
Halves: Warborn Royalty (Book 1)

In a realm scarred by ancient rivalries, where the clash of kingdoms echoed through the ages, the story of four siblings unfurled like a tapestry woven with honor, duty, and an unquenchable thirst for power. Their parents, rulers of opposing realms, were once star-crossed lovers whose love ignited both passion and animosity. The King hailed from the icy kingdom of the North, with its snow-capped peaks and fierce warrior traditions. In contrast, the Queen reigned over the bountiful lands of the South, where verdant forests and abundant harvests were her kingdom's pride. When news of the Queen's pregnancy reached the King's ears, his joy was overshadowed by simmering tensions between their realms. In a moment of misunderstanding and mistrust, fueled by his love for his people, the King mistakenly believed the Queen plotted against him. Consumed by rage and blinded by his ambitions, he made the fateful decision to wage war against the Queen's domain. As battle raged, the foundations of the Queen's kingdom crumbled under the relentless assault. Once-thriving lands turned to ash, and her people scattered, seeking refuge and solace amidst the chaos. Amidst the turmoil, the Queen's brother, a man known for his unwavering loyalty and cunning mind, made a daring move. Recognizing the grave danger faced by the unborn children, he spirited away the three boys, safeguarding their lives and preserving their lineage. In the midst of the tumult, however, he unwittingly left behind the youngest and only girl-a precious jewel forgotten amidst the madness of war. Unaware of his brother-in-law's intervention, the King discovered the hidden daughter born from their shattered love. Blinded by his own ambition and driven by a hunger for power, he chose to raise the girl as his own, determined to mold her into a worthy heir for his legacy. And so, the four siblings were scattered, their lives diverging into distinct paths, unbeknownst to one another. Each grew up in vastly different environments, shaped by their adopted families and the circumstances surrounding them. They inherited the fiery spirit and strength of their parents, carrying within them their own dreams and ambitions. Unbeknownst to them, the force of fate would weave their destinies together once more. As they matured, the echoes of their shared bloodline beckoned them to reclaim what was lost, to confront their heritage, and to fight for their deepest desires amidst a kingdom torn asunder. United by blood yet divided by circumstance, the four siblings embarked on a perilous journey, where alliances would be forged and shattered, loyalties tested, and the weight of their shared pasts would shape their choices. With intertwined destinies, they strove to shape the future of their realms, forever altering the course of history. Among them, Havrena, the youngest and the only girl, had been raised by her father. The sweetness that once graced her angelic face transformed into anger when her father brought a new woman into his life, one who bore a child. Havrena's right to the kingdom hung precariously on the edge of a knife. Meanwhile, her brothers-Zafron, Vrennon, and Lannis-endured years of hardship in the wilderness. Despite their struggles, they were fortunate to have loyal nobles and soldiers by their side, helping them forge a new life. Outnumbered but resolute, they devised a plan to reclaim their homeland and gather their scattered people once more. This is the beginning of the tale, where the four siblings, born of feuding royalty, rise above their origins, burdened by the weight of their legacy. With determination, they embark on a quest to reclaim what was stolen.

colinnennz · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Crownless Princes

In the realm of my dreams, the echoes of the past unfold before me. I bear witness to the devastating destruction of my homeland, where people flee for their lives, and armies gather to face an imminent threat. The Black Army from the North looms at our doorstep, casting a shadow of fear and despair.

Amidst the chaos, I catch a glimpse of the newly crowned king, Cytus, standing resolute in the face of adversity. His determination shines through, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

As I delve deeper into my dream, the scene shifts, and I find myself witnessing my sister's agonizing struggle in childbirth. In the midst of her pain, she implores me, "Take my children." Her words resonate within me, as if she is reaching out from beyond the realms of reality, urging me to protect and care for her precious offspring.

Startled from my nightmare, I awaken to find myself in the waking world. Before me, lie my two nephews, Zafhron and Lannis, concernedly inquiring about my well-being. Their youthful faces reflect both innocence and a shared burden, for they too carry the weight of their mother's fate. With a reassuring smile, I respond, "I'm fine, it was just a bad dream."

