
Halves: Warborn Royalty (Book 1)

In a realm scarred by ancient rivalries, where the clash of kingdoms echoed through the ages, the story of four siblings unfurled like a tapestry woven with honor, duty, and an unquenchable thirst for power. Their parents, rulers of opposing realms, were once star-crossed lovers whose love ignited both passion and animosity. The King hailed from the icy kingdom of the North, with its snow-capped peaks and fierce warrior traditions. In contrast, the Queen reigned over the bountiful lands of the South, where verdant forests and abundant harvests were her kingdom's pride. When news of the Queen's pregnancy reached the King's ears, his joy was overshadowed by simmering tensions between their realms. In a moment of misunderstanding and mistrust, fueled by his love for his people, the King mistakenly believed the Queen plotted against him. Consumed by rage and blinded by his ambitions, he made the fateful decision to wage war against the Queen's domain. As battle raged, the foundations of the Queen's kingdom crumbled under the relentless assault. Once-thriving lands turned to ash, and her people scattered, seeking refuge and solace amidst the chaos. Amidst the turmoil, the Queen's brother, a man known for his unwavering loyalty and cunning mind, made a daring move. Recognizing the grave danger faced by the unborn children, he spirited away the three boys, safeguarding their lives and preserving their lineage. In the midst of the tumult, however, he unwittingly left behind the youngest and only girl-a precious jewel forgotten amidst the madness of war. Unaware of his brother-in-law's intervention, the King discovered the hidden daughter born from their shattered love. Blinded by his own ambition and driven by a hunger for power, he chose to raise the girl as his own, determined to mold her into a worthy heir for his legacy. And so, the four siblings were scattered, their lives diverging into distinct paths, unbeknownst to one another. Each grew up in vastly different environments, shaped by their adopted families and the circumstances surrounding them. They inherited the fiery spirit and strength of their parents, carrying within them their own dreams and ambitions. Unbeknownst to them, the force of fate would weave their destinies together once more. As they matured, the echoes of their shared bloodline beckoned them to reclaim what was lost, to confront their heritage, and to fight for their deepest desires amidst a kingdom torn asunder. United by blood yet divided by circumstance, the four siblings embarked on a perilous journey, where alliances would be forged and shattered, loyalties tested, and the weight of their shared pasts would shape their choices. With intertwined destinies, they strove to shape the future of their realms, forever altering the course of history. Among them, Havrena, the youngest and the only girl, had been raised by her father. The sweetness that once graced her angelic face transformed into anger when her father brought a new woman into his life, one who bore a child. Havrena's right to the kingdom hung precariously on the edge of a knife. Meanwhile, her brothers-Zafron, Vrennon, and Lannis-endured years of hardship in the wilderness. Despite their struggles, they were fortunate to have loyal nobles and soldiers by their side, helping them forge a new life. Outnumbered but resolute, they devised a plan to reclaim their homeland and gather their scattered people once more. This is the beginning of the tale, where the four siblings, born of feuding royalty, rise above their origins, burdened by the weight of their legacy. With determination, they embark on a quest to reclaim what was stolen.

colinnennz · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Queen Ravenna

Havrena stood in the shadows, her curiosity getting the better of her as she eavesdropped on the conversation between her father and his counselors. She strained to catch every word, eager to uncover the hidden depths of their discussions. Yet, as the meeting drew to a close, she was left with more questions than answers.

As the door swung open and the counselors and generals filed out, Havrena hesitated before making her move. She knew she couldn't let this opportunity slip away. Silently, she followed one of the figures through the grand hall, her steps quiet and deliberate.

"Is it you, Lord Enzo?" Havrena called out softly, her voice echoing through the empty corridor. Startled, Lord Enzo turned to face her, a mixture of surprise and delight dancing in his eyes. He bowed respectfully before her, his words laced with genuine warmth.

"My lady, it has been far too long," Lord Enzo replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I am overjoyed to see you. How have you been faring?"

A rush of emotions flooded Havrena's heart as she looked upon her childhood friend, now a young captain and trusted aide to Lord Denethor. It had been years since they had shared moments of laughter and camaraderie, and Havrena felt a sense of longing deep within her soul.

