
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Violet Palace Immortal Sutra

"Slaughter in an instant!"Ye Kaishan retracted his Sunset Bow, feeling his body drained. This arrow had consumed over half of his energy.That's why he was able to instantly kill the fully cultivated Blade Demon with a single strike."Which beloved wife will go and retrieve the storage ring?"Ye Kaishan looked towards Ye Family Manor, smiling.This scene left all the concubines bewildered.Everyone was dazzled, as if they had seen a divine being descend to earth."Husband! I'll go, I'll go!" Ling Qiao'er was the first to raise her hand, immediately flying towards the fallen place of the Blade Demon."You're too slow, let me go instead." Yao Xing, without hesitation, transformed into an even faster light and rushed out.Following closely behind, Jin Ruyi, Xue Qingqiu, and all the powerful concubines also mobilized.A competition of beauty.Ye Kaishan looked satisfied at this scene. With a loud bang, a bolt of lightning struck down.He stumbled, almost falling from the sky.Only then did Ye Kaishan realize that the tribulation had not yet ended."Struck by lightning while showing off!"He immediately exerted all his strength to resist the tribulation.At this time, the Blood Moon Demon Lord had already been devoured by the Six-Winged Golden Cicada, leaving only a piece of skin. His Primordial Spirit seized the opportunity to escape."Trying to run? Die for me!"Ye Kaishan observed in all directions, already paying attention to the Blood Moon Demon Lord's movements.Seeing that he wanted to escape, he directly made a move with a burst of magnetic light, capturing his Primordial Spirit, and then smashing it with a palm.Thus, the two Saint Children of the Heavenly Demon Palace, both at the peak of Soul Formation, fell together.This scene shocked all the cultivators in Qingyun City.Ye Laozu had just entered the Soul Formation stage and had already killed two fully cultivated Soul Formation beings single-handedly.This kind of combat power was simply terrifying."Ye Laozu is so fierce in taking concubines, and his strength is so powerful. No wonder female cultivators all want to marry him. If I were a woman, I couldn't resist either.""Unfortunately, I'm old. Although I still have charm, my youth has passed. Otherwise...""Quickly inform the Lord, send another princess over..."The heads of the major forces stationed in the city immediately took out their sound transmission stones and sent out messages.At this moment, Ye Kaishan's Soul Formation tribulation became even more terrifying, with its oppressive aura covering a radius of thousands of miles.Even Nascent Soul cultivators from other kingdoms could feel the pressure of this heavenly tribulation."Which senior is transcending tribulation? Hiss! This aura... Ye Laozu?""Ye Laozu only broke through to Nascent Soul a few years ago, and now he's already in Soul Formation. Does he not have any bottlenecks in his cultivation?"The Sect Master of the Pill Cauldron Sect looked astonished in the direction of Qingyun City.At this moment, along with the shock, there was also a sense of relief.Fortunately, they didn't listen to Li Fengtian's instigation and provoke the Ye Family.Otherwise, their lives would be in danger."By the way, Yao Shao has been getting close to Ye Laozu these years, seems a bit interesting. Why not..."The Sect Master of the Pill Cauldron Sect suddenly had an idea, and his eyes became even brighter...."How did this guy cultivate? It's too fast!"At Cloud Billow Sect, Yang Menghua looked confused, recalling the first time he saw Ye Kaishan. At that time, he had just entered the Foundation Building stage.And now, he had already broken through to the Soul Formation stage.In contrast, he himself had only progressed from the peak of Core Formation to the Nascent Soul stage in these years.This comparison made him feel like a waste.Hmm... no need to feel, he was indeed a waste.Yang Menghua's Dao heart was once again shaken. He had secluded himself day and night, but he couldn't compare to others who enjoyed themselves freely....On the other side, Lu Fei, a female sword cultivator, felt the aura of tribulation and a look of astonishment appeared on her face."Ye Kaishan has broken through to the Soul Formation stage? What a terrifying heavenly tribulation!"She could vaguely sense that the power of this tribulation was several times stronger than when she broke through to the Soul Formation stage