In that moment, a question tugs at my heart. Where is their brother, Vrennon? Curiosity spills forth from my lips, and I ask the young nephews, "Where is Vrennon?" They reply with a calm assurance, "He's still in training. We just came to check on you, wondering why you haven't joined us in our training grounds."

A flicker of concern passes through my mind, but I quickly push it aside. There are greater matters at hand, responsibilities entrusted to me by my sister. Her words echo within me, a constant reminder of the connection we share even beyond the veil of life and death. I know that I am the vessel through which she maintains contact with her beloved children.

With renewed determination, I rise from my bed, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. Bound by blood and fueled by the love for my sister, I will protect and guide her children, ensuring their safety and nurturing their potential. Together, we will navigate the treacherous paths of this fractured world, forging a destiny that transcends the nightmares of the past and heralds a brighter future.

As the concern in my nephews' eyes lingered, I realized that my momentary unease had affected them. Wanting to alleviate their worries, I plastered a reassuring smile on my face and spoke with a cheerful tone, "Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm perfectly fine. It was just a dream, nothing more. Now, come on, let's not dwell on it. You two lads need to focus on your training and make your bodies strong!"

Their expressions gradually shifted from concern to determination as my words reached them. Zafhron, the older of the two, nodded, his eyes reflecting a newfound resolve. "You're right, Uncle," he said, a touch of determination in his voice. "We can't let fear hold us back. We'll train harder and become stronger for our family and our homeland."

Lannis, the younger nephew, chimed in with a determined spark in his eyes, "Yes! We won't let anything stand in our way. We'll make sure our parents' sacrifices were not in vain."

The weight of their words filled the room, intertwining with the unspoken promise that bound us all. With a renewed sense of purpose, I led them towards the training grounds, where their skills and strengths would be honed. Together, we would prepare for the challenges that lay ahead, drawing strength from the memory of our parents and the bond we shared as family.

As the sun cast its warm rays upon us, we embraced the day with determination, leaving behind the lingering shadows of the night. With each step, we moved forward, united in our pursuit of a brighter future. No longer burdened by a mere dream, we embraced the path that fate had set before us, ready to face whatever trials awaited us on our journey.

For in the face of adversity, it is through resilience, determination, and the unwavering bond of family that we find the strength to rise above and carve our own destiny.


The following day arrived, and it was a day like any other. We dedicated ourselves to our training, embracing the routines and challenges that awaited us.

As the three siblings engaged in their exercises, it was evident that Vrennon's performance stood out among them. His natural talent for tactics, coupled with his proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, showcased his versatility and strategic mind. Observing his focused determination, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation for the leader he would become.

Meanwhile, Zafhron displayed remarkable skill and finesse with the sword, his movements precise and calculated. He immersed himself in the art of swordsmanship, honing his technique and perfecting his form. It was clear that his dedication and unwavering commitment to his craft would make him a formidable warrior.

Lannis, on the other hand, showcased his prowess with the bow and arrow, his aim steady and true. His precision and agility made him a formidable archer, capable of striking his targets with remarkable accuracy. Alongside his archery skills, Lannis also showed great aptitude in hand-to-hand combat, employing swift and calculated maneuvers.

Together, their individual strengths and complementary skills formed a formidable trio. They trained relentlessly, not only in their specialized areas but also in various other aspects of combat. Their bodies endured the rigors of physical conditioning, building strength, stamina, and agility.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, their bond as siblings grew stronger, their trust in each other unyielding. Through sweat and perseverance, they molded themselves into skilled warriors, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Little did they know that their training would soon be put to the test. The echoes of their parents' legacy resonated within them, urging them forward on their shared path. United by blood, driven by a shared purpose, and armed with their respective skills, they were poised to make a mark on the world.

For in the realm of their ambitions, their destinies intertwined, bound by their unwavering determination to reclaim what was lost and shape the future of their fractured realm. And as they continued their training, their skills sharpened, and their hearts filled with the burning desire to protect their homeland and restore honor to their family name.


After a long and exhausting day of training, we were greeted by the presence of the women and children in our lives. The youngsters, filled with curiosity and excitement, surrounded us, borrowing our swords and marveling at the craftsmanship of the weapons. Their innocent admiration brought smiles to our faces, reminding us of the importance of our endeavors and the legacy we sought to uphold.

