
happily ever after : love's tragic echo

Immersed in a tale of heartbreak and vengeance, 'happily ever after' follows Zoe's tragic journey. To all the girls out in this world who think love's torture. It's not. It's worse than torture. Love, it holds the power to manipulate, to kill, and even to make you kill. Yet here she is, trapped within its grasp willingly, with no desire to break free.

kzruzissmo · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs

chapter 7 : My first day at Hotchkiss

I found myself inside a palace, and there were people taking a man away from me. I felt really scared and started shouting, "Please don't take him, no, please!"

I was trembling and my voice was shaky. The people who were taking him wore old-fashioned clothes, and I was dressed in a beautiful, fancy gown that looked like something a princess would wear. They had swords with them, like soldiers from the past.

Even though I shouted and cried a lot, the people didn't pay attention to me. It seemed like they couldn't hear my pleas. Suddenly, everything changed, and I was no longer in that place.

I was in a really crowded place, surrounded by people who were happy and having a good time.

Unfortunately, I was tied up and no longer wearing the nice gown I had before. Instead, I had on a torn and dirty piece of clothing. The person I had tried to stop them from taking away was also tied up, but the difference was they kept me there to watch as they were about to kill him.

I didn't know who he was, but he looked at me and smiled. That smile seemed to tell me not to worry, that he was okay. It was puzzling - why would he smile when he was so close to being killed?

The people around us started yelling, indicating that it was time for them to end his life. He was tied up with a rope around his neck, and I couldn't help but scream, pleading for them to stop. Tears streamed down my face. Then, one of them pulled a lever, and the ground beneath him disappeared, causing him to die.

However, just before he passed, he managed to say something. His lips moved, and I could tell it was something important he wanted to convey. He said, "I will"...

"Zoe, Zoe, wake up! It's 8 in the morning, Zoe!" I opened my eyes and quickly looked around, feeling scared.

Ray was there, looking at me with concern. "Zoe, are you alright? You're sweating,"

he said. I wiped the sweat away and replied, "Yes, I'm okay. I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

Ray smiled and left the room. I got out of bed and glanced at the mirror, still damp with sweat. Letting out a sigh, I sat down on the bed. "I had that dream again," I said with a sad expression, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Why? Why do I keep having that dream over and over? And why does my heart hurt every time I see it?" I wiped my tears away and headed to take a shower.

Turning on the cold water, it felt like the water was soothing my body as I started to cry once more. I ended up falling to the ground, crying and crying and crying.

I walked into the dining room and heard Ethan remark, "You're 40 minutes late, Zoe."

I chose to ignore his comment; I didn't have the energy to deal with his negativity today. I was already feeling drained. Ray noticed something and asked loudly,

"Zoe, what happened to your face?" He touched my cheeks with his hands and said, "It looks a bit swollen, did you cry?"

Ethan got up and approached me, inquiring, "did you cry?" I stayed silent.

Ray explained, "Ethan, when I went to wake Zoe up, I saw she was sweating a lot, but her face seemed fine then."

I glanced at Ray and then lowered my gaze. "I wasn't sweating or anything," I whispered.

Ethan continued to press, asking, "Why did you cry? And how much did you cry to make your face look like that?"

I understood he was just trying to provoke me. He probably believed I'd react in a way that would get me in trouble with Mr. Lee. I held my ground, saying, "Nothing happened," still keeping my eyes downcast. Ethan persisted, asserting, "Something did happen, and you're going to tell us. Speak up now."

He lifted my chin to make me look at him, but I pushed his hand away. Feeling disappointed, he glanced at me and muttered, "Fine," before walking away.

Ray was on the verge of stopping Ethan, but Mr. Lee arrived just in time. He gazed at Ethan and then turned his attention to us. He appeared puzzled, his expression asking, "What's going on?" Ray responded with a puzzled look of his own, conveying, "I'm not sure."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Honestly, nothing happened,"

I said, and Ray joined in with laughter. Mr. Lee stood there, clearly bewildered, and then let out a sigh. He asked, "Could someone please explain exactly what happened?"

Ray and I burst into laughter once again.

"So, you cried for no reason?" Ray asked, looking surprised.

"Is it normal to cry without a reason, dad?"

Mr. Lee chuckled and replied, "Yes, it's completely normal to have moments where you feel like crying without a specific reason."

Ray still seemed confused. "really?" he asked. I stared at Mr. Lee, full of questions, but couldn't bring myself to ask them.

"Our emotions can be complicated, and sometimes crying is a way for our bodies to let out built-up feelings or stress. It's a natural part of being human," Mr. Lee explained. I smiled.

Mr. Lee glanced at me and said, "Zoe, I want you to remember this: Sometimes tears flow like a river, not because of sadness, but because your heart simply needs to cleanse itself. Embrace every tear, as it shows your strength and reminds you that you're alive, alright?"

I gazed at Mr. Lee. He seemed to have answered all my questions without me even asking. It was like he could read people's thoughts.

"It's okay to cry, but remember, crying doesn't mean you're weak, alright?"

I nodded. "Um, I'll remember everything you said for the rest of my life," I assured Mr. Lee. He smiled at me warmly.

"Oh, and one more thing," he said, handing me a card. It was my school card. I read the name of the school: The Hotchkiss School.

My eyes got really wide. This school is the most expensive one in the US, and only elite students go there.

Ray shouted with joy, "Yes, we'll go to the same school!" I smiled at him and then looked at Mr. Lee.

