
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Yip's Chamber Of Commerce, Core Formation Mid-Stage

Ye Kaishan arrived at another cultivation room and took out Li Hua Tian's ring to refine the restrictions on it.A Nascent Soul stage cultivator's wealth would surely have some good things.He poured out everything inside, except for some miscellaneous items, there were a few hundred medium-grade spirit stones.There were also some low-grade spirit stones.Two Profound Grade Spiritual Weapons, several Yellow Grade Spiritual Weapons.Scattered around were a few bottles of pills."Nascent Soul stage cultivators are really poor..." Ye Kaishan sighed, disappointed by the meager wealth. Even his Core Formation Stage cultivation was better off.Aside from the spirit stones, there were also some refining materials such as mysterious iron, copper essence, thousand-year ironwood, and so on.These were not bad and could be used to refine puppets.Ye Kaishan put the materials and spirit stones into the ring, then took out a manual from the pile of junk.Blood Shadow Escape.A technique that burns one's essence blood in exchange for speed in escaping."It's just so-so..." Ye Kaishan felt a bit disappointed. He had thought he might come across a fragment of an extraordinary technique, but it turned out there was nothing.But thinking about it, it made sense. If there really were extraordinary techniques, they would have been learned and destroyed long ago. Who would be foolish enough to carry them around?Next, Ye Kaishan used the existing materials to attempt refining a puppet.After a long time, he finally succeeded in refining a puppet. Although its strength was very low, at least he had succeeded.Ye Kaishan rubbed his head, feeling a bit tired and a headache. He decided to put the research aside for now and focus on having a child.Puppets were good, but they couldn't be prioritized over the main goal.Alchemy, formations, and puppets were all secondary tasks and shouldn't consume too much energy.So, Ye Kaishan had an idea. He planned to teach a portion of these techniques to his wives and children.He would establish a dedicated department within the family to handle these matters.As the saying goes, everyone has their own strengths. Some people may not be good at cultivation, but they might excel in alchemy, formations, or puppets.As long as a large number of people in the family mastered these techniques, both wealth and combat power would greatly increase.Therefore, Ye Kaishan called Yan Shuitian, Qin Chan, Su Mei, Bai Caiwei, and other wives, and conveyed his idea to them."Husband, your idea is good, but if we do this, we will inevitably have to compete with the Fire Country and the Pill Cauldron Sect in terms of business..." Qin Chan calmly analyzed the situation and had great insights in this area."It doesn't matter, fair competition," Ye Kaishan said lightly. He wouldn't refrain from doing something just because he was afraid of upsetting others.Now that he had opened his eyes, he had two to three thousand people to support. With such a large family and business, he needed substantial resources.Therefore, it was necessary to establish a chamber of commerce belonging to the Ye family.Ye Kaishan discussed the details with his wives, and then tested their aptitude in alchemy, formations, and puppets.By sharing the burden, he would have more energy to take in concubines and have children.Taking in concubines and having children had always been the top strategic goal of the Ye family and would not change.After a month, Ye Kaishan found several talented individuals among the more than one hundred concubines who possessed aptitude in these areas.He first taught them the techniques and then had them pass them on to their offspring.The three major departments of alchemy, formations, and puppets were established.Next, in order to quickly gain momentum, Ye Kaishan personally went to the capital and invited Master Gu Li.He planned to have him replace himself as the chief alchemist.Since losing the competition last time, Gu Li's status had plummeted and he had fallen out of favor with the powerful and noble.Ye Kaishan's personal invitation moved him, and coupled with his admiration for Ye Kaishan's alchemy skills, he almost didn't hesitate to accept.Immediately, Ye Kaishan brought his disciple, Shen Miao, to Qingyun City.With the addition of Gu Li, Ye Kaishan didn't need to worry at all.Soon, the first alchemy workshop of the Ye Chamber of Commerce was established in Qingyun City.Word slowly spread, and the business of the alchemy workshop officially began.During this time, Ye Kaishan wholeheartedly took care of his idle concubines.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 600 descendants, expanding the family size. Reward: twenty years of cultivation experience, twenty years of alchemy experience, twenty years of refining experience, a medium-grade spiritual field, and 1000 medium-grade spiritual stones.]On this day, Ye Kaishan suddenly received a system prompt that his children had exceeded 600.With this number, he could basically establish a primary school.After absorbing all the experience, Ye Kaishan's cultivation surged, reaching the mid-stage of Core Formation.The Yin-Yang Pills in his body had almost doubled in size.His divine sense expanded to a range of 60 li, surpassing the average completion of Core Formation.Ye Kaishan felt that even without burning his lifespan, he could easily compete with those at the peak of Core Formation solely based on his strength.This was still a conservative estimate.With his cultivation consolidated, Ye Kaishan left the cultivation room and followed the usual practice of inspecting the operation of the family's chamber of commerce.As soon as he entered the alchemy workshop, he saw Gu Li and his disciple discussing alchemy knowledge.Ye Kaishan joined in and casually gave a few pointers, leaving Gu Li stunned.In his heart, he exclaimed that this guy's alchemy skills had become even stronger.Even Shen Miao, who was standing by, looked astonished, impressed by Ye Kaishan's knowledge.She had originally thought that Ye Kaishan's alchemy skills were only slightly better than her master, Gu Li.Now it seemed that it was not just slightly better.The main reason was that Ye Kaishan had just absorbed twenty years of alchemy experience, so his skills had naturally improved significantly."Miss Shen, if there are any problems that even your master can't solve, feel free to ask me," Ye Kaishan said with a smile, his desire to take her as a concubine growing.Shen Miao had great talent in alchemy, and her appearance, figure, and spiritual roots were all excellent.With her natural beauty, even without makeup, she could be considered top-notch among all his concubines.Shen Miao smiled slightly, nodded, and naturally had a good impression of Ye Kaishan's superb alchemy skills.She didn't hold back and immediately started seeking advice.Ye Kaishan spoke without reservation, answering all her questions.For several consecutive days, the two of them discussed problems in the alchemy workshop, and their relationship quickly grew closer.It wasn't until someone informed Ye Kaishan that there were visitors at home that he got up and left.When he returned home and saw who it was, he was surprised to find Jiang Hongdou and Leng Aoxue.After inquiring, he learned that Leng Aoxue planned to break through to the Core Formation stage and wanted his help in refining the Essence Gathering Pill."Ladies, please stay at the mansion for now. I will be with you shortly," Ye Kaishan immediately agreed.In the following days, Zhu Man, Ling Qiao'er, and other female cultivators from the Hundred Flowers Sect warmly greeted the two women.Especially Ling Qiao'er, who had a good relationship with Jiang Hongdou, constantly whispered in her ear.She wanted Jiang Hongdou to stay in the Ye family and explained the numerous benefits.Here, they had access to endless cultivation resources, much better than doing tasks and working themselves to death in the sect."Sister, you've been saving up for an Essence Gathering Pill for so many years, but here, as long as I want it, my husband will give it to me anytime," Ling Qiao'er said proudly, then changed the subject like a cunning fox."Didn't you also want to marry Ye Kaishan last time? It's just that the sect master chose me."This series of attacks shook Jiang Hongdou, who already had a great fondness for Ye Kaishan.