As the women joined us, their arms laden with delicious food, a sense of warmth enveloped our training grounds. In the Southern lands, where bountiful forests and fertile fields thrived, the culinary arts were revered, and our people excelled in the art of creating mouthwatering dishes. The men, having ventured into the wilderness to secure the provisions, presented the fruits of their labor, while the women skillfully prepared and cooked the ingredients, infusing the air with tantalizing aromas.

Gathered around a makeshift table, we shared the meal as a family. Laughter, chatter, and the clinking of utensils filled the air, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and togetherness. The food, a testament to the region's abundance and the skill of its people, brought comfort and nourishment to our tired bodies.

In this moment, the weight of our responsibilities momentarily lifted, allowing us to revel in the joy of simple pleasures and the company of loved ones. It was a reminder that amidst the challenges and battles that lay ahead, there would always be moments of respite, where we could find solace in the presence of family and the taste of a hearty meal.

As the evening wore on, stories were shared, songs were sung, and the bond between us grew stronger. It was in these moments of unity and shared experiences that our resolve to protect and rebuild our homeland was strengthened. The women, mothers and sisters, provided the support and love that fueled our determination, while the children embodied the hope for a better future.

With our bellies full and our spirits uplifted, we bid farewell to the night, knowing that the next day would bring new challenges, new battles to face. But we faced them with the knowledge that we were not alone, that we had each other and the unwavering support of our loved ones.

And so, as we retired to our quarters, our hearts were filled with gratitude for the nourishment, both physical and emotional, that we had received. The memory of that shared meal would linger in our minds, reminding us of the importance of unity, love, and the indomitable spirit of our people.

For it is in these simple yet profound moments that the true strength of a family and a kingdom resides. And with the taste of delicious food still lingering on our tongues, we embraced the coming challenges, ready to face them together, bound by the unbreakable ties of kinship and the shared purpose that burned within our hearts.

As our loyal soldiers and generals arrived, their late arrival immediately drew our attention. Winston, my trusted general, wasted no time in reporting the potential threats they had discovered from the west. After days of careful study, they had confirmed that these were indeed spies from Cytus and his allied forces. However, what struck us with a deep sense of shock and betrayal was Winston's belief that the House of Hathorn had joined their ranks.

For nearly 16 years, we had sent messengers to Hathorn, desperately seeking their assistance. Not a single one had returned, leaving us in a state of uncertainty and frustration. Our hopes of receiving aid from them had gradually faded, but the confirmation of their betrayal hit us with renewed force. The House of Hathorn, once considered staunch allies, had chosen to align themselves with the very enemy who had ravaged our homeland.

We had also reached out to other trusted allies, but the outcomes were equally disheartening. Some had made valiant attempts to help us, only to meet their demise at the hands of Cytus and his forces. Others, seduced by the allure of power or swayed by political calculations, had turned their backs on us when we needed them the most.

Now, with limited options and our backs against the wall, the only remaining ally we knew of resided on the other side of the continent. Seeking their help would be an immense challenge, fraught with risks and uncertainties. However, desperate times called for desperate measures, and we knew that the survival of our people and the reclamation of our homeland depended on our ability to forge new alliances, no matter the obstacles that lay before us.

"I knew it! Hathorn is a great deceiver!" Atlas exclaimed, his voice filled with anger and resentment. "I saw it coming. He didn't lift a finger to help us when Cytus waged war on our lands. It's because of him that our queen is dead!"

Gael, a young and wise lad who had witnessed the events unfold, interjected with a calm voice. "Enough! Blaming others for the death of our queen won't solve anything. It is our responsibility, and yes, while their support could have made a difference, the blame ultimately falls on us, not them."

The conversation continued as the weight of betrayal settled upon us. "This reveals the true nature of people. Friends or foes, their loyalty means little when it is convenient for them," my great general remarked, his tone filled with a mix of disappointment and determination.

Now, faced with the harsh reality of being outnumbered and without any trustworthy allies, the question loomed before us: How could we successfully reclaim our homeland? The odds seemed insurmountable, and the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty.