This was overwhelming. I didn't think someone like me could belong to a school like that. I didn't even feel like I deserved to be in this amazing house with them.

Mr. Lee gave me a kind smile and asked, "Aren't you excited for your new school, my daughter? It seems like your little brother is even more excited than you."

Mr. Lee understood me like no one else. I wondered, "is he trying to tell me that I deserve this school, this house, this family, everything?" I smiled back at him and nodded, saying, "Yes, I'm very excited."

1 month later

It was my first day of school, and I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. The school uniform I had on was incredibly comfortable and cozy. I glanced at my name badge - it no longer said Zoe Brown; now, it read Zoe Lee.

A smile spread across my face as I walked over to Ray. "Are you feeling excited?" Ray asked, giving me a hug.

"Definitely! I'm really looking forward to it," I replied . "Well then, let's head to school!"

As I stepped outside, I noticed a really fancy car waiting for me. "Are we actually going to school in that car?" I asked, my eyes wide with surprise.

"Yes, let's go now or we'll be late," Ray said, pulling me into the car.

"This is my first time in such an expensive car," I mentioned.

"Second time," Ethan added from the front seat - he was there too.

"huh?" I replied, feeling confused.

"Your second time riding in 'this expensive' car. The first time was in Dad's car," he explained.

I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but I held back because he's Mr. Lee's son. I stayed silent, opened the window, and enjoyed the cool breeze. It felt incredibly satisfying and made me feel so alive.

"Make sure you don't get into trouble at school," Ethan warned as he got out of the car.

I followed suit and rolled my eyes, telling Ray, "Come on, let's go." Ethan didn't respond anymore, and we headed inside.

The school was enormous - it looked like a real-life castle. All the students seemed to be super stylish, like models. As I looked around, my mouth hung open in awe.

"Your class is on the second floor, section A," Ethan informed us, guiding Ray away.

"Wait, are you telling me to find my class all by myself?" I protested.

It felt nearly impossible to navigate a school this massive. How in the world was I supposed to find section A? But he didn't pay any attention, walking away with Ray.

"jerk" I yelled frustratedly.

I glanced around, a sense of hopelessness washing over me. Just as tears threatened to spill, a ray of light appeared - my lifesaver.

A girl, standing almost 165 feet tall, caught my attention. Her fair, flawless skin shimmered like glass, and a charming mole beneath her left eye added to her allure. With her striking blue eyes, red wavey hair, and a resemblance to a Barbie doll, she exuded beauty.

"Are you new here?" she asked kindly.

Nervously, I managed to stammer , "Yes, I am."

Curiously, she inquired, "What grade are you in?"

"I'm in 8th grade," I replied.

To my surprise, she grinned, saying, "Oh, that's amazing! I'm in 8th grade too. Which section?" My shyness intensified in the presence of her beauty as I mumbled, "I think it's Section A."

Her excitement was palpable as she exclaimed, "No way, me too! Let's head to class. We're already 10 minutes late!" Taking my hand, she started running, and I followed suit, my heart racing.

After around 9 to 10 minutes, she gasped, "We've arrived."

I took a moment to catch my breath, admitting, "My legs feel like they've turned to jelly."

"Mine too," she agreed, and we burst into laughter.

The door swung open, revealing an angry-looking teacher. "Do you have any idea what time it is, Isabel?" he scolded.

It seemed like we were in trouble. Isabel's voice was apologetic as she replied, "I'm truly sorry, sir. We're aware that we're 20 minutes late. Please forgive us."

Her politeness impressed me. The teacher let out a sigh and turned his attention to me, asking , "And who might you be?"

Nervously, I practically shouted, "I'm Z-Zoe Br, I mean, I'm Zoe Lee, sir."

He nodded, a hint of understanding in his expression. "Ah, you're Zoe. Welcome. Both of you, come inside."

With his invitation, we stepped into the room, greeted by a class filled with exceptionally talented students. It was quite impressive.

"Find your seat, Isabel," the teacher instructed, and then turned to me, saying, "Zoe, introduce yourself to your new friends. They're like your second family here."

I took a deep breath and walked over to the teacher's desk, feeling a bit nervous. As I stood there, their faces seemed uninterested, and a few even laughed - perhaps at my manner of speaking or walking. I felt different from them, unsure of how to fit in. It seemed like they were making fun of me.

Despite my self-doubt, I knew I had to speak up. I told myself, "Zoe, you're not the old Zoe Brown anymore. You're Zoe Lee." And so, I began...

"I'm delighted to meet all of you. I'm Zoe Lee. Let's hope we can all become friends and support each other. I'm still getting used to this place, so I appreciate your help. Thank you." As I uttered my name, their expressions shifted to surprise, catching me off guard.

"Lee? Did she just say Lee?"

"No, can't be. Does Ethan have a sister?"

"I'm pretty sure Ethan only has a brother, Ray Lee."

"But let's think, do we know any other Lees?"

"Could she be telling the truth?"

"Come on, guys, she can't be making up her last name."

"In our industry , there's only one Lee who can afford this school."

The murmurs swirled around me, and it dawned on me how remarkable Mr. Lee must be. Amidst the chatter, I stated, "I'm finished," and walked over to take a seat next to Isabel.

She looked at me, a mix of confusion and curiosity in her eyes. Yet, her questions would have to wait as the teacher began to speak, directing our attention back to the class.

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