not working today, right?" Buck asked Eddie.

" No, I'm not working right now. I couldn't seem to focus on much more then taking care of Chris." Eddie said softly, shaking away the tears that threatened to fall.

"Go hug your son. He's been missing his mom." Bobby said. Watching as the couple left the station.

30 minutes later

Eddie and Buck arrived at the school where Chris was. Getting out of the car they met in the middle, fingers lacing together, they made their way up the steps of the school. Anticipation fluttered in Buck belly, after 8 months apart, she was going to see her baby boy. God she could feel the tears already gathering at just the thought of holding her baby in her arms, smelling his sweet smelling apple scented hair.

Arriving at the classroom where Chris was blissfully unaware of the fact that his mama was right outside his class. When the teacher looked up she saw Eddie hold his finger in front of his mouth motioning at Chris and then Buck. The teacher nodded and smiled brightly at them, turning back to her class, silently taking out her phone to record the happy reunion. Buck walked on silent feet , heading to the mop of brown hair bent low over his work, smiling at her son. A hush fell over the class as more and more of the students noticed her presence.

" That's a really colourful picture superman." Buck murmmerd from next to Chris, his head snapping up so fast, Buck was almost scared he would give himself whiplash.

"Mama!", Chris yelled. Throwing his arms around Buck's neck and starting to cry into her shoulder, shaking.

"you're home?" he asked voice muffled in her shoulder, question and hope clear in his little voice.

"Yes baby, mama's home. For good. I'm not going anywhere mijo." Buck promised.

"Let's go home guys." Eddie said smile wide as the rest of the class cheered and clapped their hands, the teacher subtly holding up her phone to show Eddie, who nodded gratefully at her for capturing such a wonderful moment.

With that the Diaz family headed home. The hard months of not knowing, really the hard years of not knowing over. A wife and mother reunited with her family. Her service to her country paid for. The sacrifices over. Her mission was completed. Senior chief Evalynn Diaz stands down and Evalynn Diaz, wife and mother takes her place with her family at last.