
Halves: Warborn Royalty (Book 1)

In a realm scarred by ancient rivalries, where the clash of kingdoms echoed through the ages, the story of four siblings unfurled like a tapestry woven with honor, duty, and an unquenchable thirst for power. Their parents, rulers of opposing realms, were once star-crossed lovers whose love ignited both passion and animosity. The King hailed from the icy kingdom of the North, with its snow-capped peaks and fierce warrior traditions. In contrast, the Queen reigned over the bountiful lands of the South, where verdant forests and abundant harvests were her kingdom's pride. When news of the Queen's pregnancy reached the King's ears, his joy was overshadowed by simmering tensions between their realms. In a moment of misunderstanding and mistrust, fueled by his love for his people, the King mistakenly believed the Queen plotted against him. Consumed by rage and blinded by his ambitions, he made the fateful decision to wage war against the Queen's domain. As battle raged, the foundations of the Queen's kingdom crumbled under the relentless assault. Once-thriving lands turned to ash, and her people scattered, seeking refuge and solace amidst the chaos. Amidst the turmoil, the Queen's brother, a man known for his unwavering loyalty and cunning mind, made a daring move. Recognizing the grave danger faced by the unborn children, he spirited away the three boys, safeguarding their lives and preserving their lineage. In the midst of the tumult, however, he unwittingly left behind the youngest and only girl-a precious jewel forgotten amidst the madness of war. Unaware of his brother-in-law's intervention, the King discovered the hidden daughter born from their shattered love. Blinded by his own ambition and driven by a hunger for power, he chose to raise the girl as his own, determined to mold her into a worthy heir for his legacy. And so, the four siblings were scattered, their lives diverging into distinct paths, unbeknownst to one another. Each grew up in vastly different environments, shaped by their adopted families and the circumstances surrounding them. They inherited the fiery spirit and strength of their parents, carrying within them their own dreams and ambitions. Unbeknownst to them, the force of fate would weave their destinies together once more. As they matured, the echoes of their shared bloodline beckoned them to reclaim what was lost, to confront their heritage, and to fight for their deepest desires amidst a kingdom torn asunder. United by blood yet divided by circumstance, the four siblings embarked on a perilous journey, where alliances would be forged and shattered, loyalties tested, and the weight of their shared pasts would shape their choices. With intertwined destinies, they strove to shape the future of their realms, forever altering the course of history. Among them, Havrena, the youngest and the only girl, had been raised by her father. The sweetness that once graced her angelic face transformed into anger when her father brought a new woman into his life, one who bore a child. Havrena's right to the kingdom hung precariously on the edge of a knife. Meanwhile, her brothers-Zafron, Vrennon, and Lannis-endured years of hardship in the wilderness. Despite their struggles, they were fortunate to have loyal nobles and soldiers by their side, helping them forge a new life. Outnumbered but resolute, they devised a plan to reclaim their homeland and gather their scattered people once more. This is the beginning of the tale, where the four siblings, born of feuding royalty, rise above their origins, burdened by the weight of their legacy. With determination, they embark on a quest to reclaim what was stolen.

colinnennz · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

who are they?

As they huddled around the crackling fire, the glow of the flames illuminated the somber expressions on the faces of Frost, Gideon, Beren, and Aries. The weight of recent events and the looming uncertainty weighed heavily on their hearts.

Gideon's voice was the first to break the silence, his tone reflecting the vulnerability hidden beneath his usual charisma. "I can't shake off the feeling that we're being watched, that danger lurks in the shadows. The attack on me was not a random act; it was calculated, meant to send a message."

Beren nodded in agreement. "I share your concern, cousin. The timing of this attack, just before the coronation and wedding, is too deliberate to be coincidental. Our enemies seek to undermine the unity we've fought so hard to achieve."

A cloud of unease settled over the group as they contemplated the gravity of the situation. The fear of war loomed large in their minds, reminding them of the consequences it could bring to their families and kingdoms.

"We cannot allow fear to paralyze us," Frost spoke, her voice steady and resolute. "We must face this threat head-on, but not recklessly. Our strength lies in our unity and our intelligence. Let us tread carefully, gathering as much information as we can before taking any action."

Aries, the strategist, chimed in, "Agreed. We need to find allies among the allied kingdoms, those who remain true to our cause. Together, we can strengthen our position and face our enemies with a united front."

Gideon nodded, "We must also be cautious of anyone close to us. The spies infiltrated our ranks, and we need to ensure that our circle is free from traitors."

As the conversation continued, a sense of unity and determination began to take hold. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were determined to stand strong, both for the upcoming coronation and wedding and for the sake of their families.

"Our aunts' wedding signifies the merging of two powerful houses," Gideon said, his voice laced with pride. "The House of Hathorn and the House of Wintercrest. It's a testament to the unity we've forged. We must not let anything or anyone tarnish this momentous occasion."

Frost added, "Our families have faced adversaries before, and we have always emerged stronger. We must draw from the strength of our ancestors and our shared legacy. We are Wintercrest, and we shall not be broken."

As they steeled themselves for the battles to come, the bond between the princes grew stronger. In the face of uncertainty and danger, they found solace in their unity, their shared purpose, and their unyielding determination to protect their families and their kingdoms.

The night wore on, and the fire cast long shadows across the river bank. The princes knew that the path ahead would not be easy, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together as one.

The journey to the coronation and wedding continued, but it was now laced with a newfound sense of resilience and camaraderie. They had each other's backs, and they knew that no matter what they faced, they would stand united against the darkness that threatened to engulf their kingdoms.

As they settled in for the night, they kept a vigilant watch, knowing that danger could strike at any moment. But beneath the stars that twinkled above them, they found comfort in knowing that they were not alone—that they were a family united, ready to face whatever the future held with strength and courage.