Our options were limited, but we knew that perseverance and strategic thinking would be our guiding principles. We would have to rely on our own strength, resilience, and resourcefulness. We would need to gather every ounce of courage and determination within us to face the formidable forces aligned against us.

Our first step would be to carefully assess our capabilities and resources. Despite our numerical disadvantage, we possessed skilled soldiers, capable generals, and a deep knowledge of our homeland's terrain. We would use these advantages to plan and execute tactical maneuvers that would exploit the weaknesses of our enemies.

In addition, we would need to find a way to build new alliances, even in the face of the recent betrayals we had experienced. While trust was in short supply, we understood that not all were blinded by self-interest. There were still honorable individuals and factions who shared our vision for a liberated homeland.

To find these potential allies, we would have to navigate a treacherous political landscape, where hidden agendas and hidden dangers lurked at every turn. We would have to rely on our intuition, our ability to read people's true intentions, and our negotiation skills to forge alliances that were based on mutual trust and shared goals.

Reclaiming our homeland would not be an easy task, but we were determined to fight for what was rightfully ours. Our love for our people and our deep-rooted connection to the land fueled our spirits. We knew that even in the darkest of times, hope could be found, and the flame of resilience could be rekindled.

Together, we would rise from the ashes of betrayal, united in our purpose, and unwavering in our pursuit of freedom. It would be a long and arduous journey, but with every step forward, we would inch closer to the day when our homeland would be liberated once again.


As I turned my back, I noticed my nephews listening intently to our conversation. Their young faces held a mixture of determination and curiosity. It was true, they were only 16 years old, and their lack of experience in the field was a cause for concern.

"The princes are still young. Despite their training, we doubt their survival in the harsh realities of war," Greg, Gael's older brother, voiced his apprehension. His words resonated with the worries that many of us held deep within.

Heber, another trusted companion, spoke up with a thoughtful suggestion. "Perhaps, if we join them in small missions and act as their mentors, they can gain valuable experience and learnings. We can recreate the old tradition of having mentors for each soldier. In this way, we can guide and protect the princes while exposing them to the realities of battle."

The idea struck a chord with many in our group. It was a way to balance the need for their growth and development as leaders while ensuring their safety in the tumultuous times we faced. The memories of the fallen warriors in the Battle of the Garden of Graves still haunted us, reminding us of the sacrifices made for our cause.

With a nod of agreement, we decided to implement Heber's suggestion. We would assign seasoned soldiers, those who had survived the battles and proven their mettle, as mentors to the princes. These mentors would share their knowledge, provide guidance, and instill in them the virtues of courage, honor, and strategy.

Through this mentorship program, the princes would not only gain practical experience on the battlefield but also benefit from the wisdom and expertise of our seasoned warriors. It would be a symbiotic relationship, where the princes would learn and grow, while the mentors would have the opportunity to pass on their legacy and ensure the continuity of our cause.

This decision was met with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. We recognized that the survival and success of our homeland relied not only on the strength of our army but also on the capabilities and leadership of the next generation. By investing in the princes' development and providing them with the necessary support, we were paving the way for a brighter future.

As the sun set on that day, a sense of unity and determination enveloped our camp. We had charted a path forward, one that would see the princes honing their skills, gaining invaluable experience, and growing into leaders who could carry our legacy forward. We were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that with each step we took, we were one step closer to reclaiming our homeland and securing a better future for all.


Vrennon's sudden outburst took us all by surprise. He had always been the quiet and observant one, rarely speaking unless necessary. As I tried to gather my thoughts and maintain composure, I realized the depth of his words and the genuine confusion he expressed.

"I appreciate your concern," Vrennon began, his voice steady but tinged with uncertainty. "But before you train us, please put in our hearts what really happened? I cannot understand deeply the emotions you have. How can my brother and I fight them without experiencing the same emotions as you?"

His words hung in the air, causing a ripple of reactions among those present. Some were shocked by his audacity to question our motives, others felt offended, while a few seemed to empathize with his genuine desire to understand. As for me, I was caught off guard, unsure of how to respond.

