
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Yan Shuitian Was Upset, So He Sent A Kidnapper

Ye Kaishan chuckled, revealing a sense of vicissitudes."It's been a long time.""Why didn't you tell me?" Yan Shuitian asked."What difference would it make if I told you? Are you willing to continue the relationship with that stinky kid from the past?" Ye Kaishan pressed, his gaze like a torch, tightly fixed on Yan Shuitian's eyes.With just this glance, it seemed like a laser, causing the woman to feel electrified. She quickly averted her gaze and turned her head."Is this your second child?" Yan Shuitian changed the subject, looking at Xiao Yechen.In a short period of time, this guy had already fathered a second child.Ye Kaishan forced a laugh and said, "I'm going to trouble you again.""I understand, if there's nothing else, you can go back." Yan Shuitian waved his hand, feeling somewhat annoyed."Can I see Ye Fan?" Ye Kaishan asked."Go ahead, he's in the back mountain, go find him yourself." Yan Shuitian didn't want to linger and flew into the mountain gate with Ye Chen.Her heart was in chaos."Look at how anxious you are, I can't do anything to you..." Ye Kaishan muttered softly as he watched her figure, then walked towards the back mountain.In no time, he arrived at his destination. There were many caves here, where ordinary disciples of the Cloud Billow Sect lived and cultivated."That Yan Shuitian didn't even tell me which cave Ye Fan lives in..." Ye Kaishan muttered, then tried each cave, shouting at the entrance, "Ye Fan, your father is here."However, this behavior quickly aroused anger, and some female cultivators even treated Ye Kaishan as an intruder, surrounding him and calling for his punishment.For a while, it was chaotic and dazzling."Ladies, please don't misunderstand, I'm not an intruder, I'm here to find someone." Ye Kaishan said loudly. After some explanation, the female cultivators put down their flying swords with half-belief and half-doubt."To express my apologies..." He took out a gourd that was about a foot tall and poured out a pill, all of which were the Qi Nourishing Pills he had refined."Just a small token, not a sign of respect.""One for each person."Ye Kaishan said with a smile. In the eyes of the female cultivators, this ordinary gesture seemed extravagant and heartless.Ordinary disciples of the Cloud Billow Sect could only receive three low-grade spirit stones per month, a total of thirty-six per year.With a few tasks, they would not even receive a hundred low-grade spirit stones in a year, while a small Qi Nourishing Pill would cost dozens of low-grade spirit stones."What are you standing there for? Take it!" Ye Kaishan shook the gourd, as if saying, "I still have more."For a moment, the eyes of the female cultivators looking at Ye Kaishan changed completely, shimmering with a different brilliance.This man was mature, wealthy, and generous.It was impossible not to have a good impression of him.Suddenly, the female cultivators couldn't restrain themselves anymore, each taking a Qi Nourishing Pill.In an instant, Ye Kaishan distributed more than ten Qi Nourishing Pills, but he didn't feel heartache.Because this was an investment.So, the enthusiastic female cultivators led Ye Kaishan to the cave where Ye Fan was.As soon as they arrived at the entrance, they eagerly called out."Ye Fan, your father is here!""Junior Brother Ye Fan, your father came to see you!"Upon hearing someone calling, Ye Fan walked out of the cave and immediately saw his father Ye Kaishan accompanied by a group of women, chatting and laughing.Now Ye Fan had grown into a young man, handsome and tall, with a steady aura."Father... why did you come?" Ye Fan asked, walking up quickly."I brought your younger brother Ye Chen to the Cloud Billow Sect and came to see you on the way.""Come, let's talk inside."Ye Kaishan walked into Cave Mansion with big strides, and the father and son sat down to have a long conversation.After some small talk, they finally got to the point.Now that Ye Fan has reached the second level of Qi Refining, after a test, Ye Kaishan passed on the "Jade Clear Qi Refining Technique" to him and instructed him not to disclose it to anyone.Then, he left behind some spiritual stones and elixirs before preparing to leave.After leaving, Ye Kaishan bid farewell to all the female cultivators one by one."Ladies, I have to leave. I entrust my son Ye Fan to your care. If you need any help, feel free to find me in Azure Cloud Town!"Ye Kaishan waved his hand and left with a determined figure....Cloud Billow Sect, Lingxiu Peak.At this moment, Yan Shuitian was talking to a woman in white."Listen, have you really made up your mind? Although you failed in Foundation Building, it doesn't mean there is no chance. It's such a pity to leave the mountain like this.""Master, I have thought about it for a long time. It's not impulsive. This is the second time I have failed in Foundation Building. There is no hope for me on the path of immortality. Staying here will only add to my sorrow."The woman in white said sadly."Ah..." Yan Shuitian sighed deeply. With two failed attempts at Foundation Building, the chance of success was slim. She could understand this feeling. However, after many years of emotional attachment, she didn't want her favorite disciple to leave."Thank you for your teachings, Master. I... will go!" Ren Tinglan bowed, got up, and left without looking back."This parting marks the end of our master-disciple relationship." Yan Shuitian turned away, unable to bear to look anymore....At the same time, Ye Kaishan walked leisurely and stopped halfway up the mountain. The beautiful scenery along the way made him linger.Suddenly, a voice called out from behind."Brother Ye, wait for me."Ye Kaishan turned around and saw a woman in a pink dress catching up.This woman was one of those who had just taken the Qi Refining Pill from him."Miss, what can I do for you?" Ye Kaishan asked with a smile."Well... Brother Ye, I want to go back with you and take a look. Is that possible?" The woman said shyly.Seeing this, the experienced Ye Kaishan already understood in his heart. He secretly used the system function to check.A yellow light flew out from the top of the woman's head.Although this woman had a Yellow Grade inferior spiritual root, she was lacking in other aspects, and her appearance was only 80 points.But killing her wouldn't be a mistake!"What is your name?" Ye Kaishan asked."I'm Xie Yu'e, from Xining Town," the woman answered honestly.Ye Kaishan nodded and asked directly, "Are you willing to marry me?""Uh..." Xie Yu'e was taken aback, not expecting Ye Kaishan to be so direct."I... I'm willing!"She answered softly.Although Xie Yu'e was a disciple of Cloud Billow Sect, she was only at the fourth level of Qi Refining. She was already in her thirties, but she still looked like a young girl.She knew that she had no hope of Foundation Building in this lifetime. Even if she stayed in Cloud Billow Sect, she would eventually be driven down the mountain. It was better to plan for her future earlier.Ye Kaishan had a good appearance and was generous. He was the person she admired.Afraid of missing the opportunity, Xie Yu'e took the initiative to pursue him shortly after Ye Kaishan left."In that case, you go home and wait. When I am ready, I will come to marry you."Ye Kaishan smiled."Okay, I'll wait for you!" Xie Yu'e was overjoyed and immediately ran back to the mountain gate to say goodbye and pack her things."It seems that even fairies can't resist financial power."Ye Kaishan looked at the woman's departing figure and sighed in his heart.At this moment, a white figure entered his sight.