
Halo: Fireteam Mortem

We followed the efforts of Noble Six and Noble Squad, we followed Master Chief and Blue Team. These were great stories, great adventures for the galaxy's greatest heroes. Now we follow an obscure team, one who was meant to die. Always meant to die, originally, all of the Spartan Headhunters were either eradicated or disappeared entirely. What if there were three surviving Spartan Headhunters? May I introduce to you, Fireteam Mortem, the most dangerous squad of Spartans...because they don't fear death.

Necro_ · วิดีโอเกม
1 Chs

Chapter 1

[Planet Reach]

"Incoming!" A marine cried before Covenant plasma artillery came down and bombarded on his entrenched position. The sky was smoking, burning up from nuclear fire from the glassing by Covenant cruisers. Plasma fire impacted the rubble that the marine used as cover, finding both he and his entire battalion huddled up and unable to return fire. They were surrounded, tired, terrified, and unfortunately unable to surrender. They all know what the Covenant would do to them, how hopeless the situation that they've found themselves in.

"Sarge, we gotta get out of here!" Exclaimed a private who rose to try and return fire with his battle rifle. The Sergeant looked at the private, and before he could get the marine's attention, he was killed with a needle bolt piercing through his eye socket. His body fell onto the ground dead, along with several other dead Marines whose corpses were freshly killed or rotting. The Sergeant stared at the privates corpse for only a moment before gritting his teeth. "Adams, any word on command!?" He demanded at the radioman who gave his Sergeant a grim look. "No Sarge....nothing."

With those words, the Sergeant knew exactly what that meant. They had been left behind, it had been only two days since UNSC high command had called for a full retreat from Reach. To say that they were unprepared for this was an understatement. These Marines had been stuck in their position for a week, the fact that not even a Pelican, Warthog, or even a Longsword had come by tells them everything that they need to know. They were left to die and to buy time for everyone else to escape, they were the scapegoat. "Try again, Private!", the Sergeant ordered, "Someone's gotta be out there!"

Adams grimly nodded before going to use the radio once again. "Mayday, Mayday!" Adams began, "This is Easy Company, requesting immediate assistance and evac! We are surrounded and in need of reinforcements, I say again we need help!" Sadly, no response came from the radio, it seemed as if his pleas were being ignored all together. Since the Covenant were not jamming their signal, meaning they were getting through to Command. With a frustrated glare focused on the radio, he screamed into the mic hoping upon hope that someone would answer. "Can anyone hear me!? We need-"

Just as he was about to finish his cry for help, he received an answer from a cold feminine tone that held a German accent. "We hear you loud and clear Easy Company, hold your position." She stated. The moment Adams heard that response, a gleam of hope grew within him. As he went to report back to his Sergeant, explosions went off all around them. The Marines hadn't a clue as to what was happening, all they knew was that they heard Elite, Grunt, and Jackals screaming or changing targets. The Sergeant reluctantly looked over his cover and felt his eyes bulge put. He saw a Spartan, whose armor was scarred up and just bulldozing their way through Covenant forces. Then he saw another Spartan, this one was tall and looked more feminine in nature. She had an Elite by the throat and was hurling him over at a squad of terrified Grunts. One Jackal took aim at her back before being subsequently killed by pinpoint accuracy from a sniper. He couldn't identify where the sniper was, but he was sure that it was another Spartan. At this point, the two Spartans that he could see had broke the Covenant perimeter around them. The Sergeant seeing his chance began issuing orders to open fire on the distracted Covenant forces. Some Marines were too afraid to peek over, but those who did saw why it was they hadn't died yet. With a survivor's determination, those brave Marines began firing upon the Covenant.

Each round from a shotgun, assault rifle, battle rifle were not wasted. They were plowing into Elites and Grunts who were caught unawares. Within the next ten minutes, the Covenant forces withdrew to regroup. The last ones standing were the two Spartans, one holding an Assault rifle while the other had two Submachine guns in her hands. They kept their visors fixed on where the Covenant ran to, then after a moment turned towards Easy Company. Quickly, they marched over and stopped at least three feet from the Sergeant's position. "Sergeant we need to move, it won't be long before the Covenant regroups and return with a larger force." The Spartan stated. His tone held no emotion, though he could tell that by that voice that the super soldier was at least in his later twenties or early thirties.

