
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Ye Mou Loves Medicine Like His Life, The Eldest Prince

After Medicine Fairy Yaoshao entered the stage, she began to announce the rules of the competition and so on.The first round was about the mastery and extraction of medicinal materials.At this time, it was Ye Kaishan's turn to show his skills.Not only did he have over a hundred years of alchemy experience with systematic rewards, but he also had decades of experience in cultivating spiritual plants.Most alchemists rarely delve into this area, as they mostly focus on alchemy.Therefore, Ye Kaishan answered fluently, almost revealing everything he knew.This made Yaoshao unable to help but be amazed, and for a moment, her gaze towards Ye Kaishan softened."Medicine Fairy, I have always loved flowers and plants, and I am passionate about medicine. If we have the time, we can discuss together the cultivation and maintenance of spiritual plants."After passing the round, Ye Kaishan smiled slightly and gracefully said to Yaoshao.Yaoshao nodded slightly, her smile on her face even brighter. In a trance, she seemed like a blooming snow lotus on top of a snowy mountain.The audience outside the stage exclaimed, as men, they naturally understood what Ye Kaishan was up to.Are you going there to study?Are you going to take care of the spiritual plants, or take care of people?...After a series of tests, only Gu Li and Ye Kaishan remained on the alchemy platform.The final showdown was to refine the Essence Gathering Pill, which was the dream of all Foundation Building cultivators.Upon hearing this requirement, Gu Li smiled slightly. As the number one alchemist in the capital of Fire Country, he was naturally familiar with the Essence Gathering Pill."Master Ye, please!" Gu Li raised his hand and signaled, addressing Ye Kaishan as "master".At this point, he had already recognized his opponent from the bottom of his heart and gave him enough respect."Master Gu, please!" Ye Kaishan responded with a smile, showing humility.Next, both sides entered a state of concentration and began the refining process.The audience present also became nervous and dared not make a sound.Shen Miao, the daughter of the Prime Minister, sat calmly in the VIP seat, without much fluctuation in her heart.She believed in her master's strength.Time passed minute by minute.Finally, Ye Kaishan stopped his movements and completed the refining.The speed at which he finished surprised everyone, making them wonder how he suddenly became faster.After finishing, Ye Kaishan took out his own tea set and leisurely started drinking.He quietly waited for Master Gu Li.After a stick of incense, Gu Li also stopped his movements.The Essence Gathering Pill belonged to the high-level spiritual pill category, and it had a bit of difficulty in refining, unlike other low-level pills that could be easily made.Seeing both of them stop, Yaoshao walked forward to inspect the quality of the pills.Under Ye Kaishan's signal, she first went to Gu Li's side to check.After a while, she put down the pill."Master Gu Li, the Essence Gathering Pill... is of 80% quality."Upon hearing this, many cultivators from the capital of Fire Country in the stands laughed.Refining an Essence Gathering Pill of 80% quality was almost as difficult as refining a Foundation Building Pill of 90% quality.For ordinary alchemists, let alone 80% quality, even successfully refining it was a luxury."As expected of Master Gu Li, Ye Kaishan has lost." Zhou Lu smiled slightly and said to his disciple next to him.Based on his experience of fighting against Ye Kaishan, he was absolutely certain that Ye Kaishan could not refine an Essence Gathering Pill of quality surpassing 80%.Even achieving 80% efficacy was very difficult.At this moment, Yaoshao walked in front of Ye Kaishan, picked up the Essence Gathering Pill, and examined it.In the next moment, a look of astonishment appeared on her calm face."Ye Kaishan, the Essence Gathering Pill... is of 90% quality."As soon as the words fell, a commotion erupted.Shen Miao, Zhou Lu, Zhen Taihe, all the cultivators from the capital, as well as the nobles and aristocrats, all showed expressions of disbelief.Even Gu Li couldn't believe it, but when he picked up the pill to examine it, his face was truly wonderful.Finally, he put down the pill and bowed to Ye Kaishan, his face filled with admiration.The competition ended here.Ye Kaishan won first place in this competition.Qin Chan, who was in the audience, had an excited and flushed face. When she looked at Ye Kaishan, her eyes were filled with affection.Next, the prize for first place was announced.First and foremost was a Profound Grade high-quality pill furnace.This reward made Ye Kaishan's eyes light up because it was exactly what he was currently lacking.A Profound Grade high-quality pill furnace was worth as much as any top-grade spiritual weapon.In addition to the pill furnace, there were also several pill formulas, as well as some spiritual pills and herbs, which were quite valuable.After the competition, people in the stands came forward one after another to congratulate Ye Kaishan and make connections.Some even secretly inquired about Ye Kaishan's situation, preparing to cater to his preferences.Even the Crown Prince of the Fire Country extended an olive branch."Master Ye, if you want to develop in the capital, feel free to ask for my help."The Crown Prince was a burly man who appeared to be around thirty years old, with a dignified expression. His cultivation had already reached the Core Formation Stage. He was the heir appointed by the current ruler.Beside him was a beautiful woman with a high bun and delicate eyebrows, the eldest princess of the Fire Country.Behind the princess was a mischievous young girl who secretly observed Ye Kaishan.She was the ninth princess of the Fire Country.After hearing the Crown Prince's words, Ye Kaishan nodded slightly and calmly replied, "If there is an opportunity, I will definitely consider it."His words meant the same as "I will definitely consider it next time," which was a perfunctory response.After seeing off the Crown Prince, Ye Kaishan casually dealt with the others who approached him.On the other hand, Gu Li only had his disciple Shen Miao by his side, looking exceptionally shabby.He shook his head slightly and was about to leave when Ye Kaishan's voice came from behind."Master Gu Li, would you like to visit White Sun City when you have the time?"He extended an invitation with an informed expression.Gu Li turned around, nodded heavily, and said, "If there is an opportunity, I will definitely go."His words were not perfunctory; his tone was very firm.Ye Kaishan waved his hand and watched his master and disciple leave.At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zhou Lu and his disciples silently preparing to leave the venue."Master Zhou, Master Zhen, long time no see."The two of them trembled and slowly turned around, revealing smiles that were even more awkward than crying."Congratulations, Master Ye, on winning the championship."Zhou Lu forced a smile and patted his disciple beside him.Zhen Taihe finally reacted and quickly bowed, saying, "Congratulations, Master Ye, congratulations..."From beginning to end, Ye Kaishan didn't say anything sarcastic, but the two of them were already ashamed and had no place to hide.As the event came to a close, Ye Kaishan and Qin Chan boarded the silver lightning and left the Pill Cauldron Sect.On the main peak, the Medicine Immortal waved her hand to bid farewell."Miss Qin, choose a date, okay?"On the back of the eagle, Ye Kaishan held Qin Chan's jade hand and smiled.This woman who had escaped from the Valley of No Return could never escape from his grasp."I won't choose, you choose." Qin Chan gave him a glance, coquettishly saying, showing a rare daughter-like attitude."Alright, according to tradition, let's make it one month from now."Ye Kaishan immediately made the decision.