
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

The Key To Giving Birth To A Baby, King Ming Dharmakaya

The Key To Giving Birth To A Baby, King Ming Dharmakaya

The Blood Moon Demon Lord sent the Fire Dragon Shield flying and rushed towards Ye Kaishan with a ferocious expression.From the looks of it, he wanted nothing more than to devour Ye Kaishan alive. His eyes only had room for him and couldn't tolerate anyone else."What the f*ck..."Ye Kaishan was startled. The enraged demon leader was truly terrifying."Run!"Without hesitation, Ye Kaishan turned around and fled, transforming into seven stars that shimmered in the void, his figure flickering and unpredictable.However, the Blood Moon Demon Lord was determined to kill him and paid no attention to anyone else, relentlessly pursuing and attacking."Still chasing, still chasing, my movement speed is over 700!" Ye Kaishan complained, becoming anxious from being chased. He retaliated by unleashing a magnetic light.Buzz...The void rippled, compressing towards the center. The Blood Moon Demon Lord's figure slowed down, and his entire body emitted crackling sounds like popping beans."I'm going to tear you apart!"He roared furiously, spewing out a mouthful of blood. More powerful strength surged from his body as he charged forward, disregarding the force of the magnetic light.Ye Kaishan's eyelids twitched as he watched. This guy was actually burning his essence blood.Was it necessary? Was it really necessary?Let's talk it out.In the blink of an eye, the Blood Moon Demon Lord caught up. His blood-red hand enveloped the sky, carrying an immense pressure as it descended."Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"Ye Kaishan shouted loudly, gathering the power of the stars in his hands and manifesting a giant starry hand, forcefully colliding with the Blood Moon Demon Lord's attack.The two large hands collided in the void, erupting with earth-shattering might.Puchi...Ye Kaishan was sent flying, quickly retreating thousands of feet in the void. He hurriedly wiped away the bloodstains from the corners of his mouth and turned to run again."This damn demon leader is quite formidable!"There was a whole realm of difference between him and the Blood Moon Demon God. Even though he possessed exceptional skills, it was still not enough.Heaven Grade cultivation technique "Immovable Vajra Art" had not been cultivated at all and couldn't be used.Unless he fought to the death.But Ye Kaishan, who cherished his life so much, how could he fight to the death with someone?"Beast! Leave me behind!" The Blood Moon Demon Lord roared, his scalp tingling with anger. Although this kid's strength was nothing special, he was extremely skilled at escaping.For a while, he really had no way to deal with him."Escape! Keep running for me! The more you run, the more you anger me. When I catch you, I will make you experience the most terrifying death in the world!"The Blood Moon Demon Lord gnashed his teeth. Originally, his killing intent towards Ye Kaishan was only one hundred percent.Now, as he chased, his killing intent skyrocketed to two hundred percent.And it was still rising.Just at this moment, Ye Kaishan, who was fleeing at high speed, suddenly trembled. An uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.[Ding! Congratulations to the host's descendants for surpassing 8,000 people. Rewarding 20 years of cultivation experience in techniques, 20 years of talisman-making experience, 20 years of formation experience, and 2,000 medium-grade spirit stones.]"Perfect timing!"Ye Kaishan was overjoyed. His children were so amazing that they actually reached over 8,000 descendants at this moment.This was the luck brought about by his usual efforts. If he had a few less children, he wouldn't have broken through 8,000 descendants so quickly."Add some points!"Ye Kaishan shouted in his heart, instantly pouring all his cultivation experience into the "Immovable Vajra Art."He usually had no time to cultivate techniques and didn't want to either.After adding twenty years of cultivation experience, his comprehension of the Immovable Vajra Art reached an unimaginable level in an instant.He felt like a high-ranking monk or Daoist, and this technique was tailor-made for him.Ye Kaishan stopped and stood motionless in the void, unusually calm."Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"Seeing this, the Blood Moon Demon Lord grinned ferociously, his laughter echoing in all directions.It's this kind of trick again, it's laughable."Run, why aren't you running? Die for me!"It seemed as if Ye Kaishan could already see himself being smashed into minced meat by him.But at this moment, Ye Kaishan, who was standing there motionless, suddenly burst forth with a strong will.And accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit sounds."Immovable Vajra - Radiant Dharma Body!"Boom!A brilliant light erupted from Ye Kaishan's body, like a small sun.A huge Dharma body appeared above his body, reaching a height of ten thousand zhang, with a sacred and solemn appearance, like a deity in a pure land of heaven, descending into the mortal world.Then, he slowly raised his hand and slapped towards the Blood Moon Demon God."This is..."The Blood Moon Demon Lord couldn't laugh anymore, as he felt a strong pressure from this Dharma body.Especially the big hand that came down, actually locked onto his aura, making him unable to move.He let out a long roar, revealing his demonic body, and forcibly took this palm."I gave you a chance, chase, continue chasing?"Ye Kaishan continued to make his move, his fists like mountains, raining down like crazy.The ground where they were located sank, cracking open like a spiderweb, revealing deep abyssal fissures."How is this possible! Why does this guy know Buddhist and Daoist techniques?"The Blood Moon Demon Lord's face was filled with shock, after all, he came from the Heavenly Demon Palace, how could he not recognize Buddhist techniques.Moreover, this technique was extremely profound, it was probably already at the Heaven Grade level, or even more powerful than the Heavenly Demon Palace.At this moment, he was already doubting his life.Buddhist techniques themselves had a certain suppression on demonic paths, not to mention Heaven Grade techniques.The Blood Moon Demon Lord had already been cut in half, losing his origin, and on top of that, he had been bombarded by the Thunder Formation for half a day.Now, he could probably only display the strength of the late Soul Formation stage."Ah da da da!"Ye Kaishan was enjoying himself, squeezing small asteroids like the Siberian Titan, almost going crazy.Two huge Dharma bodies fought in the heavens and earth, but it was clear that the radiant body had the upper hand, suppressing and bombarding the demonic body."Fuck...Master Ye...Master Ye!""Fellow Daoist Ye is mighty! He can actually fight that Blood Demon on equal footing!"The cultivators from the seven countries were all dumbfounded.The Queen of the Daughter Country, Dugu Zhi, Yang Menghua, Lu Fei, the Demon Blade, the Jade Demon, and other demonic cultivators who were currently fighting were all unable to extricate themselves from the shock of this scene.Ye Kaishan's strength once again refreshed their understanding.Fierce!Too fierce!"Ah...""Heavenly Demon disintegrates!"Suddenly, a furious shout resounded through the heavens and earth, the Blood Moon Demon Lord was getting anxious and directly disintegrated and fled.Ye Kaishan made a move to intercept, but only caught one of the black lights, the true body of the Blood Moon Demon Lord escaped."What a pity..."He felt a bit regretful, he could suppress the Blood Moon Demon Lord, but he still lacked the strength to kill him.With the Blood Moon Demon Lord gone, Ye Kaishan freed up his hands and went to help Lu Fei deal with the Demon Blade.The Demon Blade had a domineering personality and went mad directly, wanting to fight against the two of them.Unfortunately, in the end, he was overwhelmed by the combined efforts of Ye Kaishan and Lu Fei, and could only escape.At this time, the Ten Directions Thunder Formation completely collapsed.The remaining demonic cultivators had been drained almost dry.Ye Kaishan strode forward, punching the head of the White-Haired Demon Lord, shattering his Primordial Spirit.