
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Waiting For You With A Cup Of Tea, Daughter Of The Bai Family

Upon hearing this, Zhou Lu and his disciple exchanged a smile. It was perfect timing, just as they were about to leave, someone came knocking on their door.You can only say that this kid has really bad luck.The two immediately left and hurried to the Treasure Pill Pavilion.At this moment, Ye Kaishan's sudden appearance caused quite a stir."Master Ye has finally shown up! I've been waiting for three whole years!"Ye Kaishan made his way to the Treasure Pill Pavilion and met Qin Chan, the woman in charge."Ye Kaishan, are you really going to challenge the elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect?""Since I'm here, if I don't show up, wouldn't people think I'm a coward?"Ye Kaishan shrugged and said with a smile.At this moment, Zhou Lu and Zhen Taihe arrived. One in front and one behind, they exuded a powerful aura."I suppose this must be Master Ye?"Zhou Lu took the initiative and said with a smile, his eyes showing a hint of contempt.In his eyes, Ye Kaishan was too young, in his early twenties, like a playboy. He didn't have the demeanor of an alchemist at all.Ye Kaishan casually looked at the two, carefully observing the middle-aged man beside Zhen Taihe.He appeared to be around fifty years old, with a slightly graying beard, and dressed very elegantly."May I ask how old Master Zhou is this year?"Ye Kaishan's first sentence caught the person off guard.Zhou Lu paused for a moment and said, "I am over 150 years old this year.""150 years old... so young."Ye Kaishan nodded lightly, having a rough idea.An alchemist who had lived for 150 years, how many years of alchemy experience could he have?And the alchemy experience rewarded by the system, at least seventy to eighty years. This was all genuine experience, without any dilution.Upon hearing Ye Kaishan's words, Zhou Lu's face immediately turned ugly."I heard that you can refine Foundation Building Pills with a ninety percent efficacy, but as an alchemist, you should be versatile and knowledgeable, not just focused on one thing..."He said slowly, his expression solemn."Enough nonsense, let's get to the competition. How do you want to compare?"Ye Kaishan interrupted the other party's words. He had said so much, wasn't it just to compete with him on something else?"Very well, young man, you have courage." Zhou Lu smiled.Next, the two of them arrived at the central square of White Sun City, surrounded by people.They were all the influential figures of White Sun City, the aristocratic families, the well-known individuals.At Zhou Lu's request, the two of them started with Yellow Grade Spirit Pills.The competition was about their knowledge and the speed and efficacy of pill refinement.In Zhou Lu's opinion, Ye Kaishan belonged to the type who was focused and skilled, only able to refine Foundation Building Pills.All other pills were just mediocre.Compared to this experienced old driver, he was simply not worth mentioning.At the beginning of the competition, Zhou Lu took action, demonstrating a concise and efficient pill refining technique.The audience below nodded in approval. He truly deserved to be the elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect.The momentum when refining pills was completely different.However, when they saw Ye Kaishan's movements, they were immediately stunned.Ye Kaishan's movements were slow and smooth, without any unnecessary actions.He even had time to wave to the female cultivators below.He didn't seem to be competing, but rather performing.Seeing this, Qin Chan's expression changed, especially when Ye Kaishan waved at her just now.For some reason, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, an indescribable feeling.Not long after, while Zhou Lu was still refining pills non-stop.Ye Kaishan stood up, stretched lazily, and smiled."Master Zhou, I'm done.""What?" Zhou Lu was surprised. So fast?Did you really finish refining the pills?In an instant, he felt a hint of panic.Ye Kaishan noticed his predicament and understandingly said, "Master Zhou, there's no rush. Take your time. I'll have a cup of tea while I wait for you."Upon hearing this, Zhou Lu's mouth twitched, and in a fit of anger, he almost overturned the pill furnace.This is too much!"Calm down. Does faster refining always mean better results? This person is intentionally affecting my state of mind, but I won't fall for it!"Zhou Lu, being an experienced elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect, immediately regained his composure and meticulously began the refining process.After a while, he finally finished refining.Therefore, in order to be fair, they invited Qin Chan to come up and test the quality of the pills."Master Zhou's Qi Nurturing Pill... 90% efficacy, Spirit Nourishing Pill... 80%..."Qin Chan checked them one by one and reported the efficacy. Except for two or three low-grade pills that reached 90%, the rest were all 80%.Upon hearing this, the people below nodded in agreement.It is indeed rare for such ordinary pills to exhibit such efficacy.After the inspection was completed, Zhou Lu stroked his beard and a trace of pride flashed in his eyes.Next, it was Ye Kaishan's turn. Qin Chan picked up a pill to test and gradually became filled with astonishment."Spirit Nurturing Pill... 90% efficacy, Profound Spirit Pill, 90%..."A series of Yellow Grade spirit pills, all of them reached 90% efficacy.The audience below was dumbfounded.Zhou Lu exclaimed that it was impossible and rushed over, picking up a pill to examine.Genuine 90% efficacy.He stood there dumbfounded, his face filled with shock, muttering incoherently that it was impossible, impossible.Ye Kaishan put away his tools and prepared to leave. When he passed by Zhou Lu, he stopped."Master Zhou, I have my doubts. Are you really an elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect?"Whether it was because the other party was too weak or he himself was too strong, Ye Kaishan always felt that something was not quite real."This guy..." Qin Chan watched him leave and was deeply shaken....Ye Kaishan had just left the square when he was stopped by a man in white."Master Ye, I have long admired you. I am Bai Xiong. Would you do me the honor of coming to my residence for a meeting?"Bai Xiong?Ye Kaishan's heart stirred, knowing the identity of this person.The head of the White Sun City's number one cultivation family, the Bai family."Bai Family Master, your kindness is hard to refuse. I won't be polite."Ye Kaishan smiled and readily agreed."Please!"...A while later, Ye Kaishan followed Bai Xiong to the Bai family and enjoyed a feast.Bai Xiong intended to marry his daughter to Ye Kaishan, hoping for an alliance between the two families.Of course, Ye Kaishan would not refuse such a matter.The two quickly reached an agreement.Bai Xiong immediately ordered someone to bring his daughter."Miss Bai Caiwei, meet Master Ye."Before long, a woman dressed in white appeared before Ye Kaishan.She was a cold and even somewhat indifferent woman.At the first sight of her, the image of Xiaolongnü immediately appeared in Ye Kaishan's mind.His gaze flickered, and a green light appeared on the woman.She was twenty-seven years old, at the ninth level of Qi Refining, with a Profound Grade lower-level spiritual root.This talent was not inferior to Yan Shuitian."Bai Family Master, you have a wonderful daughter."Ye Kaishan withdrew his gaze, satisfied, and looked at Bai Xiong beside him."Not at all, my daughter has always admired you. If Master Ye is willing, how about one month from now?"Bai Xiong asked tentatively, understanding Ye Kaishan's style.