With a shy smile, she replied, "I am well, thank you. The coronation of Prince Ignis was a grand affair, filled with splendor and anticipation. It brought back memories of our own childhood days."

Enzo nodded, a wistful look in his eyes. "I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Much has changed since we last crossed paths. I returned from the war to assist Lord Denethor in matters of strategy and counsel. The kingdom faces challenges, but we shall navigate them together."

Havrena listened intently, her heart swelling with a mix of admiration and pride for Enzo's dedication and loyalty. The bond they had forged in their youth seemed to reignite in that moment, bridging the gap that time had created.

"You have grown into a formidable leader, Enzo," Havrena said softly, her gaze meeting his. "I have missed our conversations and the adventures we shared. It feels like a lifetime ago."

Enzo's eyes sparkled with a blend of fondness and affection. "I have missed them too, my princess. Life has taken us on different paths, but our connection remains unbroken. The memories we created together are etched in my heart."

They stood there, enveloped in a quiet understanding, a shared history that bound them beyond the passing of time. The echoes of their laughter and whispered secrets reverberated through the corridor, filling the air with a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

"We should find moments to reconnect, Havrena," Enzo suggested, his voice gentle yet filled with determination. "In the midst of our duties and responsibilities, let us not forget the bonds we once cherished. The world may change, but our friendship can remain steadfast."

A smile tugged at the corners of Havrena's lips as she nodded in agreement. "I wholeheartedly agree, Enzo. Let us seize every opportunity to create new memories and reclaim the connection we once shared. Together, we can face the challenges that lie ahead."

With that, their conversation continued, the walls of formality crumbling as they delved into tales of their shared past, laughter mingling with whispers of dreams and aspirations. In that brief encounter, Havrena found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

Amidst the backdrop of uncertainty and hidden agendas, Havrena held onto the flame of their friendship.

Havrena's curiosity about her aunt Larrisa burned brighter with each passing moment. She couldn't help but wonder about the woman known as the Bloodhead of the North, renowned for her prowess in battle. Seeking answers, she turned to Enzo, hoping he could shed some light on Larrisa's fighting abilities.

"Can I ask you something, Enzo?" Havrena inquired, her voice filled with intrigue. "Four years ago, you fought alongside my aunt Larrisa, didn't you?"

Enzo nodded, his gaze fixed on Havrena. "Yes, that is correct. I had the honor of fighting alongside Lady Larrisa."

Curiosity burning in her eyes, Havrena pressed further. "What was she like in battle? Could a woman like her truly fight? How many foes did she vanquish? How did she overcome soldiers and knights?"

Enzo furrowed his brow, his mind delving into the recesses of his memories. "I must apologize, my princess," he began. "Though I fought alongside Lady Larrisa, I did not witness her fighting firsthand. However, I do recall seeing her drenched in blood, her white hair stained crimson. It was a sight that nearly took my breath away. From what I heard, she struck fear into the hearts of her enemies, dispatching them with a ferocity and skill unmatched. Your father fought side by side with her, and he would be the best person to answer your questions."

Havrena's amazement only grew, captivated by the image of her aunt, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Enzo's small glimpse into Larrisa's abilities left her yearning for more, but she understood that her father held the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding her aunt's prowess.

As Havrena and Enzo engaged in their conversation, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted their exchange. Lord Denethor, a commanding presence, appeared before them. His eyes met Havrena's, and he bowed respectfully.

"Forgive me, my princess," Lord Denethor spoke with urgency. "Enzo and I must attend to matters at hand. The armies are waiting."

Havrena nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Lord Denethor. May you both be successful in your endeavors."

Before Enzo departed, he flashed a warm smile and handed Havrena a small, delicate flower. "Goodbye for now, my princess. We shall meet again soon."

Havrena watched as they turned and disappeared into the corridors of responsibility. Clutching the flower in her hand, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. She would seek answers, not only about her aunt but about her own place in this complex world.