Greg, Gael's older brother, was the first to break the silence. His tone was firm but empathetic as he addressed Vrennon. "Vrennon, we understand your need for clarity and a deeper connection to the emotions we've experienced. But it's important to remember that each person's experience is unique. We fight for different reasons, fueled by different passions and losses. You and your brother have your own path to forge."

Heber, ever the voice of reason, chimed in with a thoughtful perspective. "Vrennon, emotions can be both a strength and a weakness in battle. While it's essential to understand the gravity of our cause, it's equally important to approach it with a clear mind and strategic thinking. Your ability to analyze situations objectively can be an advantage."

Listening to their responses, I realized that Vrennon's question stemmed from a genuine desire to connect with the emotional aspect of our struggle. He wanted to understand the depths of our pain, our motivations, and the sacrifices that had led us to this point. His request was not born out of disrespect but rather a yearning for a deeper understanding.

Taking a moment to compose myself, I addressed Vrennon directly, my voice filled with a mixture of understanding and reassurance. "Vrennon, emotions are complex, and they can manifest differently in each person. While we carry the weight of our past and our losses, it is not necessary for you and your brother to feel the exact same emotions as us to fight for our cause. Your strength lies in your unique perspective, your skills, and the bonds you forge with your allies. Together, we will navigate this path, and you will discover your own reasons to fight."

Vrennon's expression softened, and a hint of understanding flickered in his eyes. It was a moment of connection, a realization that his journey would be distinct from ours, yet equally valuable in shaping the future we sought.

With newfound clarity, we continued our preparations, knowing that the road ahead would be arduous and uncertain. But in the unity of our purpose and the strength of our determination, we found solace and a shared resolve to overcome the challenges that lay before us. Vrennon's question had served as a reminder that each of us had a unique role to play in this battle, and together, we would fight with our own convictions and find the courage to reclaim what was rightfully ours.

Winston, with a heavy heart, began to recount the events that had unfolded on that fateful day. His voice carried the weight of sorrow and regret as he spoke:

"Tell us, what really happened at that time?" Vrennon's voice cut through the silence, demanding the truth.

Winston took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on Vrennon. "I remember it vividly. We were celebrating a joyous feast, filled with laughter and merriment. The queen, your mother, was heavily pregnant and about to give birth. The anticipation and excitement filled the air, and the entire kingdom rejoiced in the impending arrival of three beautiful baby boys."

A pang of pain flashed across Winston's face as he continued, "But then, the unthinkable happened. The northern army descended upon us, their armor gleaming and their weapons raised. It was a swift and brutal assault, catching us off guard. The soldiers fought valiantly, though they were not fully prepared. We managed to push them back to the plains, now known as the Garden of the Graves, where the fallen soldiers rest."

His voice quivered as he spoke the next words, the weight of the tragedy evident in his tone. "During the chaos of battle, your mother, exhausted and unable to lead her people, succumbed to complications. She fought until her last breath, but she could not be saved. It was a devastating loss, one that struck deep into the hearts of us all."

Winston's eyes met Vrennon's, filled with a mixture of grief and admiration. "It pains me, my young prince, that you never had the chance to wear the crown that was meticulously crafted for you. Your mother's dream of seeing you ascend the throne was shattered that day."

Silence enveloped the room, the weight of the past settling heavily upon our shoulders. The truth had been laid bare, and the pain of our collective loss resurfaced once again. In that moment, Vrennon's coldness softened, replaced by a glimmer of understanding and empathy for the struggles we had endured.

As we looked at one another, the raw emotions of that dark day still lingering, we found solace in the shared journey we were about to embark upon. United by our common purpose and the desire to reclaim our homeland, we knew that together we would honor the memory of the fallen, including Vrennon's mother, and forge a path toward redemption.

With the truth finally revealed, we took a collective breath, ready to face the challenges ahead, drawing strength from our shared determination and the bonds that held us together. The road would not be easy, but we were resolved to fight for justice, to restore what was lost, and to ensure that the sacrifices of the past were not in vain.

Silence hung heavily in the room as I shared my harrowing account of that tragic day. The shock on everyone's faces was evident, their eyes wide with disbelief and sorrow. Vrennon, in particular, seemed to be grappling with a mix of emotions, his gaze fixed on me.

