
Chapter 71 Video

After struggling for a while, Happiness returned to her desk and reopened her computer. She was ready to save some drafts. There was no other way. Only in this way could she calm down her chaotic emotions. Besides, this was temporarily the only positioning and value she could find for herself. It was a pity that children from humble backgrounds like her could only enjoy the blessings they couldn't afford and endure the sufferings they couldn't bear. Being pampered by everyone without doing any work made her feel insecure and guilty.


However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't concentrate today. In the past, her thoughts flowed like a spring, and she felt that there were endless words in her mind. But now, every time Happiness typed a line of text, she would delete it again. It went on like this countless times, and she didn't know what to do.


"If you can't continue writing, then stop," a sudden voice startled Happiness, causing her to accidentally throw the mouse away. She turned her head and saw that Lionel was standing behind her, but she didn't know how long he had been there!


"Here, your phone," Happiness quickly picked up the phone that was placed next to the computer and handed it to Lionel. He took it and put it in his pocket, but he didn't seem to have the intention to leave. Happiness couldn't figure out what he wanted to do. Seeing that he didn't take off his clothes and speak nonsense like before, she didn't say anything either, just randomly clicked on a web page with the mouse.


Lionel kicked a chair and sat next to Happiness, remaining silent like her. The reflection from the screen flickered on their faces, and Happiness felt the warmth from Lionel's proximity, making her feel uneasy.


"You have the fresh scent of a wolf on you," Lionel suddenly said, "Didn't you listen to what I said?"


"Eugene brought me food, so there must be his scent in the room," Happiness forced herself to remain calm.


"No, as a human, your sense of smell is very dull, so you can't smell the scent of a male beast in heat. In fact, people like Eugene are in heat every day and they stink," Lionel said, "But they can't control it. It's an important channel for male animals to attract females."


Happiness angrily pressed the mouse and browsed through firearm weapon introductions, which she hated the most.


"You have completely changed the lives of almost all male animals," Eugene said again, "Do you know what the hottest topic on the sea forum is now?"


"Is it me?" Happiness asked.


"Compared to you as a person, what they are more interested in is when you will release a video tape."


"A video tape?"


"Yes, they know that it is impossible for you to belong to all male animals in the world. Even if it's a rotation, they may not get a turn. Moreover, you are likely to die from this intense mating frequency. The most important thing is that you haven't joined the breeding camp, so male animals don't have the power to force you to mate openly," Lionel said seriously.


"And then? Isn't that good?" Happiness said inexplicably.

"Seeking a compromise, at least they have to see a video of you with the male beasts. You may not know, a 3D female star based on you has already been created, but it hasn't relieved the global thirst for male beasts. They want to see the real you. Maybe as an ancient human, it's hard for you to accept, but it's necessary and urgent.


This damn world without women! Happiness felt struck by lightning, her heart in turmoil, and said, 'Then, won't the male beasts who mate with me become public enemies? Who would be so stupid? It's better not to do it at all!'


"You're right," Lionel said, 'that's why when we record, the male beasts who mate with you have to wear masks.'


Happiness was speechless. It was one thing to privately record the mating process with a few male beasts, and another thing to expose her body to the eyes of the whole world. Happiness felt extremely uncomfortable.


"So it's necessary for you to exercise your body to adapt to the male beasts as soon as possible. The beast clan has accepted you, allowing you to enjoy the elevated status and abundant resources as the center of attention among the stars. This is what you should give in return. Maybe when you're recording, you can add some gimmicks, make your moans sound pleasing, everyone will be happier,: Lionel said coldly and ruthlessly.


Happiness turned her head, not wanting Lionel to see her tears. She wiped her face haphazardly and said in a trembling voice, 'You're right, this is indeed what I should do. After all, it's already a thousand years later, and under the special social environment, it's no longer within the moral boundaries of a thousand years ago. I will adjust my mindset and my body.' As she spoke, she quickly wiped her face again, while the other hand stubbornly held the mouse, indicating that she was not emotionally affected.


"I'm not just following you for no reason. I'm entitled to a share as well. You've recognized Ben and Eliot, why can't me? Maybe when we really mate, I will feel uncomfortable and give up. After all, there are already so many, one more or one less, you don't have to care so much,'"Lionel said. In fact, Lionel didn't want to speak in such harsh tones, and he didn't want to be so impolite to Happiness. But as a senior otaku, and a former well-known woman-hater, coupled with his disdain for Abyssyus and the others for groveling to Happiness, it was impossible for him to please Happiness like everyone else. If he could do that, he wouldn't be himself. But if he could mate with her, he was confident that he would be more gentle than anyone else, and make Happiness experience unparalleled happiness.


"I will only accept those I like, and those who like me," Happiness turned around, looking straight into Lionel's eyes. The black panther and her gaze met, and her heart skipped a beat. But she said, "Lionel, you don't like me, and I'm not really interested in you either. Of course, if it's based on fairness, you must mate with me, and no one has the right to stop you, even I will lie down and let you do it. But that's because I can't refuse, not because I want to."It was the first time Happiness had retorted so impolitely to the male beasts around her. Lionel's words had made her extremely angry, and there was no respect for her in the slightest.


A hint of panic flashed through the icy blue eyes of the black panther, but he forced himself to say, 'As long as I can mate, that's enough.' He had no intention of leaving Happiness's room, and the two continued to remain in this standoff.


This was simply blatant bullying. The tall Lionel already had an overwhelming advantage over Happiness, and she struggled to raise her head and glare at him.


Lionel finally shook his head and sighed, 'Don't listen to Abyssyus's nonsense, I don't dislike you.'


Happiness remained silent.


"I may not always be trying to please you, but it doesn't mean I don't like you. Am I not always protecting you?'"Lionel said.


Happiness snorted but still didn't speak.

"I came here not only to please you, but it doesn't mean I don't like you either. Am I not always protecting you?"

Lionel was slightly angry. He stood up and walked out without saying a word. Considering his character, it was already quite difficult for him to speak to this extent. It would probably not be an easy task to conquer Happiness.