
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

This Son Is My Lucky Star, And Suzerain Mi Has Fallen

Upon seeing this, Lu Fei drew her sword and was about to attack the remaining demonic cultivators."Hold on!"Ye Kaishan quickly stopped her, gesturing for her not to get agitated, and then spoke with reason and evidence."Keep them as hostages, they are more useful alive than dead."Upon hearing this, the cultivators from the seven countries present smiled knowingly, especially when they looked at Mei Mo, who had a big belly.Master Ye's "hostages" had a reputation.Lu Fei, a female sword cultivator, didn't quite understand this, but she thought it made sense and refrained from attacking.Just then, Wu Zan, who was pretending to be dead on the ground, suddenly moved and used a move called Heavenly Demon Disintegration.Wu Zan understood that even if it meant sacrificing his own cultivation, he didn't want to be caught by Ye Kaishan."Trying to escape?" Lu Fei's eyes sharpened, and she was about to swing her sword with killing intent."No need." Ye Kaishan stopped her, wearing a mysterious smile on his face as he looked into the distance."This child is my lucky star. Let him go, he won't cause any trouble anyway."So, Ye Kaishan began to take action, setting up restrictions on Yu Mo, Hua Mo, and Little Elder Lingxiu.After finishing, he looked at the few remaining half-dead demonic cultivators, thought for a moment, and then killed them."Having these three as hostages is enough, having more would be a waste of resources."Ye Kaishan turned to explain to everyone, very serious."Yes, yes, Master Ye is right." Ma Yuanhua was completely conquered by Ye Kaishan and immediately stepped forward to flatter him."What do you want to do to us? I tell you, we would rather die than surrender!"Yu Mo shouted loudly, feeling a sense of unease, especially when she looked at the pregnant Mei Mo.She was afraid that she would end up like her."Ah, yes, rather die than surrender." Ye Kaishan nodded, not bothering to say much, and with a flick of his finger, he sealed her mouth.Next, everyone cleaned up the battlefield and distributed the spoils.Naturally, Ye Kaishan took the lion's share, but unfortunately, the Heavenly Demon Palace's flying shuttle was split in half by Lu Fei.However, the storage ring of the White-Haired Demon Lord fell into Ye Kaishan's hands.After completing all of this, everyone began to return."Miss Lu, if you're not in a hurry to go back, why not stay here for a few more days?"On the way, Ye Kaishan smiled and said to Lu Fei.Originally, Lu Fei, who had completed her mission, should have returned to the Yinyue Dynasty, but considering the escaped Blood Moon Demon Lord and Blade Demon, she decided to stay a little longer.Upon returning to the Daughter Country, the news spread.The Heavenly Demon Palace suffered a major defeat, with six Saint Child Saintesses, one dead, two escaped, and three captured.The other demonic cultivators were almost completely wiped out.This news first spread in the Daughter Country, causing a sensation throughout the country, and intense discussions about Master Ye began.Because in this battle, Ye Kaishan single-handedly set up formations and killed most of the demonic cultivators.With his martial arts skills, he even forced the leader of the demonic cultivators, who was at the Soul Formation stage, to flee in embarrassment."A Soul Formation cultivator is no match for him. Master Ye is truly extraordinary!""What kind of immortal man is he? Not only is he talented, but his strength is also so powerful, he doesn't have any weaknesses at all."The female cultivators in the Daughter Country were filled with excitement, knowing that Ye Kaishan was still in the Daughter Country, they immediately rushed to the capital.At this moment, Ye Kaishan was piloting the Moon Gazing Flying Boat, preparing to return.Just as he flew out of the capital, a group of female cultivators below waved and cheered."Senior Ye!""Senior Ye, you are my idol!"Inside the Moon Gazing Flying Boat, Ye Kaishan saw this scene and manifested a clone, appearing outside and beckoning to the women."Come..."Although these female cultivators appeared suddenly, they came at the right time.For Master Ye, naturally, he wouldn't refuse. He could already tell that these female cultivators were all captivated by his charm.As long as you wave your hand and take the initiative, everything will fall into place.This person, charm alone is not enough, you have to take the initiative.If you like someone, you should speak up.The female cultivator below had a look of surprise and immediately flew up.Ye Kaishan returned to Fire Country with a large group of women.Back in Azure Cloud City, everything remained the same. Yu Mo, Hua Mo, Little Elder Lingxiu, and the others were all locked in a secret room.Then they struck different poses.Next, it was time to take concubines.The news quickly spread that Ye Kaishan was taking in concubines again."What the hell, Ye Patriarch is at it again? How intense will it be this time?""Did you hear? Ye Patriarch has been killing all over the Heavenly Net Wastelands and wiped out the Heavenly Demon Palace."When Ye Kaishan announced the taking of concubines, the news began to spread across the seven countries.This time it was even more shocking. Six Soul Formation Stage experts from the Heavenly Demon Palace came, but none of them were able to break through and were all killed.Especially Ye Kaishan's performance, it became more and more legendary as it was passed down by word of mouth.Things like defeating six demons with one hand.Playing around with the perfect Soul Formation stage, calm and relaxed.In fact, at that time, Ye Kaishan was running away with his tail between his legs. If it weren't for the child's bravery at a critical moment, who knows what would have happened.However, this did not prevent Ye Kaishan from becoming more and more deified in the eyes of ordinary cultivators.The cultivation families and even the royal families of the seven countries were moved and began to request marriage alliances."I have a junior in my family who must be sent to the Ye family for a marriage alliance!" an old clan leader said excitedly."Fellow Daoist, you can't be impulsive. If you keep doing this, I won't be able to afford the gifts." Another clan leader who was drinking tea together couldn't hold back.He had just received the news of Ye Kaishan taking concubines and was considering what gift to send because of the in-law relationship.And now suddenly there was another one.His heart couldn't take it anymore.However, this still couldn't resist the impulse of the major clans and outstanding female cultivators wanting to establish a relationship with the Ye family.This time, the commotion caused by Ye Kaishan's taking of concubines was even greater than before.One every few days, continuously for half a year.The red lanterns of the Ye family were never taken down.All the cultivators of the seven countries were dumbfounded, and even the gift-givers were at a loss.On this day, Mi Yao, the Grandmaster of Hundred Flowers Sect, finally couldn't hold back her anger and almost cried.In a fit of anger, she went to the Ye family and questioned Ye Kaishan."Ye Kaishan, when will you stop taking concubines?""Grandmaster Mi Yao, it seems that my taking of concubines has nothing to do with you, right?" Ye Kaishan asked with a smile on his face."I..."Mi Yao couldn't say anything. It was true that it had nothing to do with her.Should she say that she couldn't afford to send a gift, so he shouldn't take concubines anymore?That seemed a bit unreasonable.Ye Kaishan seemed to sense her dilemma and took the opportunity to say."Grandmaster Mi, why don't you marry me instead? Then you won't have to send a gift, and you might even receive gifts."Upon hearing this, the tension in Mi Yao's heart finally snapped.In fact, she had had a favorable impression of Ye Kaishan for a long time.But there was a barrier between them that neither of them had taken the initiative to break.Now, with Ye Kaishan's invitation, it was in line with Mi Yao's intentions.They quickly reached an agreement.So, Ye Kaishan postponed the process of taking concubines and prepared to marry Mi Yao first.