herself....Two hours later, the tribulation in the sky above Qingyun City finally dissipated.After a long and arduous battle, Ye Kaishan successfully crossed the Soul Formation tribulation.At this moment, arcs of electricity and spiritual light flowed on his body, and there was a qualitative change in both the physical and spiritual strength from within and without.After entering the Soul Formation stage, one could separate their Primordial Spirit from their body, greatly increasing the power of their spiritual soul.Usually, the divine sense of a cultivator in the early stage of the Soul Formation stage could reach a thousand miles.But Ye Kaishan's divine sense started at five thousand miles.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through the Soul Formation stage. The family has been promoted to a fifth-grade immortal cultivation clan.][Reward: Immortal Grade cultivation technique - Violet Palace Immortal Scripture!][The conditions for the next level of promotion require the family head to break through the Void Refining stage, plus ten members in the Soul Formation stage, and several other members.]Just as Ye Kaishan was converging his aura, a voice from the system sounded in his mind.The conditions for the promotion of a fifth-grade immortal cultivation clan were that the family head must reach the Soul Formation stage, plus ten or more members in the Nascent Soul stage."Violet Palace Immortal Scripture!"Ye Kaishan was shocked. He didn't expect that breaking through to a fifth-grade immortal cultivation clan would reward him with an Immortal Grade cultivation technique.The cultivation technique he had been practicing all along was the Thirty-Six Cycles Heavenly Vortex Profound Scripture, which was an Earth Grade cultivation technique.Jumping from Earth Grade to Immortal Grade was a huge gap, which made him somewhat excited.However, he also noticed that becoming a fifth-grade immortal cultivation clan was just a threshold, and the requirements for further promotion were much higher.Not only did he need to reach the Void Refining stage himself, but the cultivation level and number of other members also had requirements.But despite the increased difficulty, Ye Kaishan was completely confident.The number of family members was not a problem at all.With this in mind, Ye Kaishan put away the Six-Winged Golden Cicada and the Blood Moon Demon Lord's storage ring.With a movement, he returned to the Ye family estate."Congratulations, husband, on reaching the Soul Formation...""Congratulations, father...""Congratulations, ancestor..."For a while, the Ye family estate resounded with warm congratulations.Each of Ye Kaishan's descendants had a joyful smile on their faces.The concubines crowded around to offer their congratulations, and even the enchanting demons couldn't help but smile."Husband, this is the Demon Blade's storage ring."Jin Ruyi squeezed in, her tall figure standing out among the women.In a competition, she had won the ring without any dispute, so she came to present her treasure."Very well." Ye Kaishan took the ring and gave Jin Ruyi a look, meaning to reward her at a later time.Next, the Ye family announced that the Soul Formation ceremony for the ancestor would be held in half a month.This news swept through the seven kingdoms like a hurricane.No matter where the cultivators were, they all knew that Ye Kaishan had broken through to the Soul Formation stage."Ye Family's ancestor is not even two hundred years old and has entered the Soul Formation stage. Even in the entire Thunder Continent, there are only a few people like this."The cultivators of the seven kingdoms were boiling with shock. Such a young Soul Formation stage cultivator was unprecedented in the history of the seven kingdoms.Being less than two hundred years old, for the majority of cultivators, it was difficult to even reach the Core Formation stage.After the news was released, whether they had a marriage alliance with the Ye family or not, they couldn't escape this time.Who would dare not attend the ceremony of a Soul Formation ancestor?If they didn't give face, their future path might become narrow.The monarchs of the kingdoms, the sect masters of the immortal sects, and even the queen of the Daughter Kingdom, the moment they heard the news, immediately ordered their people to prepare generous gifts and rushed to Qingyun City.Ye Kaishan's children who were training outside, upon receiving the news, hurriedly rushed back.