
handed a toy! (that's my world) '-'

my portable player is zed age:19 nationally:American hobby:create problems or forces in a sim app on his PC and create a story out of it Gods perspective* [BORING.... why was this reality made there is nothing in it but a group of apes studying there self's trying to see purpose hah idea I'll just make someone make me something fun so....right the only one here damn portable lottery di your thing] POV Zed M×C=k÷3 (this is annoying I wish) impact and lights out to dream land Dream land filled with information installing SYSTEM*** host in critical condition sacrificing part of module to reconstruct host*** failure to merge switching*** warning host soul fractured trying****WARNING host soul is devouring system*Counter measures activate*** '-' host soul has been devoured.** forge human frame for system to create clone of host soul using SYSTEM GOD POV ['●~● That wasn't supposed to happen well he's dead. It was interesting I think I'll create another reality and leave this one] SYSTEM/ZED2 POV construction complete force assembly created to creators last preference titles: [First abandoned by god] [First New progeny] Lv:1 Name:Zeten Gender: Male(unstable DNA) Age:19 race:Symbiote(mutated)58%/Human(mutated)42% class:Nerd ________________ str:6 +14 | +0| +0 dex:7 +6 | +0| +0 con:11 +17 | +0| +0 int:16 +0 | +0| +0 wis:17 +0| +0| +0 chr:8 +4| +0| +0 SHOP +fiction +Non-fiction +roulette path of god: 0% path of demon:0% path of power:0% current goal: solidify existence reward:2 bronze tickets and 1 silver ticket

Zeferath · อื่น ๆ
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frontal assault or wait and see

<POV Zeten>

following behind the vehicle was a challenge as the max speed was about 1/3 of the impala.

[I'm shifting our mass to produce more speed watch the control]

[STR: 13 -8]

[DEX: 14 +8]

[your current limit is 38 mph]

bursting with twice the speed he had zeten caught up to the impala just as it turned out of the residential area and floored the gas leaving Zedten trailing behind in dust.

[either they saw us or there in a hurry, because the speed limit is 45]

following the trail left behind Zedten searched for half an hour till he spotted an abandoned warehouse which had a black impala parked by the side.

[I sense multiple powerful signatures, look there's one now]

Turning his eyes to the edge of the warehouse a women about mid 30's walked out and inspected the surroundings before leaning on the corner.

[for the love of look]

[soul vision:lv.MAX]

taking a second look zed was appalled by the mildly pretty older women turn into a decrept foul looking corpse with black smoke weaving into holes all over the pus blister ridden skin.

[lv.1 lesser abyss demon]

looking at the description ten showed them zed was curious about the next move.

jumping onto the roof of the warehouse and pulling a Spiderman zed was clueless as what the plan was.

[it's simple as soon as I saw that walking ball of black mass]

reaching above the female demon zedten smiled [what's the best form of power?]

poseing his hand zedten thrust his hand deep into the demons chest catching her by surprise as zedten quickly yanked back his hand as the demon spasmed onto the floor drooling black ooze out of all her orifices.

(Woah word of warning, what form)

[1×lesser demon soul acquired]

[the power radiating from this soul is enough to give us a huge upgrade let's see if we can spot some more]

skirting along the wall of the warehouse zedten found three more demons 2 middle aged men and a dirty blond women.

"alright you two spread out and set the trap, daddy dearest in the back is the bait when the Winchester Brothers show up you wait for my signal then attack."

shifting to his alter form zedten waited for a chance to attack as the door was kicked in before he could pounce two voices cut in.

"give us our dad you demon bitch."

"Dean we should have gone around back"

finding the situation interesting zedten posted in a corner watching the fight.

"Dean,dean...Dean what no flowers or chocolate"

seeing the blond taunt the smaller brother zedten wanted to Crack up at there banter.

"give us our dad before I send you and your crones straight back to hell you bitch"

looking around with amusement the blond was having fun.

"so here's the deal I have to get that colt for the boss and your dad hid it somewhere so the colt for John Winchester"

looking between themselves the brothers had a secret discussion between themselves.

seeing the discussion coming to an end zedten had to be ready to benefit the most with the distraction.

dropping behind one of the demons hidden behind a steel pillar the kill was quick and the thud of a body broke the silence as the brother's launched into action one pulling out a big flask of holy water as the other pulled out a Bible.

seeing the fight already lost as the only minion left charged out of his hiding place and tackled the smaller brother Dean knocking the flask out of his hand giving the blond the time to run away.

turning the page the other brother started reading passages out of the Bible as Dean fought with the demon on the ground.

seeing the choice zedten debated help them, watch or call it a night and leave.

seeing the brother over power the demon as they both got to there feet zedten saw an easy kill so he took it. overwhelmed by the sight of a strange thing ripping his bloodied tentacle fingered hand out of a dead demons back both brothers were shocked and afraid.

"Sam what the hell do we do about whatever that thing is"

"talk to it...maybe"

"yea sure"

shrugging his shoulders Dean decided to open with small greeting.


seeing the bullets he just unloaded on the unkown creature just ripe through it and do no damage he was stumped.

"well that didn't work anything else"


taking a step around his brother the younger brother introduced himself.

"hi the name is Sam, thanks for the save back there but we got to get our Dad and leave"

leaving the mysterious stranger sam side walked around him and to the back.

doing a double take at his brother's actions Dean was stumped as he caught up to his brother.

"what the HELL man, what if that thing attacked"

"you just put three bullets in it's chest and it didn't ripe us to shreds, that's about as good as It gets Dean." finding there dad tied to a chair they wasted no time getting him to the car.

"what ever that thing is its friendly or just hunts demons which both are good in my book"

seeing the three men get loaded up in there car zed had questions.

(what was that about usually we more you kill those that attack us, also I thought you were going to introduce us so we can get what we were looking for)

[no I changed the plan when I was face to face with Dean I believe was his name, but I found something interesting and planted a small surprise on Dean which will benefit us both when we meet again]

[tick parasite planted:soul capacity 0/8]

<POV Dean>

discussing with his brother and father about multiple subjects like the strange creature or the colt which there father knew the location and there strategy against that thing next time.

"we need to get the colt, but if we run into that creature we deal with it then"

narrowing down the location Elkins stashed the colt Dean itches a bug bite on his ankle oblivious to the fading black mark on it.