
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Your Carving Is Amazing, Investment Master Ye Kaishan

Yan Shuitian spent half a year at Cloud Billow Sect, and also angered Yang Menghua for half a year.During this half year, Ye Kaishan consumed pill medicine and reached the eighth level of Foundation Building.He possessed the "Clear Jade Qi Refinement Technique" and the "Thirty-Six Cycles Heavenly Vortex Profound Scripture."He was able to refine the medicinal effects of the pill medicine very pure, without affecting his foundation.On this day, Ye Kaishan finished his cultivation as usual, checked which land was idle, and was always ready to sow.Most of his concubines now were cultivators, so sometimes they inevitably had to seclude themselves and break through their realms.Fortunately, he now had nearly a hundred concubines, so there would always be some free time.One day, Ye Kaishan had just finished his busy work and was enjoying a moment of leisure like a diligent farmer.At this moment, Zhu Man hurriedly arrived, looking anxious."Husband, Hundred Flowers Sect has summoned all disciples to return. I may have to leave for a while.""Oh? They have summoned all disciples. What happened?" Ye Kaishan asked curiously.Zhu Man did not hide anything and explained the situation.It turned out that Hundred Flowers Sect had recently encountered a crisis.Disciples of the sect had been disappearing one after another, occasionally suffering inexplicable attacks.Some disciples had already died.The sect master of Hundred Flowers Sect had activated the emergency response and summoned all disciples to return.Although Zhu Man was married, she was still a disciple of Hundred Flowers Sect and naturally included in the summons."It seems that this matter is not simple." After listening, Ye Kaishan made a simple inference and came to a conclusion.Hundred Flowers Sect consisted entirely of female cultivators, and their cultivation levels were not ordinary. They were also beautiful in appearance.In the eyes of those demonic cultivators, they were the best cauldrons."Hundred Flowers Sect is thousands of miles away from here. Let me accompany you there." Ye Kaishan stood up. As a righteous person, he could not stand idly by in such a situation.Moreover, his wife was also a member of Hundred Flowers Sect.Zhu Man nodded repeatedly. With Ye Kaishan by her side, she felt much calmer.Next, Ye Kaishan summoned the Sky Shattering Lightning Eagle and left Azure Cloud Town with Zhu Man.The Sky Shattering Lightning Eagle had grown much larger than when it first came out.The two of them sat on its back, one in front and one behind, with plenty of space."Husband, your eagle is amazing. How did it become so big?" Zhu Man had never ridden such a divine bird before. She was excited and thrilled, spreading her arms as if she was flying herself."Big? This is not considered big. It's still a child. It will become even bigger when it grows up." Ye Kaishan held Zhu Man's slender waist and whispered in her ear.The silver lightning soared through the sky at a very fast speed.After one day, they entered the territory of Hundred Flowers Sect.When Ye Kaishan landed in front of the sect gate with Zhu Man, it immediately caused a stir."A third-level demonic beast? Activate the protective formation quickly!"The female cultivators in front of the sect gate were startled, feeling like they were facing a great enemy. Many female disciples of Hundred Flowers Sect rushed out."Sisters, it's me, Zhu Man!"A voice came from the sky, and the female cultivators finally noticed the two figures sitting on the bird's back."Zhu Man? They say she married a great alchemist. Could it be him?""Wow... What a handsome alchemist. Is this the spirit beast he tamed?""Zhu Man has married into a good family!"For a while, the female disciples of Hundred Flowers Sect relaxed, discussing with envy on their faces.In the entire Fire Country, there were only a few people who could ride a third-level spirit beast, and they were all important figures.At this time, the Sky Shattering Lightning Eagle landed on the ground, and Ye Kaishan jumped down while holding Zhu Man's hand.Zhu Man enthusiastically introduced him to the female disciples, her face full of pride, feeling like she had returned home in glory.Ye Kaishan took advantage of the situation and took out a gourd to start investing."Ladies, nice to meet you all. Thank you for taking care of Zhu Man all these years. This is just a small token of appreciation."He poured out a handful of elixirs and smiled."Two for each person, don't be polite."He was already quite skilled at this action and had done it many times before.Elegant and heartless.The women's eyes lit up, and with Zhu Man's signal, they no longer held back.However, upon their first meeting, the women's favorable impression of Ye Kaishan reached a terrifying height.Alchemists were common, but never before had they seen someone give elixirs upon first meeting.How could one not develop a good impression of such a generous alchemist?Looking at Zhu Man's cultivation, she was already at the sixth level of Foundation Building.It was evident that she had consumed a lot of elixirs in her daily life, otherwise she wouldn't have progressed so quickly."Ladies, please take my eagle down and feed it.""Don't worry, it's well-behaved."After Ye Kaishan finished giving out the elixirs, he pointed to the silver lightning eagle and smiled.The women immediately rushed forward, eager to feed the eagle."Sister Zhu, Brother Ye, please come this way."At this moment, a woman with a petal mark on her forehead walked out and greeted them with a smile.This woman was Jiang Hongdou, one of the Five Golden Flowers of the Hundred Flowers Sect."Sister Jiang, you've made a breakthrough? Congratulations!"Ye Kaishan immediately noticed that Jiang Hongdou's aura was different, indicating that she had reached the Core Formation Stage."It's thanks to Brother Ye's Essence Gathering Pill. Otherwise, how could I have broken through to the Core Formation Stage so easily?"Jiang Hongdou expressed her gratitude.After some small talk, Jiang Hongdou led Ye Kaishan and Zhu Man to the main hall of the main peak.As soon as they entered, Ye Kaishan saw a crowd of women, all beautiful and enchanting.Sitting at the top was a dignified and elegant woman, exuding a sense of nobility that was sacred and untouchable.This woman was Mi Yao, the Sect Master of the Hundred Flowers Sect and also one of the Five Golden Flowers.On the way here, Ye Kaishan had learned a bit from Zhu Man.In addition to Jiang Hongdou and Mi Yao, there was also an elder and two core disciples, making up the Five Golden Flowers.They represented purity, nobility, charm, aloofness, and innocence respectively.With a sweep of his gaze, Ye Kaishan saw a mature woman in front of the crowd, seductive and enchanting.This kind of woman could arouse the deepest desires in a man's heart.She didn't deliberately act coquettish, but her every move unintentionally revealed a captivating charm."I suppose this must be the enchanting flower..."Ye Kaishan thought to himself.At this moment, the women also noticed Ye Kaishan, the unfamiliar man who had arrived.They frowned slightly, feeling somewhat displeased.Because the Hundred Flowers Sect prohibited men from entering.The sudden appearance of an unfamiliar man naturally made the women uncomfortable."Master, let me introduce everyone..."Jiang Hongdou hurriedly stepped forward to introduce. When they heard that Ye Kaishan was Zhu Man's husband and also the number one alchemist in White Sun City, the women's brows relaxed.However, they didn't show too much enthusiasm.Ordinary men who dared to step foot here would have been thrown out long ago.Seeing this, the master investor, Ye Kaishan, began his investment again.He took out the gourd he carried with him and poured out elixirs."Ladies, nice to meet you all. This is just a small token of appreciation..."