
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

The Fairy With A Black Seal

This woman is dressed in white and has an outstanding temperament, like a fairy in a painting.Ye Kaishan's heart stirred, he recognized this woman. The first time he sent Ye Fan to Cloud Billow Sect, she was one of the fairies following Yan Shuitian.He had a strong impression of her because this woman's appearance was the most outstanding, almost on par with Yan Shuitian, each with their own unique qualities.He secretly used his abilities to observe and saw a green light shining above the woman's head, very dense and almost turning blue.Her appearance was extremely high, and her aptitude reached the peak of Yellow Grade. However, she was lacking in other aspects, especially luck, almost to the point of having a darkened forehead.From this, it can be seen that she is a bit unlucky.Ye Kaishan slowed down his pace, deliberately lingering on the side of the road, waiting for Ren Tinglan to approach before pretending to suddenly notice her."Oh, fairy, what a coincidence. Where are you going?"He smiled and asked in a familiar manner.Ren Tinglan was burdened with heavy thoughts and low spirits. She had been absent-minded the whole way, only coming back to her senses when someone spoke in her ear. She saw the charming face of a middle-aged man."You are..."For a moment, she didn't recognize Ye Kaishan."Fairy, you really have a bad memory. It's me, Ye Fan's father, a friend of Yan Shuitian..."Ye Kaishan said in a casual manner, almost slipping up."Oh... it's you."Ren Tinglan finally reacted and was somewhat surprised by Ye Kaishan's transformation."Fairy, where are you going? Why not go together?" Ye Kaishan suggested."I..." Ren Tinglan hesitated for a moment and smiled bitterly."I failed in Foundation Building, my path to immortality has been cut off, and I am no longer a member of Cloud Billow Sect. I'm planning to leave the mountain and find a place randomly."Ye Kaishan nodded slightly, finally understanding where this woman's misfortune lies.No wonder her forehead is darkened."If the fairy has nowhere to go, I suggest... why not come with me to Azure Cloud Town to relax?" Ye Kaishan hesitated for a moment and slowly said, almost wanting to give her a home.But the current situation is different from Shui Bing'er, it's not appropriate to be too direct."I want to go home and see my parents first," Ren Tinglan said, indirectly refusing.Unexpectedly, Ye Kaishan seemed to not understand her meaning and nodded repeatedly."In that case, I'll accompany the fairy on a trip. After all, I don't have much to do.""Where do you live?" Ren Tinglan was speechless for a moment, silent for a while, and revealed her hometown.So, Ye Kaishan followed Ren Tinglan and headed towards her hometown, a small town thousands of miles away from Cloud Billow Sect.On the way, Ye Kaishan only did two things, comforting and accompanying.He knew that Ren Tinglan needed these two things very much at this time.A few days later, the two arrived at their destination. After Ye Kaishan's eloquent persuasion, Ren Tinglan's mood improved a lot.But soon, she suffered another blow.Because she hadn't returned for so long, her parents had already passed away.Standing in front of the overgrown grave, Ren Tinglan looked sad, her gaze wandering."Thirty years in the immortal sect, looking back now, my parents in my hometown have turned into a handful of yellow soil..."Ye Kaishan stood by silently, feeling angry. Why is such a beautiful woman such an unlucky person?Failed in Foundation Building, both parents deceased.Lost her home after coming down the mountain.In order to prevent these poor female cultivators from being homeless, Ye Kaishan decided to give them a home.After a long time, Ren Tinglan's emotions calmed down a lot."What are your plans for the future?" Ye Kaishan asked tentatively."To travel around the world..." Ren Tinglan said lightly."That's great, let's go to Azure Cloud Town first."Without saying a word, Ye Kaishan immediately grabbed Ren Tinglan's delicate and boneless hand.Although Ren Tinglan was around forty years old, due to reaching the tenth level of Qi Refining, she looked like she was in her twenties, with naturally smooth and tender skin.Ren Tinglan struggled for a moment, but found that Ye Kaishan held her tightly. Thinking back to their recent time together, she suddenly didn't want to struggle anymore and let him take her.So, the two of them walked and stopped, and after ten days, they finally arrived at Azure Cloud Town.When Ye Kaishan appeared on the street with Ren Tinglan, everyone in the town was stunned.Ren Tinglan's temperament and appearance surpassed Shui Bing'er, as if she was a true fairy.When mortals saw her, they were naturally shocked.The news quickly spread, and when everyone thought that Ye Kaishan was going to marry a fairy, nothing happened.Ye Kaishan arranged for Ren Tinglan to stay at his house. Along the way, the two of them had developed feelings for each other.It was only a matter of time before they would naturally come together.Ye Kaishan didn't rush to break down his defenses, but instead ordered someone to prepare generous gifts. He was going to Xining Town to marry Xie Yu'e.It had been almost a month.He couldn't let the beauty wait anxiously....A few days later, the Ye family once again lit up with joy. After some hustle and bustle, Ye Kaishan finally brought Xie Yu'e back as his wife.This made Xie Yu'e relieved, as she had been waiting at home and was starting to think that Ye Kaishan had changed his mind.They went through the wedding ceremony and completed all the procedures.Ye Kaishan led his bride into the bridal chamber, and it was another heavenly time.It was true that older men knew how to take care of their partners. Xie Yu'e, who was in her thirties, gave Ye Kaishan an experience he had never had with an eighteen-year-old girl.The only regret for him was that her spiritual roots did not grow.Next, Ye Kaishan diligently cultivated Xie Yu'e's fertile land.After three months of hard work, Xie Yu'e finally became pregnant.Only then did Ye Kaishan find time to refine pills, cultivate, and also spend time with Ren Tinglan to cultivate their relationship.The days passed by leisurely.A few months later, all the women began to give birth.To Ye Kaishan's surprise, Su Mei gave birth to another child with spiritual roots.[Congratulations to the host for having offspring with Yellow Grade medium-grade spiritual roots. Reward: +10 lifespan, one Yellow Grade medium-grade spiritual treasure, one bottle of Yellow Grade spiritual pill.]Wu Nanchun, Wang Xifeng, Zhao Feiyan, and the others did not give birth to children with spiritual roots, but Ye Kaishan was still satisfied. The quality may not have improved, but the quantity had increased, right?He wanted both quality and quantity.As for Shui Bing'er, who had spiritual roots, she did not disappoint this time and gave birth to a child with spiritual roots.[Congratulations to the host for having offspring with Yellow Grade high-grade spiritual roots. Reward: +10 lifespan, 100 pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, one storage ring.]After all the women had given birth, Xie Yu'e finally went into labor. However, unexpectedly, she did not give birth to a child with spiritual roots.Ye Kaishan comforted her and encouraged her to try again.After the women had recovered, he diligently started planting again.[Number of offspring: 61, family reputation: 896. Please continue to have more offspring and create glory, host.]Unknowingly, the family reputation was about to surpass a thousand. The Ye family was already recognized as the number one prestigious clan.With more people in the family, Ye Kaishan had to expand the house, which was more than twice as big as before.There was no other way, they had too much money.