

I was well aware that women were prone to abrupt mood changes. I know a few people who would lose themselves in their imaginations, create all kinds of situations, and get furious about something they believed I would do in the future—even days in the future.

Emily, on the other hand, didn't appear to follow that pattern and in any case, she had never been that type of lady. She had shown all kind of wrath in the past; I had seen her enraged, indignant, spiteful, and on the verge of violence. I had never seen her wounded, however.

She spent the short trip to the airport engrossed in paperwork. While we waited at the gate, she excused herself to speak with her father. She fell asleep almost immediately after we boarded the aircraft, disregarding my efforts to lightheartedly propose that she join the mile-high club. Even though she hadn't had breakfast, she momentarily got out of bed to turn down lunch. Instead of looking at me as we descended, she fixed her gaze out the window.