
handed a toy! (that's my world) '-'

my portable player is zed age:19 nationally:American hobby:create problems or forces in a sim app on his PC and create a story out of it Gods perspective* [BORING.... why was this reality made there is nothing in it but a group of apes studying there self's trying to see purpose hah idea I'll just make someone make me something fun so....right the only one here damn portable lottery di your thing] POV Zed M×C=k÷3 (this is annoying I wish) impact and lights out to dream land Dream land filled with information installing SYSTEM*** host in critical condition sacrificing part of module to reconstruct host*** failure to merge switching*** warning host soul fractured trying****WARNING host soul is devouring system*Counter measures activate*** '-' host soul has been devoured.** forge human frame for system to create clone of host soul using SYSTEM GOD POV ['●~● That wasn't supposed to happen well he's dead. It was interesting I think I'll create another reality and leave this one] SYSTEM/ZED2 POV construction complete force assembly created to creators last preference titles: [First abandoned by god] [First New progeny] Lv:1 Name:Zeten Gender: Male(unstable DNA) Age:19 race:Symbiote(mutated)58%/Human(mutated)42% class:Nerd ________________ str:6 +14 | +0| +0 dex:7 +6 | +0| +0 con:11 +17 | +0| +0 int:16 +0 | +0| +0 wis:17 +0| +0| +0 chr:8 +4| +0| +0 SHOP +fiction +Non-fiction +roulette path of god: 0% path of demon:0% path of power:0% current goal: solidify existence reward:2 bronze tickets and 1 silver ticket

Zeferath · อื่น ๆ
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Deity's and there life choices

pushing the last piece into place a majestic robed figure cackled into the dark night surrounding him. Looking around he announced the completion of his groups goal, a shrine depicting a human body with it's innards exploding outward with seemingly bright solid red liquid veins reaching for the sky.

"hurry brothers and sisters the sacrifice will not last we must complete the ritual"

calling out to the darkness robed figures arrived from the shadows in droves. taking there position they started chanting in a circle. taking his place Infront the alter the red robe figure started to chant in a loud voice.

" Great one of the Asylums, Lord of the Never-there. We beseech thee oh mighty god Sheog-"

taking a step forward the robed figure was caught off guard when his alter started screaming and exploded sending guts and blood all over those around him. Unluck for him the force propelled him into the air and impacting the brick wall 8ft behind him with a sickening snap leaving him lifeless on the floor.

looking through a mirror used to spie on mid world a giant gleaming in black armor releasing grey vapor from in-between the gaps was confused.

"how can those lowly worms fail to complete one ritual."

pondering there failure the giant failed to hear a high pitch sound from behind till it was to late.

turning to block the object with minimal effort resulting in horror as a bronze colored spear impaled the giant pinning him to the mirror. dangling from the mirror a few inches from the ground the giant screamed in pain as his nearly severed arm acts as a counter weight to keep him steady as a multi-coaersive voice echos from the spear.

"try to influence my followers again and I'll devour you blood and parade your flesh on my walls, fake remenats like you will not be warned again."

having told his warning the spear faded after the voice finished its message. left in a heap covered in his own blood the black armored giant was both furious and deathly afraid at the being which could be called his creator.

meanwhile on the opposite side of the spectrum a figure smaller then the giant but huge in size was working on there masterpiece a item would surely change not only the world he watches over but his allies beside him could use.

*BAM *BAM "damn piece won't go in...and done"

the holy figure bathed in dark purple energy funneled it into his creation a golden orange egg with mystic patterns on the middle and bottom finally having the egg come together as the energy stops. having exhausted himself the figure looks at his creation a bright red copper colored egg that excluded a golden aura leaving him fumbling as he raised his hand and telekineticly tossed the egg up and through a open hatch in his workshop.

"go my creation...go and cause havoc for those bastard's"


being flung to the far wall the holy figure was suddenly incase in a rocky prison leaving only his head free to watch two figures covered in armor come in through the giant hole they made.

"Hephaestus you are under arrest for creation and tampering in taboo and forbidden knowledge"

cutting in before they could go any further

hephaestus started to madly laugh

"Hahaha you pompous bastards who so gracefully killed my brother's while inslaveing myself and my siblings, then punish me for throwing a wrench in your plans, sorry I got an apology gift for you though"

turning there heads to the left they see a sleek silver box with a tag that read

[ To: life destroying cockroach]

[From:your neighborhood karma]

[P.S:get bent]

clueless as to what the fugitive meant they were taken by surprise as hephaestus shouted



the sudden explosion from hephaestus engulfing the workshop and several 100's of miles unaware that his explosion shifted the course of his final creation.