
Chapter 109

February 10th, 2547

After Months of fighting, Axel had finally returned to Human space. Nobody knew whether they emerged victorious or not, though majority guessed that they did since they trusted that the Lord Protector would get the job done.

Upon returning to Earth, a galaxy wide announcement from Axel was scheduled to happen a few hours after he got back. So, to pass the time, he spent time with his twin sons, Arthur and Andrew in the meantime.

Shortly after Catherine and Miranda had joined them, reuniting the entire family. The 5 of them spent next few hours together before Axel had to leave for his massive announcement to the Galaxy.

As the hour of the announcement drew near, Axel's demeanor changed from that of a doting father to that of the Lord Protector of humanity.

Dressed in his white uniform adorned with the insignia of the UHE, he took one last look at his family before heading out. His sons, Arthur and Andrew, clutching their mother's hands, waved fatherly goodbyes.

Axel ascended the stairs towards the large podium. He looked out at the sea of faces and holographic screens broadcasting his face across Billions of devices. Clearing his throat, he began, "Today, I stand before you to announce that the war is officially over"

The roar of the crowd that followed his declaration was deafening. Cheers and applause filled the air, relief and joy washing over every person present and those watching all around the galaxy. The war that had robbed so much of them was finally over, and Axel, their savior, stood strong and victorious amongst them.

He raised his hands to silence the crowd, waiting patiently until all eyes were on him again. "The Hierarchs, who were responsible for the Covenant Empire's destruction and our extermination, are no longer in power. With their demise, peace has finally returned to our galaxy. The Species of the Covenant Empire are now free from their oppressive regime and the truth about their beliefs has been exposed. It is now time to start rebuilding our galaxy." Axel's voice echoed throughout the vast sea of faces and through the broadcast.

"The Forerunners have entrusted the Galaxy to us, and as it's inheritors we have a higher duty to uphold, we cannot and will not take the same route as the Hierarchs and try to commit genocide because of what they were told to do. Instead, the species of the Covenant and humanity will be united as we were always meant to be." Continued Axel.

He paused, letting his words sink in, then continued, "In the years to come, we will focus on mutual growth, healing, and development. It is a new era for us all, and the UHE will work collaboratively with the former Covenant species to advance science, progress, and peace throughout the galaxy."

A tense silence followed before a few people started to shout, 'Together as one'. Slowly the crowd started to follow until a single voice became a thundering chant, reverberating through the massive square. "Together as one! Together as one!" Even those watching from their devices at home joined in, their solitary voices melding into a symphony of unity and resolve.

Axel raised his hand once more waiting for everybody to quiet down. "That's why today I will announce the formation of a new Government to represent all species within the Galaxy, for the first time in history, the United Human Empire which was formed over a decade ago will be reformed into the first Imperial Ascendency, bringing peace, freedom, and security to the Galaxy. We will follow in the steps of the Forerunners and bring all species together as one"

The crowd erupted in deafening applause once again. "Together as one!" Their voices were firm and resolute, echoing Axel's vision for the future.

His declaration gave them hope, hope for a brighter tomorrow where unity and peace reigned supreme.

Tears trickled down the cheeks of many watching from their homes. After years of relentless battles, lost loved ones and dire uncertainty, finally, there was a promise of lasting peace and solidarity under the leadership of Axel.

As the emblem of the newly formed Imperial Ascendency replaced that of the United Human Empire on screens across the galaxy, silence fell over the crowd in reverence of the momentous occasion. Axel continued confidently, "The Imperial Ascendency will be an inclusive representative body consisting of members from every species within our galaxy. It will be through this united front that we will move forward to rebuild our worlds."

(Imperial Ascendency flag)

"The collaboration between us will not only end the prejudice, but also lead to knowledge exchange and mutual evolution. We will grow together, learn from each other, and continue to thrive as a collective entity," he said solemnly. The crowd listened intently, deeply moved by his words.

Axel paused for a moment before moving onto his final remarks, "This marks a new beginning for all species. Our victory today is not just against an oppressive empire; it's also a triumph over division and hatred that had plagued our societies for so long. It's a victory for unity, for understanding, and for the shared destiny we all possess as inhabitants of this galaxy."

His words echoed through the silence, each sentence seeming to hang in the air like a sacred vow. He concluded his heartfelt speech by saying, "Let us remember this day as a beacon of hope and look forward to a future where we are no longer defined by our differences but by the unity we share. Together as one!"

As he descended the stairs of the podium, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause once more. Their voices blended into a single chant that resonated across the planet, that reflected their collective will for unity and peace.

Holographic screens all over the galaxy displayed this historic moment in vivid colors; their beams lighting up the darkness of space and reaching out to every corner. Even in distant colonies on far-flung planets, beings of all species stood transfixed before their screens.

The fight was over. The era of division had ended. An era of unity and inter-species harmony had begun, led valiantly by their new Emperor, Axel.

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