
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

The First Beauty Of Azure Cloud Town, Qi Refining

At this moment, Ye Kaishan came out of Wang Xifeng's place with a satisfied heart. After some effort, he finally made her pregnant.Just as he was thinking about taking a fourth concubine, he received a message from his maid Xiaoju, saying that the head of the Zhao family wanted to see him."Bring them to the reception hall."...Not long after, Ye Kaishan sat on a mahogany chair and saw Zhao Gang leading a woman towards him from afar.This woman looked just of age, petite and beautiful, belonging to the cute type.With a slender waist and a graceful walk, she exuded the elegance of a refined lady."Master Ye, congratulations, congratulations," Zhao Gang laughed heartily, with a smile on his face."Zhao Gang, what is this about?" Ye Kaishan asked in confusion. He and Zhao Gang's father were of the same generation, so he always called him by his name."I came today to arrange a happy event. I wonder what Master Ye thinks of my daughter?" Zhao Gang asked with a smile, pulling his daughter forward."Well... your daughter is exceptionally beautiful, worthy of being called the number one beauty in Azure Cloud Town," Ye Kaishan paused for a moment and spoke honestly. If Su Mei is 88 points, then Zhao Feiyan is at least 90 points."Haha... you flatter me, you flatter me," Zhao Gang laughed heartily, feeling extremely proud. After the laughter stopped, he said, "I want to marry my daughter to Master Ye. What do you think?""Marry me?" Ye Kaishan was surprised and his face looked strange.He didn't answer immediately, but secretly used the system function to check Zhao Feiyan.What he saw was astonishing. A green light rose up, even stronger than Su Mei's.This was a woman greener than Su Mei.Ye Kaishan was shocked, but remained calm on the surface and said calmly, "Zhao Gang, with your daughter being so beautiful, how could I refuse?""Great!" Zhao Gang was delighted, then pretended to hesitate and said, "However, my daughter requires ten thousand taels of gold as a dowry. Is that okay with Master Ye?"Ten thousand taels of gold?This was not a small amount.Ye Kaishan hesitated, but in an instant, he was about to become an immortal. How could he be interested in worldly possessions?"I agree.""But I also have a condition," Ye Kaishan smiled."What condition?" Zhao Gang asked, puzzled."That is, after I marry your daughter, we each mind our own business. You can't take advantage of me," Ye Kaishan said."Uh... alright." Zhao Gang fell silent for a moment and reluctantly agreed....After the Zhao family father and daughter left, Ye Kaishan immediately informed Mu Wanqing to prepare for the concubine ceremony.The date was set for three days later.He was still as impatient as ever.Soon, the three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Ye family once again hung up the big red lanterns, bustling with activity.Ye Kaishan, dressed in a red robe, smoothly went through the process.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully taking a concubine, rewarded with +5 lifespan.]Next, it was the moment Ye Kaishan had been looking forward to the most. He gently supported Zhao Feiyan's slender waist and walked into the bridal chamber.It was another indescribable heavenly moment....[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving his aptitude, reaching Yellow Grade lower rank.]"Finally... I finally have spiritual roots!"The night quickly passed.The next day, Ye Kaishan woke up early with a radiant expression, while his bride Zhao Feiyan had already fallen into a deep sleep, exhausted.He quickly returned to his own room and closed the door tightly.After obtaining spiritual roots, one could attempt to cultivate techniques.The "Clear Jade Qi Refining Technique" that the system had recently rewarded came in handy.The cultivation methods for ordinary people were different from those of immortals. Only those without spiritual roots would, out of helplessness, train their fists and bodies, cultivating martial arts to become warriors.Those with spiritual roots could skip this step and attempt to draw in qi, embarking on the path of immortality.Now, not only did Ye Kaishan possess spiritual roots, but he also had the Qi Refining Stage technique. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.In addition to the Clear Jade Qi Refining Technique, he could also cultivate the other technique rewarded by the system, the Yin-Yang Innate Supreme Technique.This Yin-Yang dual cultivation technique was not just about supplementing yin with yang, but rather a mutual supplementation of yin and yang.Long-term cultivation would benefit both parties, improving their physical fitness and cultivation.Immediately, Ye Kaishan took out spiritual stones and began to cultivate.He didn't leave his room for a long time.It wasn't until he cultivated a trace of spiritual energy and entered the first stage of Qi Refining that he finally stopped.With the entry of Qi Refining, his whole body was infused with spiritual energy, his meridians were unblocked, and the heavens and earth resonated."Qi Refining Stage... After sixty years of traversing, I have finally touched the threshold of cultivating immortality!"Ye Kaishan was excited and emotional. It had not been easy for him to come this far.After entering the Qi Refining Stage, the spiritual energy of the heavens and earth entered his body, nourishing his vitality and giving him a powerful physique from the inside out, completely different from that of a warrior.Immediately, his gaze became firm again."I want to take more concubines, improve my aptitude. Before, there was 'Becoming an Immortal through a Hundred Refinements,' now there is my 'Becoming an Immortal through a Hundred Concubines,' and if a hundred is not enough, then a thousand, ten thousand!"Immediately, he walked out boldly, almost forgetting that Zhao Feiyan had not yet succeeded in conceiving.Only by giving birth to more children with spiritual roots could he obtain more abundant rewards.Zhao Feiyan had a green-grade quality, and Ye Kaishan felt that she was very likely to give birth to children with spiritual roots, just like Su Mei.More than a month later, Zhao Feiyan finally became pregnant, and all his wives were pregnant.Ye Kaishan also found time to seclude himself and cultivate.Although his spiritual roots were poor and he didn't have many cultivation resources, it didn't matter because he had lifespan.Even if his lifespan was not enough, he could just take in a few more concubines.While Ye Kaishan was cultivating, his wives gave birth one after another.However, to his regret, Su Mei, Wu Nanchun, and Wang Xifeng did not give birth to children with spiritual roots.When it was Zhao Feiyan's turn to give birth, Ye Kaishan anxiously and eagerly waited.A loud cry of a baby rang out.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for branching out and bearing fruit. The host has given birth to a Yellow Grade middle-grade spiritual root offspring. Reward: +10 lifespan, the spell "Fire Cloud Finger," and the primary Spirit Gathering Formation.]Hearing the system prompt, Ye Kaishan smiled. As he expected, Zhao Feiyan had given birth to a child with spiritual roots, and it was even a Yellow Grade middle-grade spiritual root.Not only did the child have five more years of lifespan than ordinary children, but the rewards were also quite good.A spell for Qi Refining cultivation and a primary Spirit Gathering Formation.With this formation, he could gather all the surrounding spiritual energy to the Ye family.In this way, the speed of cultivation would be greatly increased.In the future, the Ye family members would also have unique advantages in cultivation.Ye Kaishan walked into the delivery room and brought the child to Zhao Feiyan's side, whispering softly in her ear."You've worked hard... I have good news for you. Our son has a spiritual root for cultivating immortality.""What? Is it true, husband?" Zhao Feiyan was shocked and almost sat up in excitement.She naturally knew what this meant."It's true!" Ye Kaishan nodded.After a moment of excitement, Zhao Feiyan finally calmed down. "Husband, give our child a name, okay?""Well..." Ye Kaishan paused and smiled."Let's call him... Ye Chen!"