
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

The Ancestor Of Core Formation? Give Me Birth Honestly!

Ye Kaishan hurriedly returned home and began alchemy.It didn't take long for him to complete an Essence Gathering Pill.For his alchemy skills, this was not a difficult task.Next, Ye Kaishan brought Yan Shuitian to a safe place, preparing for her promotion to Core Formation.In the Core Formation Stage, the Dao platform melts, forming different heart pills and condensing one's own essence and spirit.The pills formed can be classified from low to high quality: miscellaneous pill, white pill, green pill, red pill, purple pill, Gold Core.The highest quality Gold Core will face the baptism of thunder tribulation."Husband, I'm ready."Yan Shuitian sat cross-legged on a cushion, adjusting her state and calmly said to Ye Kaishan."Eat this, it can increase the chance of Core Formation by thirty percent."Ye Kaishan threw the Essence Gathering Pill to her.Yan Shuitian nodded heavily and swallowed the Essence Gathering Pill, beginning to impact Core Formation.The Dao platform in her body started to melt and quickly gathered together.Time passed bit by bit.Finally, a crimson light shot out from the top of Yan Shuitian's head.Immediately after, a surge of tidal-like power erupted.Her power kept expanding, and the aura she emitted made Ye Kaishan beside her astonished."So this is the power of a Core Formation ancestor?"Although there was only a thin line between the completion of Foundation Building and the early stage of Core Formation, the difference in strength and essence was very obvious.Yan Shuitian slowly opened her eyes, a hint of excitement flashing through them.She had finally succeeded.The process was unexpectedly easy and simple."What quality pill is it? Red pill?"Ye Kaishan asked, judging from the aura emanating from Yan Shuitian."Yes, husband, I have formed a red pill!" Yan Shuitian said excitedly.For her, having a purple pill or a Gold Core was already very rare.The legendary Gold Core hadn't appeared for many years.Even the purple pill was extremely rare in the world."Not bad, well done."Ye Kaishan smiled and gave her great encouragement. After all, his wife was the best.Yan Shuitian moved and immediately pounced into Ye Kaishan's arms."Do you want a Core Formation ancestor to give you a child?"She looked charming, her appearance rejuvenated after breaking through the barrier period, her body tender and refreshed.Ye Kaishan's index finger moved and he lifted the woman's chin, smiling, "Then I shall obey.""I want to see if, with my Foundation Building Stage cultivation, I can break through the defenses of a Core Formation ancestor!"Yan Shuitian's pretty face blushed slightly, but she still pretended to be calm and full of fighting spirit."Go ahead and give it a try, don't beg me to let go later...""Hehe, we'll see who's begging who later..." Ye Kaishan smirked.Once the arrow is on the string, it must be shot.An hour later.Ye Kaishan was satisfied and had a radiant face.So what if it was a Core Formation ancestor?In the end, they would still kneel before his underpants.They obediently had a child.Three months later, Yan Shuitian's belly grew larger once again."Husband, you're really amazing, I'm pregnant again..."Yan Shuitian caressed her small belly, feeling annoyed and shy as she complained.Ye Kaishan looked proud.On this day, Shui Bing'er gave birth again and gave birth to a spiritual root heir.[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a Profound Grade lower-grade heir, rewarded with +10 lifespan, a Profound Grade lower-grade Spiritual Weapon, the "Thunderous Purple Lightning Fist Technique," and 500 medium-grade spirit stones.][Congratulations to the host's spiritual root heir for breaking through to 50 people, the family's scale has increased, rewarded with the Small Heavenly Sword Formation, ten years of cultivation experience, ten years of pill refining experience, ten years of formation experience, and 1000 medium-grade spirit stones.][Heir: 337, family prestige: 11,960. Please continue to work hard, host, and create more brilliance.]Three consecutive reminders, the generous rewards made Ye Kaishan's eyes light up.The Thunderous Purple Lightning Fist Technique is a Profound Grade cultivation technique that initially grasps the power of thunder and lightning.By incorporating thunder and lightning into one's body, the power of thunder and lightning accompanies every movement, with unparalleled might.For cultivators, thunder and lightning are definitely one of the most feared things.Mastering the power of thunder and lightning, any opponent would have to fear it.The Small Heavenly Sword Formation uses flying swords as the core, and the more flying swords there are and the higher their quality, the greater the killing power.It can threaten Core Formation Stage cultivators."This sword formation is perfect for me."Ye Kaishan nodded secretly. He already had a Spiritual Weapon, including flying swords, which could activate this sword formation to its fullest.Next, Ye Kaishan entered seclusion, cultivating the fist technique and absorbing experience.With nothing else to do, Yan Shuitian returned to the Cloud Billow Sect with her son.She is still an elder of the Cloud Billow Sect, so this trip back is like returning to her parents' home.When Yang Menghua saw her junior sister, she was stunned.She saw Yan Shuitian with a bulging belly, holding a child in her hand.It hasn't been long, and she already has a child?And there are two of them!"Junior sister, did you really marry Ye Kaishan?" Yang Menghua said in a solemn voice, her expression extremely unpleasant."Yes, senior sister, is there something wrong?" Yan Shuitian replied openly."It's ruined, completely ruined!" Yang Menghua stood up in anger, looking frustrated."Senior sister, I know you're anxious, but don't be in such a hurry."Yan Shuitian smiled slightly, no longer concealing her aura, and released her cultivation level.Yang Menghua's expression froze, her pupils dilated, and she exclaimed in shock, "Junior sister, you've reached Core Formation?""Yes, and it's the Crimson Pill stage.""If it weren't for Ye Kaishan's help, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to reach the Crimson Pill stage in my lifetime."Yan Shuitian became proud, her tone filled with affection.Upon hearing this, Yang Menghua fell silent, her gaze filled with complexity and a hint of doubt about life.She had always believed that being detached from worldly desires and not asking about worldly matters was the foundation of cultivation.At this moment, she was somewhat shaken.Yan Shuitian gave birth to a child and broke through to the Core Formation stage effortlessly, producing a Crimson Pill just like herself.It was too easy.Because in Yang Menghua's opinion, Yan Shuitian's talent and comprehension were inferior to her own.Under normal circumstances, producing a Green Pill would already be the limit."Senior sister, are you okay?"Yan Shuitian saw that Yang Menghua remained silent for a long time and asked with concern."I'm fine, just a little tired." Yang Menghua's state of mind was unstable, and she wanted to be alone for a while."Senior sister, why don't you find someone to marry? Perhaps there will be unexpected gains."Yan Shuitian said with a smile. Although her senior sister was like a block of ice, her figure and appearance were unmatched.She didn't know which man would be lucky in the future."Hmph! Do you think I'm like you?" Yang Menghua glared at Yan Shuitian fiercely.Even if she died outside, she would never marry."Alright, let's stop joking and talk about something serious."Yang Menghua adjusted her expression."Recently, some disciples have discovered that there are demonic cultivators entering our sect's territory. Their location is near the Blackwater Frigid Pond, and it seems like they're looking for something."