"I was away," I continued, my voice filled with a mixture of pain and determination. "When I arrived, the city was already engulfed in flames. I fought my way through the chaos, determined to protect and save our people. But as I entered the kingdom, I discovered the unimaginable. The enemies were among us, wreaking havoc and sowing destruction."

The room held its breath as I recounted the desperate moments that followed. "As I made my way to your mother's side, I encountered the maids who had been with her. They informed me that she had given birth, but her condition was critical. My heart raced as I rushed to her, praying for a miracle."

A profound sadness washed over me as I continued, my voice trembling with the weight of the memories. "In that moment, I held her fragile hand, trying to convey strength and love. But our reunion was short-lived. Cytus, consumed by his own darkness, appeared before us. He stabbed her, and the world seemed to stand still."

The room echoed with gasps and murmurs as the gravity of the situation sank in. "I tried to protect you, to shield you from harm," I confessed, my voice choked with emotion. "But I was powerless against Cytus. My sister, despite her wounds and the ordeal of childbirth, summoned every ounce of her strength to fight back. She selflessly protected you, the princes, with her very life."

A somber silence settled over us as the weight of my sister's sacrifice hung in the air. I continued, my words filled with both sorrow and uncertainty. "Before we fled, she entrusted me with your safety and her final message of love. She wanted nothing more than for you to be cared for and cherished."

A mixture of anger and confusion filled the room as I shared the truth about Cytus and the uncertain paternity surrounding Vrennon and his brothers. "Cytus had a romantic relationship with your mother, but whether he is your father remains uncertain. Your mother, in secret, married Prince Dieter. But with Dieter's fate unknown, we are left without confirmation."

The room was abuzz with whispered conversations and exchanged glances. The revelation had shaken the very foundation of their beliefs and understanding. Emotions swirled, ranging from grief to anger to determination.

Vrennon finally spoke, his voice laced with a complex blend of sadness and resolve. "I may not have known my mother, but I now understand the depths of her love and the sacrifices she made. We will honor her memory and fight for what is right."

Nods of agreement rippled through the room as the weight of our shared history and the desire for justice pressed upon us. We had been burdened with the truth, but we were also emboldened by it. Together, we would seek the truth about Vrennon's lineage, face the challenges ahead, and ensure that the sacrifices made by his mother and our fallen comrades were not in vain.

"Now, it is clear. What say you, Vrennon? Zafhron and Lannis?", Winston's question hung in the air, awaiting the response of the young princes. Vrennon, deep in thought, finally looked up, his eyes burning with determination. "I have heard the truth, seen the sacrifices, and felt the weight of our history. I am ready to fight, to reclaim what is rightfully ours."

Zafhron and Lannis, their faces etched with resolve, stood alongside their brother. Their synchronized response echoed through the room, "When will we begin?" Their voices carried a mix of eagerness and determination, a testament to their readiness to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I witnessed the newfound determination in the princes. They had transformed from young, eager trainees into warriors fueled by a sense of purpose and a desire for justice. Their commitment to the cause filled me with pride.

Winston's gaze shifted from one prince to another, acknowledging their readiness. "The time to begin is now," he declared, his voice resonating with authority. "We shall embark on a path of training, guidance, and preparation. Through mentorship and experience, we will forge you into formidable warriors, worthy of our legacy."

The room buzzed with anticipation as plans were set into motion. Mentors were assigned to each prince, seasoned warriors who would impart their knowledge and skills. The training grounds would become a crucible for honing their abilities, pushing their limits, and instilling in them the resilience needed for the battles to come.

With a newfound sense of purpose and unity, we embarked on this journey together. The burden of the past was transformed into fuel for our determination, and the hope for a brighter future burned within us.

As we prepared for the challenges that awaited us, I couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism. The road ahead would be arduous, filled with uncertainty and danger, but with the princes leading the charge and our unwavering commitment to justice, we stood a fighting chance.

And so, our training began, and the three princes embraced their roles as the heirs to a legacy of strength, resilience, and unwavering love. Together, we would face the trials ahead, seeking not only the reclamation of our homeland but also the truth that would shape their destinies.