The Sergeant watched as a third Spartan jogged over, a sniper rifle in hand. This was when he took in their armor fully, noticing that he hadn't seen these Spartans before. The first one had a grayish green color palete as well as dark red patterns of his armor. His yellow visor locked onto his eyes as he read the designated number on the Spartan's chest plate, 'B-343'.

The next Spartan had sky blue armor, her visor being the same color. The helmet itself was more angular, but what was most noticeable was her body structure. She was tall, even for a Spartan, as if she had already been a bodybuilder before becoming a Spartan. Her designated number was 'B-322'.

The last one looked more around the lead Spartan's height, he was obviously a male. His armor palete was a darkish gray with orange coloring marking it. His yellow visor scanned what was the Covenant's perimeter around them, as if he were a hawk. The designated number for him was, 'B-311'.

The Sergeant rose to his feet, almost stumbling over after a week of sustained fire from Covenant forces and remaining crouched. Now here he was being rescued by Spartans, he did wonder why there were Spartans in the vicinity. That said, he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. With a sigh of relief he straightened himself and spoke. "I hear ya, but we've got nowhere to go." He stated, not entirely sure where the nearest UNSC base could be...or if there was even one left.

"There is a fucntioning Pelican five kilometers to the east, if we go now we will be able to make it." The lead Spartan responded, not missing a beat as he stared at the Sergeant. The Sergeant pursed his lips before looking east, he could make out an airbase of some kind in that direction. Then he glanced back at his company, the Captain in charge laid dead leaving him the only one alive and able to lead his men. The other Marines who were either wounded or still alive were mentally and physically tired. He wasn't sure if they would make it as they are now. Even so, they didn't really have a choice. The Covenant would be on their way back with more than enough ordinance to stomp them out.

A reluctant sigh left the Sergeant's lips before he turned his attention back towards the Spartans. "Alright...by the way why isn't Command responding? We've been trying to get in contact with any UNSC forces and you're the only ones responding." His curiosity drove him to ask that question, wishing to know why they were left behind. The Spartan who responded this time was the sniper who didn't even look at the marine. "That's because Command is already evacuated, you and your battalion are one of the last Marines on Reach." The Spartan said, causing the Sergeant to realize that they weren't just left behind. They had been forgotten...

With gritted teeth, the Sergeant stowed his anger then turned to his company. "Marines!" He called, "We're moving out, we've got a Pelican to the east that'll get us out of this hellhole. Anyone wounded give your ammo to the Spartans, unlike us they'll hit their targets. We move out in five minutes!"

When the Sergeant finished speaking, the Spartans turned and moved to where they could see where the Covenant were. In the distance, Covenant cruisers were already glassing entire regions of forests, landscapes, even mountains. Even while this was happening, the Spartans barely flinched. They continued to survey the area, watching for any sign of movement. They were focused, not allowing any shred of doubt to distract them.

When five minutes had passed, a whistle could be heard from the Sergeant. It was time to move, and the Spartans were almost robotic like with how they spun around and began taking the lead on the march to the airbase. The Marines followed behind them, tense and paranoid at everything. They saw dead humans and Covenant both near them and further away. Burning vehicles with bodies visibly cooking inside. They knew that they were losing Reach, but they didn't know how many died defending it. This was a colossal defeat, one that the UNSC could never recover from.

The female Spartan, ignoring the dead corpses got to the green armored Spartan's side. Her gaze forward, but her attention on him now. "Are you sure that we should have come here?", She questioned in a soft whisper, "Our orders were to infiltrate Thel'Vadams' ship and assassinate him whatever it took. This is going against our orders Alex." Alex barely even turned his head as he kept his weapon trained on the area ahead of him. The Marines conversing amongst each other as the two Spartans spoke. "Brigitte, Command relayed those orders to us a month ago", Alex reminded before finally sparing a glance at her, "We failed our mission the moment the Covenant glassed the city. They are targeting Spartans with efficiency showing that Thel knows us. He knows how we fight, and is aware how to deal with us. We were sent to die just like we normally are.."

