
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

The Heir Breaks Through 300, Foundation Building Quadruple

One month later."My husband, you're amazing. I think I'm pregnant," Zhu Man said happily, sensing the signs of life in her belly.Since she joined the Hundred Flowers Sect, she had been devoted for decades, never expecting that one day she would be able to get married and have a child.As a woman of the Hundred Flowers Sect, although she appeared glamorous on the surface, there was hidden sadness behind it.Without the nourishment of rain and dew, even the most beautiful flower would wither in the end.This was related to the cultivation techniques they practiced.In the end, the women of the Hundred Flowers Sect had to leave the sect and find a place to settle down for the rest of their lives."You're amazing too. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly," Ye Kaishan said, giving Zhu Man a thumbs up. Generally, it was difficult for cultivators to get pregnant, but Zhu Man managed to do so in just one month. It showed that she was an exceptionally gifted woman."Stop it!" Zhu Man blushed and playfully hit Ye Kaishan.After Zhu Man became pregnant, Ye Kaishan's other wives also gave birth to children from time to time.Occasionally, there would be one or two children with spiritual roots, but the majority of them did not have any.After giving birth, Ye Kaishan took care of them, using the Innate Yin-Yang Supreme Technique to maintain their health and only practicing cultivation without giving birth."Husband, please rest assured. I will use my mana to refine what is left inside..." Zhao Feiyan, who was about to bloom, said to Ye Kaishan.She now had a Yellow Grade medium-quality spiritual root, Qi Refining at the fifth level, and with the help of the Youth-Retaining Pill and Life Extending Pill, she looked exactly the same as before.With a slender waist and a delicate figure, she didn't look like a mother of multiple children, but rather like a young girl.Ye Kaishan never treated any of his wives differently and took care of each one of them.Even Ren Tinglan, whose foundation was damaged, had been restored.On this day, while she was still pregnant and had nothing to do, Ye Kaishan decided to help her with Foundation Building.The first two attempts at Foundation Building failed because her cultivation was not enough and there weren't enough Foundation Building Pills.This time, Ye Kaishan prepared twenty Foundation Building Pills for Ren Tinglan to consume.This made Ren Tinglan both amused and touched.While Ren Tinglan was building her foundation, Ye Kaishan stood by to guard against any accidents.Ren Tinglan lived up to expectations and successfully consumed five Foundation Building Pills in a row, finally establishing a high-quality foundation.This exceeded her expectations by a lot.Originally, she couldn't even build the lowest-quality foundation, but now she directly achieved a high-quality one, far beyond what she had anticipated.Ren Tinglan was moved and helped Ye Kaishan, expressing her emotions.It was a long time before they finally calmed down from exhaustion.Next, Ye Kaishan went to the other cultivation wives to help them with their cultivation and improve their cultivation level.Just as he was busy and enjoying himself, the door of the Ye family was knocked."Where is Ye Kaishan? Our master invites you to come and refine pills!" Zhen Taihe, accompanied by his disciples, appeared at the door of the Ye family.During this period, Ye Kaishan had been busy taking care of his wives and hadn't gone to White Sun City.When Zhen Taihe couldn't wait any longer, he personally came to challenge Ye Kaishan."Oh! Isn't this Master Zhen? You've been gone for so long, turns out you went back to get reinforcements," Ye Kaishan walked out and said with a teasing smile."Hmph! Don't talk nonsense. Our master happened to pass by here and heard that Master Ye's skills are superb, so he wanted to witness it," Zhen Taihe replied."Is Master Ye afraid?"Zhen Taihe had a stern face and said in a deep voice, even using provocative tactics, afraid that Ye Kaishan would not agree."Go back and let your master wait, I'll be there shortly." Ye Kaishan waved his hand.Zhen Taihe secretly rejoiced and left with his disciple, feeling satisfied.They waited for two and a half years.Ye Kaishan was busy at home giving birth to a child. Zhu Man was amazing, giving birth to a Profound Grade lower-grade spiritual root offspring in her first pregnancy.Afterwards, Ye Kaishan took in several female cultivators who came from Cloud Billow Sect.These women were influenced by Xie Yue, Zou Xue, and other women.They had already planned to leave the sect, knowing that these women had gained such comfort in Azure Cloud Town.They immediately bid farewell to the sect and happily left the mountain.When others leave the immortal sect, they are usually in a miserable state, but these women were happy and radiant.Yan Shuitian couldn't sit still. Recently, more and more female cultivators were leaving, and the trend was obvious.And every one of them leaving was like going home for the New Year.Cloud Billow Sect is a sect that countless people aspire to join, not a purgatory!In these three years, Ye Kaishan's offspring multiplied rapidly, finally breaking through the 300 mark in the last year.[Congratulations to the host for having many descendants, reaching 300 in number, and further expanding the family. Rewards include a medium-grade spiritual field, ten years of cultivation experience, ten years of alchemy experience, ten years of spiritual plant cultivation experience, a complete collection of Yellow Grade formations, and 1000 medium-grade spirit stones.][Descendants: 300. Family reputation: 5642. Family size has increased. Please continue to work hard, host.]"Fourth level of Foundation Building!"In these three years, Ye Kaishan consumed a lot of elixirs and broke through to the fourth level of Foundation Building. After absorbing the experience, he advanced another level.Four Dao platforms were built within his body.This kind of crazy leveling up made him feel extremely excited.There was no way around it. His spiritual roots were outstanding, and he had an endless supply of spirit stones and elixirs.Not only did Ye Kaishan level up, but Shui Bing'er, Xie Yue, Zou Xue, and several other female cultivators also successfully reached the Foundation Building stage through consuming elixirs.Although most of them were of medium-grade Foundation Building, some were of high-grade Foundation Building, which was an unimaginable improvement for them.If they hadn't married Ye Kaishan, they probably would never have been able to enter the Foundation Building stage in their lifetime.Even building a spiritual foundation at the level of a sewer was difficult for them.With several Foundation Building cultivators in the Ye family, they were considered a decent cultivation family in the entire Fire Country.After consolidating his cultivation, Ye Kaishan walked out of the cultivation room and finally remembered the agreement he made with Zhen Taihe three years ago."It seems a bit late. I wonder if he's still here."After a moment of contemplation, Ye Kaishan immediately flew on his sword towards White Sun City....Three years ago, Zhen Taihe left the Ye family and immediately spread the news when he returned.Ye Kaishan was going to challenge the elder alchemist of Pill Cauldron Sect.The people of White Sun City were excited when they heard the news, but this excitement gradually faded over the course of three years.Until the end, they almost forgot about it.Zhen Taihe and his disciple were getting impatient waiting for Ye Kaishan.They secretly cursed Ye Kaishan for being careless, saying he would arrive shortly but didn't show up for three years."Forget it, forget it. He's avoiding the battle, he's already afraid of me. I don't think he'll come."Elder Zhou Lu of Pill Cauldron Sect sneered at his disciple."It's a pity!" Zhen Taihe said regretfully."It doesn't matter. Since he dares not to come, you will be the number one alchemist in White Sun City in the future."Zhou Lu stroked his beard and said confidently.Just then, a mixed voice came from outside the door."Master, he's here! Ye Kaishan is here!" His disciple Liu Yang shouted loudly outside the door.