
Anything you looking is your and it looking for you

Hello lovely ones

Glad to be writing here today

Well I m not a professional wealth management coach neither do I read and practice what the gurus or wealth attraction or manifestation talk about,but I write what I know from my own


I m a single mother kenyan born from a broken family's d went through hardship growing up no mentor or anyone to look up to

I just found myself imagine how happy would be if I happened to be in Big city and in business

And it came to pass but Later lost all and suffered

However just few months back I remember was me someone who made things happen in my youth only older but I same girl grown mature women and do should do better than before and I started remember all good favor miracle gift anything that happened and made me happy and great full then decide to list one by one and believe can do better with knowledge that anything I look for is mine and looking for me

Then called every good thing I need recall all good I lost and felt so good imagining that everything I ask believe I received

You should have seen the true not excitement as I was in that mental movie of the new me with all that I need coming to me like order from restaurant

This went on for several days months year and every single day got happier good things happening like daily and I noticed and appreciated any small thing like breathing well able to eat have money for food or general common use that I m alive and well

And the more I appreciate the more things get better then I followed with love to all and forgiveness

Started by forgiving my self for past failure that I felt was my fault and forgave anyone who offended me in the past present and future then learned shreeme breeze mantry from Dr Phillai one Indian guru among others

The rest is history I now attract anything I think off and so I keep off from negative thinking and fear or doubt in believe universe ability to deliver good thing I need in this world of the living

I ensure look for anything that makes me happy like comedy show videos online that help to make me laugh and give to the needy always gives me joy

One maybe asking how would I give when I don't have and maybe in debts

Good question

You can give by saying loving caring words to other s

Prayer for good health wealth and happiness towards other wish and declare well for all that is giving that is from the bottom of the heart and does better than even giving money or gifts

Bottom line you are a born winner but because you yet to discover you act as looser yet practice makes perfect so who is to blame but you dear

Make the best of you today not tomorrow and the most of you today please

You may ask how?

Good question

You do that by being the to from the source

Even those who are christian know bible say ye are gods and children of the most high God

And it only takes common sense to figure out animal don't give birth to tree or plant produce metal

So if we are children of God we must be God's

And if God is source ones we go back to source we have access to all we need our heart desires

For non christian may be use term higher self for God because every human had higher self meaning that part of oneself that is the source pure clean living caring all knowing

We create with our own mind this very important to ensure keep of from negative vibes and always think positive

Fear is enemy so don't and never allow fear to control your mind

You may read books on wealthy go to all training seminar and all but if you don't train your self to know your source and capability to attract and manifest the good thing you need it would appear like no way out

But the day you realize you come from the source where all thing are possible to those who believe ask and receive take action too then you good to go

I leave you with this one sentence

All is possible yes you can go back to source that you are and all is well

Love you all because you deserve it

Thank you