The third Spartan hearing the conversation nodded his head before giving his piece. "Alex is right, as much as I'm glad for dying to save humanity. I'd rather die knowing that I saved a few lives instead of dying while the Covenant's best still lives." The gray armored Spartan said, causing Brigitte to glance over at her teammate in contemplating silence. "Vic, you're normally the one who is up for suicide missions no matter what it is." Brigitte reminded, causing the Spartan to shrug his shoulders at her. "Yeah, when the situation isn't like this." Vic stated and used his head to gesture at the state Reach was in.

Brigitte nodded, understanding that they are meant to go on suicide missions. That said, the mission that they were suppose to accomplish would do nothing. It wouldn't change the state that the UNSC was in. They would just be dying for nothing, at least saving these Marines would help just a tiny bit. The Sergeant finally joined them, jogging up to try and converse with them. He tried his best to keep his paranoia in check, a week of being repeatedly shot at has gotten his nerves to remain on edge.

"How far from the airbase?" He questioned it a low tone, looking around before locking his eyes on the Alex. "Not far, if we continue unimpeded then we'll make it and be able to get off Reach." Alex assured, sparing a glance back at the marines and found that a few were either being dragged or carried along the way. Almost every Marine was wounded, each having a bandage or a makeshift bandage over their wounds. Alex faced forward once again, and saw that they were almost to the airbase. However, he stopped and held a fist up. With a knife hand to a nearby hill, he had Vic go and look at the airbase ahead. The Sergeant noticing the Spartan's immediate pause held his hands up at his men behind him.

The Marines stopped, looking skittish and terrified. "What do you see Vic?" Alex called through the comms, and waited for a reply. The Spartan sniper looked down his scope to find a few Zealot armored Elites, as well as an Ultra standing guard. "Got a Covenant patrol in the base, they haven't spotted us yet." Vic reported. With a nod, Alex looked to Bridgette who was already heading to the Marines. Then he turned his visor towards the Sergeant gazing up at him expectantly. "We've got Covenant at the airbase, we need to clear them out before we make for the Pelican."

"What do you mean we gotta clear it out?", The Sergeant questioned in disbelief, "We can barely hold out in a firefight!"

"I wasn't referring to you, Sergeant." Alex corrected, then watched Brigitte take a shotgun from a Marine. She then walked back over to where Alex was and nodded to him. "We'll give the signal when the base is cleared, stay frosty."

With that, Alex and Brigitte began marching towards the base. They moved stealthily, making sure that they moved alongside a nearby trench. "Vic, keep us updated on where the Elites are", Alex ordered, "We don't want them spotting us before we get the drop on them."

"Roger that." Vic responded, and just like that, silence ensued. Alex and Brigitte continued to walk within the trench until reaching the fence. It had been cut through by something hot, most likely an energy sword. The two Spartans stalked into the base, using a nearby Warthog for cover as they had eyes on five Elites. Each of them being Zealots with none being any rank lower. Brigitte got to the left side of the Warthog while Alex got to the right. "Vic, look for the Ultra and drop him", Alex ordered then glanced back at Brigitte, "We're rushing this, we don't have time to take them out stealthily. Make sure that you don't miss your shots."

"Do I ever?"

"You wouldn't have picked up that shotgun if you didn't."

Brigitte didn't respond to that, giving Alex satisfaction as well as something to mock her with later. Not long before the order was issued to Vic, the sound of a sniper sounded off. Then came the sound of an Elite getting dropped. Alex peeked over the Warthog and opened fire with his assault rifle. His nearest target an Elite who's back was turned to him. Brigitte bolted out of cover, and rushed at the Elites. She had the shotgun at her hip as she unloaded a blast at an Elite turned to her. The Elite's shields were blown off, then with the next shoot, the Elite had a hole in their armor and chest. Another sniper round sounded off, Alex watched as another Elite was hit in the head, killing it.

