
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Ye Fan's Change, A Strange Gift

Ye Kaishan sat quietly in the secret room of the Ye family, studying the Violet Palace Immortal Scripture.This Immortal Scripture mainly consists of two parts: cultivation and combat, with additional chapters on auxiliary techniques.In the process of cultivating this Immortal Scripture, there are three stages: Violet Palace True Yuan, Violet Palace True Body, and Violet Palace Immortal Power.At the beginning, the True Yuan in the body will transform into purple True Yuan, which is extremely noble and increases in power and purity by twice.In battle, the purple True Yuan will evolve into a continuous stream of purple qi, creating a series of extraordinary phenomena.This allows the cultivator to last longer and greatly enhances their combat abilities.The second stage is to condense the Violet Palace True Body, where all methods are invincible and evil is eradicated.The Violet Palace True Yuan can also be constructed into armor to protect the Primordial Spirit from harm.The ability to fight outside the body is greatly enhanced.The third stage is Violet Palace Immortal Power, where the Immortal Power is transformed and refined within the body. Once it erupts, it possesses an unimaginable destructive force.With this Immortal Scripture, the path to immortality will no longer be confusing, and cultivation will be smooth. Reaching the realm of immortality will no longer be a dream."Excellent!" Ye Kaishan exclaimed in admiration. The Violet Palace Immortal Scripture not only cultivates quickly but also provides combat techniques.It can be said to be comprehensive.After understanding it, he immediately began to cultivate and attempted to transform the Violet Palace True Yuan.This process requires some time and gradual transformation.Ye Kaishan was not in a hurry. He took out several storage rings and examined them.These were all relics left by the Heavenly Demon Palace Saint Child.However, to his disappointment, even if he turned the rings upside down, there were no particularly valuable treasures.There were two Earth Grade Law Weapons, several Profound Grade Law Weapons, pills, and cultivation techniques. Apart from that, there were miscellaneous items and spirit stones."Could it be that they thought I was a pushover, so they didn't bother bringing any valuable treasures..."Ye Kaishan speculated, feeling that these Saint Children were somewhat poor.Having such thoughts was because Master Ye had become somewhat arrogant after seeing too many treasures.After cultivating the Immortal Scripture, he naturally looked down on ordinary treasures.Therefore, he sorted out these things, putting some of them into the family's treasure vault.The rest he left for the Six-Winged Golden Cicada as food.Ye Kaishan summoned the Six-Winged Golden Cicada and checked on its condition."Little Six, are you okay? Are you about to evolve?"The Six-Winged Golden Cicada quietly lay on his palm, slightly larger than before, but it was not noticeable without careful observation.Its gloss was even more vibrant.Although it hadn't grown much, Ye Kaishan clearly felt that the Six-Winged Golden Cicada's power had become much stronger than before.This thing belonged to the insect family and couldn't grow much even when it reached adulthood.However, it could freely change the size of its body.Even if it transformed into a mount to ride on, it was possible.In response to Ye Kaishan's inquiry, the Six-Winged Golden Cicada didn't react much, it just flapped its wings lightly.It had just eaten its fill and didn't feel like moving much.Ye Kaishan smiled and put it back into his sleeve, then focused on transforming the Violet Palace True Yuan....Soon, half a month had passed.The Soul Formation ceremony of the Ye family's Patriarch was finally here.During this half month, cultivators from the seven countries had gradually arrived in Qingyun City from all directions.In Qingyun City at this time, Core Formation cultivators could be seen everywhere.Even Nascent Soul cultivators occasionally made appearances.This place gathered all the strong individuals from the seven countries. It was not an exaggeration to call Qingyun City the number one city of the seven countries."I finally arrived. It was not easy to obtain a thousand-year Snow Toad. I wonder if Patriarch Ye will like it."A cultivator sighed to his fellow cultivators, worried that his gift would not be well received.This immediately drew laughter from other cultivators."Do you think this is the first time Patriarch Ye has received a gift? Don't you know what Patriarch Ye likes?""I know, but I can't just give away my Dao companion as a gift, can I?""It makes sense, so I plan to give the room number as a gift...""Huh?"In Qingyun City, there were cultivators from all over the world.Everyone was discussing what gifts they had prepared, comparing with each other.Soon, the time for the ceremony arrived. The cultivators in the city rushed towards the Ye Family Manor.Fortunately, the Ye Family was large enough, with thousands of doors of all sizes.The guests filled the Ye Family Manor, all waiting for the appearance of Ye Kaishan."The Patriarch has arrived!"Suddenly, accompanied by a loud voice that sounded like a eunuch.Ye Kaishan finally appeared.At this moment, his temperament was even more ethereal and transcendent, as if a celestial being had reincarnated.This was because all the true essence in his body had been transformed into Violet Palace true essence.Completing the first step of the Violet Palace Immortal Scripture transformation.Although he was not a true immortal with a true scripture, he already had the aura of an immortal.Any cultivator in front of him would feel ashamed and have the thought of "I am not as good as him" in their hearts.The female cultivators present, upon seeing Ye Kaishan's figure, revealed a momentary infatuation in their eyes.Two words surged in their hearts... want to marry.Although people called Ye Kaishan the Patriarch, which sounded old-fashioned, his appearance was no joke."Cloud Billow Sect congratulates the Patriarch, may you have the same longevity as the sun and moon, and the same age as heaven and earth..."With Ye Kaishan's arrival, the guests began to offer congratulations and gifts.This was different from the usual taking of concubines. The Soul Formation ceremony was naturally very grand.The gifts presented by the guests were much more precious than usual.Among the people present were not only the heads of the major aristocratic families, but also the national lord, princesses, and Nascent Soul cultivators.As long as they had not reached the Soul Formation stage, no matter who they were, they would offer congratulations as juniors.Strength was everything.In addition, the younger generation of the Ye Family, Ye Kaishan's children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, had all carefully prepared gifts.There was inevitably some competition.As the eldest son, Ye Fan had returned to the family early on, as the eldest brother with thousands of younger brothers and sisters.He had a great responsibility and needed to set a good example.Ye Kaishan saw his steady son at a glance and smiled.But in the next moment, his gaze slightly froze.At this moment, Ye Fan's cultivation had already reached the peak of Foundation Building.What was even more outrageous was that his spiritual roots had unknowingly become a Profound Grade lower-grade spiritual root.A full upgrade of one major level."This kid...""Good son, you really have the bearing of an immortal."Ye Kaishan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and secretly laughed in his heart.It seemed that this kid had gained quite a few opportunities recently.This time, Ye Fan presented a pearl as a gift. It was unclear what it was, but it looked exceptionally precious.This made the other younger generations of the Ye Family couldn't help but marvel. It was worthy of being the eldest brother, the gifts he gave were different from others.Ye Kaishan accepted it with a smile and continued to receive congratulations from others.When everyone had given their gifts, the national lord of the Tian Shui Kingdom and Yan Qiu secretly approached Ye Kaishan.They said they had a valuable gift to give."Why so secretive? Can't you give it in person?" Ye Kaishan inwardly complained, but he was very curious about what this gift was.After driving away the outsiders, the two finally brought out the gift.They pointed to a woman who had fallen to the ground.This woman had silver hair, a stunning face, and her eyes were tightly closed, whether she was dead or alive was unknown.