With Enzo's parting gift, Havrena felt a glimmer of hope and a promise of future encounters. The wheels of destiny were turning, and she was ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead, guided by the whispers of the past and the friendships that would shape her journey.


As the evening descended upon them, the king found solace on the terrace, gazing into the gentle breeze. Queen Ravenna, ever perceptive, approached him, her voice laced with concern. "My love, what troubles your mind?" she inquired, her eyes searching for the truth hidden behind his smile.

"It's nothing of consequence," the king replied, his smile faltering momentarily before resurfacing. Yet, he knew he could not conceal his true feelings from his perceptive queen. His burdens weighed heavily upon him, straining his thoughts and clouding his heart.

The queen understood her place, aware that her limited understanding of politics made her hesitant to pry further. She was, after all, a commoner who had been blessed with the title of queen. But the queen's ambitious nature often led her to covet more power and influence.

However, that night, the queen had a surprise in store for the king. In a soft whisper, she revealed, "My king, I carry our child within me." The news struck the king like lightning, a mixture of shock and conflicting emotions coursing through his veins. They embraced tightly, their hearts intertwined in a bittersweet moment.

But as their bodies pressed against each other, the queen's mood shifted abruptly, revealing the true essence of her intentions. Unbeknownst to the king, the queen's mind was consumed by her children's claim to the kingdom. She harbored deep-seated concerns and aspirations, blinded by the allure of wealth and power.

In that moment, the king remained oblivious to the queen's hidden agenda. He believed her embrace was an expression of their love, a symbol of their shared joy. However, little did he know that beneath her seemingly genuine affection, the queen's desires and ambitions simmered, threatening to disrupt the delicate balance of their realm.

Unaware of the storm brewing within his queen's heart, the king clung to the hope that their love and the promise of their unborn child would bring them happiness and unity. But the threads of fate were interwoven with secrets and concealed motives, waiting to unravel in the face of challenges yet to come.


Who is Queen Ravenna?

In the intricate tapestry of fate, Queen Ravenna's journey began as a simple woman caught amidst the chaos of the battlefield. She was captured by Wintercrest soldiers, destined to become a prisoner of war. In her captive state, she was assigned as a maid to serve the needs of the king.

The king's charismatic presence and noble spirit stirred something deep within Ravenna's heart. Her own tragic past haunted her, as she had lost her family at the hands of Wintercrest's enemies. However, amidst the hardships of war, she found solace in caring for the king, showing him kindness and tending to his well-being.

As time passed and their bond grew, Ravenna's feelings for the king blossomed into something more profound. She longed to share a deeper connection with him, to express her love in the most intimate of ways. One fateful night, after a grueling battle, they returned to camp, their bodies weary and spirits longing for solace. It was then that Ravenna, with tenderness and care, attended to the king's wounds, offering him solace and healing.

In a moment of shared vulnerability and desire, Ravenna's intentions became clear. She longed to be more than a mere maid; she yearned to be his lover, to share passionate moments with him. Their nights together became a clandestine affair, a secret woven between them, bound by desire and the depths of their connection. Though their encounters were many, their love remained hidden from prying eyes.

However, as their love deepened, the king made a momentous decision. He chose to bring Ravenna to his own kingdom, the realm of Stormwood. Ravenna's heart brimmed with joy, for she saw this as an opportunity to fulfill her dreams of becoming a queen, a position that held allure for countless women throughout history.

Yet, upon arriving in Stormwood, Ravenna discovered the existence of the king's daughter, Havrena. In that moment, envy and insecurity seeped into Ravenna's heart. The realization that her child, conceived during their passionate nights, was not born of legitimacy, cast a shadow over her aspirations. The presence of Havrena and the enigmatic motives of Larrisa, the king's sister, served as constant reminders of the obstacles standing between Ravenna and her dreams.

In the depths of Ravenna's heart, conflicting emotions swirled. Her desire for power and the love she held for the king waged a silent battle within her. Ravenna's path as queen was fraught with challenges, secrets, and the weight of her own ambitions, all of which threatened to shape the destiny of the realm and its inhabitants.