The Spartan then saw an Elite rushing Brigitte as her back was turned. With adrenaline pumping through him, Alex moved out of cover and fired into the running Elite. It turned and fired at Alex with it's plasma pistol. The bolts connected with Alex's armor, his shield protected him, though it did make him stumble a bit. Even so, he continued and broke through the Zealot's shields and unloaded through the last of his magazine into them. Once the Elite fell over dead, Alex looked to find Brigitte using her shotgun as a club. She smacked an Elite upside the head, then pulled out a knife that she used to stab right into their throat.

Hearing an ignition of an energy sword, Alex ducked down and rolled forward, narrowingly dodging another Zealot's attack. He then turned and pulled out his Magnum, unloading the entire magazine into the Elite. The Zealot's shields faltered, but it wasn't quite dead yet. With a roar, the Zealot sent it's energy sword to stab Alex, but the Spartan was already on the move. Alex rolled backwards, dropping his empty Magnum. Then rolled back forwards and rising up, hitting the Elite with a rocketing uppercut. Not long after, he sent his knee into the Zealot's abdomen. With the Elite gasping for air, Alex moved one hand to grab the Elite's wrist, which held the energy sword. Then he moved his forearm under the Zealot's armor. With some effort, he lifted the Elite over himself and made it's back collide with the ground.

The Spartan twirled around, then forcefully dislocated the Elite's arm, causing it to cry out in pain. Then with a falling knee, Alex snapped the Elite's neck with a sickening crunch. He turned to find Brigitte using an energy sword to cut right through a Zealot who's shields had failed. Then turned her visor towards her said leader. "You green?" Alex questioned, and found a nod as Brigitte's reply.

"Vic, any other Covenant forces we should be aware of?"

"Yeah, got a tank column north of your position heading our way", Vic reported through the comms, "If we're gonna get out of here now's the time. I'm already moving the Marines up, we'll be there in five."

Alex looked to where Vic and the Marines were coming from, they were heading down the road as fast as they could go. With stride, Alex began jogging over to where the hanger was. "Bridgette, you're prepping the the Pelican." The Spartan ordered, and heard armored feet heading after him. It was Bridgette of course, though one would have mistaken her for being a Brute Chieftan with how heavy her footsteps were. Soon both she and Alex had arrived at the hanger and found a prestine Pelican. Brigitte dashed over to the back of the Pelican and began to power it up.

As she did this, Alex turned and drew his Magnum, keeping the weapon aimed at their surroundings as the Marines and Vic were jogging over. He could see hope in the Marine's eyes, they were tired but had adrenaline to push the exhaustion away. Just as the Sergeant made to Alex, a needle came in and hit the marine in the back. It embedded itself into the marine's back, causing him to gasp and fall over. Alex caught the man with one arm, and fired with the other at an Elite who was cloaked. The Elite that Alex shot at took cover just as Vic fired a round from his sniper rifle. "We need to go, now!" Alex ordered and began moving backwards.

Vic kept his rifle trained ahead of him as the two Spartans heard the Pelican power on. Right as they entered the Pelican, Alex felt a large hand grab him. It was a Brute Chieftan, and it's gravity hammer was poised to be brought down on the Spartan after his back collided with the floor. Alex rolled to the side and felt the shockwave of the gravity hammer knock him sideways and into the wall. Before the Brute could lunge at him for another strike, Vic came in with a knife and slashed at the Brute's exposed neck. The blade didn't go in deep enough, but it was enough to make the Brute pause. Then came over a dozen hail of bullets from the tired Marines, filling the Brute with lead. Alex got to his feet just in time for the Brute to fall, with an aching body he jogged inside right as Brigitte began piloting the Pelican up and out of the hanger.

He looked back to see the ramp closing, just as Vic got beside him. Bridgette flew the Pelican out and heading out of the atmosphere at max speed. "Let's hope that we'll catch up to any ship that hasn't left yet.." Vic commented grimly just as the ramp to the Pelican closed shut.