
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

This Son Must Not Stay, Tear Your Face

"Who are you? Why are you attacking the palace?"Ye Kai asked with a serious expression, fearless in the face of danger, displaying the aura of a king.Although his cultivation was only at the late stage of Foundation Building, at his age, he was already ahead of his peers by a large margin."Hehe... You must be Ye Kaishan's son? Quickly let your father come out and die, we are the Golden Shark Clan."Sha Pojun said coldly.Upon hearing this, Ye Kai's expression changed slightly, finally understanding the origin of the other party."So this is the Hai Clan... such terrifying strength, they want to kill my father..."He became anxious, it was clear that the Golden Shark Clan had come prepared."Don't waste time with him, destroy this place first, I don't believe Ye Kaishan won't come out."An elder of the Golden Shark Clan said with a murderous intent.In the next moment, Sha Pojun attacked again, bombarding the powerful formation guarding the palace."A mere small formation, still trying to stop me?"Boom!The protective formation trembled violently, its light flickering, showing signs of instability.At this moment, the cultivators in the royal city all had grim expressions as they watched this scene."The Golden Shark Clan has come, what grudges or grievances do they have?""Is it possible that the Hai Clan woman Ye Patriarch married is the fiancée of this Golden Shark?""That's trouble, the Golden Shark Clan came prepared, I wonder if Ye Patriarch can hold on, otherwise, it will be a disaster."The cultivators in the city were filled with fear and unease. With the ferocity of the Hai Clan, they would likely not escape death.Buzz... Boom!The protective formation was broken. This was a formation set up by Ye Kaishan, capable of withstanding attacks from the Soul Formation stage.Facing Sha Pojun at the Void Refining stage, it was naturally unable to hold up."Hmph... but do you have any means to stop me?"Sha Pojun sneered, staring at Ye Kai with eyes filled with killing intent, making people shudder.An invisible pressure enveloped the entire royal city.Ye Kai tightly clenched his fists, deep in his pupils, as if a flame was burning.Under this pressure, he forced himself to straighten his spine, and his aura gradually rose.At a visible speed, he broke through to the peak of Foundation Building.And it continued, showing no signs of stopping."This... there's something strange about this human kid."Sha Buqun's eyes widened. He sensed a hidden immense power in Ye Kai. Once it erupted, the consequences would be unimaginable."This child must not be allowed to live!""Kill!"Sha Buqun immediately made a move, pointing through the air, aiming at Ye Kai. He wanted to kill the danger in its cradle.Swoosh swoosh swoosh...Suddenly, a black figure flashed by quickly, and the space seemed to freeze.At this moment, the space in this world seemed to solidify for a moment.Everything came to a halt, only that black figure remained, in an inexplicable state of mind.It arrived in front of Ye Kai, then threw a punch, shattering the attacking finger imprint."Father... Father."Ye Kai looked at the towering figure standing in front of him, the golden sun totem shining brightly, and called out excitedly.The one who came was Ye Kaishan. He felt that the formation he had set up was under attack, so he immediately put down what he was doing and rushed to the rescue.What he had just used was the ability to shrink space. In a critical moment, he briefly broke through the limitations of time and space.This was a Heaven Grade Divine Ability, manipulating the rules of heaven and earth, sensing the changes in all things."Kai'er, you go down first and stabilize your cultivation."Ye Kaishan said to his son with his back turned, he could see that Ye Kai's hidden divine body was being stimulated.However, this thing couldn't be forced, otherwise it might cause his body to explode."Yes, father." Ye Kai nodded heavily and flew down to the ground, sitting cross-legged.At this moment, the people in the royal city were shocked as they watched this scene, feeling an indescribable sense of relief.This is the strongest man in their Fire Country."Ye Kaishan!" Sha Pojun's eyes widened in anger, and he said word by word, almost grinding his gold teeth.When enemies meet, their eyes turn red.He wished he could open his mouth wide and bite off Ye Kaishan's head.Even at the brink of death, he still acts so arrogant.It's infuriating!"You idiot, here to offer the skull of your ancestors again?"Ye Kaishan smiled faintly and launched a devastating attack."I'll fight you!"Sha Pojun roared and was about to rush up to fight Ye Kaishan.At a critical moment, Sha Buqun held him back with one hand. "You're no match for him, step aside."From the moment of the time freeze just now, Sha Buqun could tell that this person was even more formidable than he had imagined.The foolish son didn't lose unjustly.However, the situation is still within a controllable range."Human, you're strong, but your strength is limited. I'll give you a chance. Help me with something, and I won't hold it against you."Sha Buqun said with a smile that wasn't really a smile. He had a feeling that this person in front of him might know the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball.Compared to the Dragon Ball, the skull of his ancestors seemed insignificant."And who are you?"Ye Kaishan said calmly. This golden shark in front of him turned out to be at the peak of Void Refining.Deploying such a powerful figure must have cost a lot.It would have been a bit tricky in the past.But now..."Let me introduce myself. I am..." Sha Buqun explained with a smile.At the same time.In a distant dark place, Sha Wanli and a group of silver sharks were secretly observing everything.They were one step behind the Golden Shark Clan and had not revealed their presence, quietly following behind."It's starting, it's starting...""The Golden Shark Clan is ruthless. They actually sent out that old man, Sha Buqun.""I heard that the ancestral skull of the Sha Buqun lineage was shattered. How can this grudge not be avenged?"Several elder silver sharks sneered."So this kid married Jiaojiao? He doesn't seem to have three heads and six arms. How could Jiaojiao be interested in someone with thin arms and legs?"The silver-haired elder said in confusion."Perhaps this kid has strengths that we don't know about."Another silver shark said. She was a beautiful woman with shoulder-length hair, a hot figure, and a powerful sense of beauty.She was much older than Sha Jiaojiao, looking like she was in her late twenties or early thirties by human standards.She was a senior member of the Silver Shark Clan, with mid-stage Void Refining cultivation."Should we intervene when the fight starts?" a silver shark asked."Hmph! Intervene? Let Sha Buqun teach this human a lesson first. He dares to overestimate his abilities and marry my daughter..."Sha Wanli glared at the speaking clan member. If it weren't for Sha Buqun, he would have already taught Ye Kaishan a lesson.The silver sharks nodded, understanding that this was a father on the verge of losing control.Such emotions were understandable....At this moment, after listening to Sha Buqun's introduction, Ye Kaishan slowly spoke."What do you want me to do?"Beg?Sha Buqun suppressed his anger and stated his intention."Sorry, I don't know anything about Dragon Balls, and I don't have time to help you find them. Take your people and go back to the sea, never come ashore, or else your skull won't be safe."Ye Kaishan sneered and said coldly.