
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

The Flower Girl Zhu Man, Cut The Sky And Draw The Sword

Qian Jia, the banquet has been set up. Ye Kaishan, accompanied by Qian Lou, sits in the main seat.After three rounds of wine.Just when Ye Kaishan was getting impatient, a graceful and charming woman walked in.Instantly, the entire hall seemed to brighten up a bit.Accompanied by a refreshing fragrance.This woman is like a fairy, and the fragrance emanates from her."Haha... Master Ye, let me introduce you. This is my cousin Zhu Man, an inner disciple of the Hundred Flowers Sect.""Cousin, this is Master Ye that I often mention to you, the number one alchemist in White Sun City."Qian Lou introduced."I am Zhu Man, I have seen Master Ye." The woman named Zhu Man came forward, slightly bowing and saluting.Elegant posture, the fragrance becomes even stronger.Ye Kaishan's eyes moved, using the system function to check.Green quality, Foundation Building Triple, appearance score around 90 points, Yellow Grade top-quality spiritual root.It can be said that she excels in all aspects.She is already fifty years old, but the lifespan of a cultivator at the Foundation Building Stage is two to three hundred years, so fifty years old is equivalent to a person in their twenties.Therefore, she looks youthful, just with a more mature temperament, which is the charm brought by time."No need for formalities, please rise." Ye Kaishan withdrew his gaze."Yes!" Zhu Man stood up, stole a glance at Ye Kaishan, then quickly looked away, a hint of shyness flashed in her eyes, she was captivated by his handsomeness."Master Ye, my cousin has always admired you, often unable to eat or sleep, how about finding a time..." Qian Lou said with a smile, already hinting at arranging a meeting."No problem, one month later." Ye Kaishan nodded without any hesitation."By the way, Master Ye, this young lady has another request..." Zhu Man suddenly spoke, and after her words, Ye Kaishan understood.A few days ago, when Zhu Man was carrying out a mission for the sect, she was bitten by a poisonous monster.To this day, there is still residual poison in her body that cannot be completely eliminated.She pleaded with Ye Kaishan to help her refine a Breaking Barrier Pill to remove the toxins from her body.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan understood that the other party had a purpose, but having a purpose was just right.If there were no purposes at all, that would be scary.The Breaking Barrier Pill is a Profound Grade elixir that can eliminate toxins, strengthen the body, repair injuries, and transform one's physique.This pill is expensive, and ordinary cultivators cannot afford it."No problem, consider this pill as a betrothal gift."Ye Kaishan pondered for a moment and spoke.For him, refining the Breaking Barrier Pill was not difficult.One month later, Ye Kaishan refined the Breaking Barrier Pill, and the wedding procession arrived in White Sun City."Master Ye is taking another concubine...""Master Ye is truly a man of character. I have never met an alchemist who likes taking concubines so much.""What is this called? Balancing work and leisure!"The people of White Sun City admired and respected him.Master Ye not only excels in alchemy, but also in his physical health. It is said that he has dozens of concubines, which ordinary people cannot bear.Even cultivators cannot withstand such a lifestyle.Not long after, Ye Kaishan, dressed in a red robe, sat on a horse, exuding a joyous and elegant aura.Leaving White Sun City, gradually moving away under the gaze of the crowd.Just when the wedding procession was halfway through, suddenly, a cold sneer came from the sky.Instantly, the horses under the people became restless and uneasy."Who dares to show themselves?"Ye Kaishan frowned, shouting loudly.Chi!A blood-red blade light suddenly slashed down, about forty meters long, landing in the middle of the procession.People and horses were thrown into chaos, casualties were everywhere.At the critical moment, the bride Zhu Man flew out, avoiding this attack."Ye Kaishan, I have been waiting for you for a long time."The sound rang out again, and a middle-aged man appeared on a distant treetop, holding a long knife with a cold smile on his face."Foundation Building Seventh Level!"Ye Kaishan's eyes narrowed, and his first reaction was that Zhu Man had conspired with someone to harm him."Who are you?""Hehe... Let me make it clear to you before you die. I am Tian Wenjing. Do you know who I am now?"The middle-aged man sneered, looking down coldly."So you are Tian Wenjing!"Ye Kaishan suddenly realized that it had been a long time, and he had almost forgotten about this person.Shui Bing'er had told him before that Tian Wenjing was a cultivator in the early stage of Foundation Building.But now he had reached the late stage of Foundation Building, obviously he had encountered some miracles recently."Hmph... If it weren't for me practicing Soul Refining recently, I would have come to take your life long ago."Tian Wenjing snorted coldly, and the blood-colored knife aura suddenly attacked, breaking through the air."Husband, I'll help you!" Zhu Man flew over to assist."Stay away, don't get in the way."Ye Kaishan shouted loudly, and the Xuan Guang Flying Sword appeared in his hand, slashing lightly.All of this was completed in the blink of an eye.The sword light flickered like lightning, cutting through the Shattering Void, instantly dispersing the knife aura."Hmm?"Tian Wenjing's gaze flickered with surprise."You have some skills, but it's far from enough."He flashed his figure, flying down from the treetop, quickly approaching."Not enough, huh..."Ye Kaishan whispered, a hint of madness in his eyes."Crimson Flame Blood Burning Technique!""Fifty years of lifespan!"With a bang, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from him, sweeping out and forming a storm.Tian Wenjing stopped in mid-air, looking at Ye Kaishan in the storm with a shocked expression. This power was not weaker than his own.What the hell?This guy has been hiding his cultivation?Ye Kaishan rose straight up, holding the sword with one hand, brewing a Sword Intent, and then swung it fiercely."Buzz..."A thick sword aura broke through the storm, extremely sharp, tearing through the sky as if it was going to be torn apart.The Sky-Cutting Sword Technique!Tian Wenjing roared angrily and slashed out a blood-colored knife aura.However, under the Sky-Cutting Sword Technique, it was like nothing.Boom!The sword light fell, and a crack that stretched for hundreds of feet appeared on the ground.Tian Wenjing stood motionless in the void, his eyes empty.The next moment, a blood mark appeared on his forehead, and his whole body split in half and fell down.Ye Kaishan sheathed his sword, took a deep breath, and this sword took away most of his strength.Plus the burning fifty years of lifespan.He felt as if he had been completely drained.Zhu Man below looked stunned, almost kneeling.Her husband was not only good at alchemy, but also so powerful in cultivation?Next, Ye Kaishan took Zhu Man and flew thousands of miles away, quickly leaving the area.And at the moment of Tian Wenjing's death, in a dark Cave Mansion within the Fire Country.An old man in a gray robe suddenly opened his eyes, filled with killing intent, anger, and various negative emotions in his eyes that didn't seem human....Ye Kaishan returned to Azure Cloud Town with Zhu Man, everything was as usual, they paid respects to heaven and earth, and were sent to the bridal chamber.The women of the Hundred Flowers Sect had their own body fragrance, and Zhu Man was a kind of flower called Hongtiao, with a strong but not pungent smell.For Ye Kaishan, it was another unforgettable night.