
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Suzerain's Frustration, Interrogation Of Catwoman

Yang Menghua was quite angry, but there was nothing she could do about it.Now, Ye Kaishan is already a Gold Core Ancestor. Even if she's unhappy, she can only accept it.Who could have imagined that this guy would reach such a level in such a short period of time?Could it be true what Yan Shuitian said, that only by following one's heart and aiming directly at one's true self can one make rapid progress?"Master, long time no see," Ye Kaishan waved his hand and greeted with a smile.Yang Menghua snapped back to reality, nodded slightly, but then immediately assumed a serious posture and instructed:"Ye Kaishan, although you have formed a Gold Core, you must not be arrogant. The Core Formation Stage is not only about competing in mana, but also about the use of divine consciousness. You must learn how to use divine consciousness. I have some experience here..."She had no expression on her face, as steady as an experienced driver.As the sect master, she had to show some authority to demonstrate her dignity.Cultivation alone is not enough; there must be something more.The Core Formation Stage realm and the use of divine consciousness are very important, so Yang Menghua planned to impart some experience and teach Ye Kaishan.Otherwise, people might think that she, as the sect master, knows nothing."Master, you mentioned divine consciousness, and I understand that," Ye Kaishan released his divine consciousness, suddenly expanding it.10 li... 20 li... until it stopped at 30 li."This... your divine consciousness reaches 30 li?"Yang Menghua's expression changed. A cultivator who had just entered the Core Formation Stage had divine consciousness comparable to that of a late Core Formation cultivator.Even she, who had achieved a complete Core Formation, only had divine consciousness that reached 40 li.After Ye Kaishan broke through the Core Formation Stage, his divine consciousness grew to 20 li.After practicing the Nurturing Spirit technique, he broke through again, and his divine consciousness tripled.So, although he was only in the early Core Formation Stage, his divine consciousness was already on par with an ordinary late Core Formation cultivator."Husband, you are too strong. Not only have you formed a Gold Core, but your divine consciousness is also so powerful," Yan Shuitian exclaimed, feeling proud."Madam, you flatter me. Regarding divine consciousness, I still need to consult the sect master," Ye Kaishan humbly replied.Yang Menghua was already stunned. What was there to consult? With 30 li in the early Core Formation Stage, wouldn't it be 120 li when he reached the complete stage?This was the breadth of divine consciousness that only Nascent Soul cultivators had.She had wanted to show off her divine consciousness, but before she even started, she was shown up by Ye Kaishan.With such a vast divine consciousness, there was no doubt that he knew how to use it."Well done, with such a powerful divine consciousness, I can rest assured," Yang Menghua coughed lightly, concealing her embarrassment.She couldn't compare to Ye Kaishan in the Core Formation Stage, so she had to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage as soon as possible."Senior Sister, I noticed that many people are missing from the sect, even the elders. Did they go on a mission?" Yan Shuitian suddenly asked.She had noticed this on the way here.Upon hearing this, Yang Menghua's expression became serious."You're right, they have all gone out. Recently, the people from the Demon Fiend Sect have been very rampant. Giant Mammoth Gate in the northern part of the Fire Country was attacked, so our Cloud Billow Sect naturally has to go support..."Giant Mammoth Gate is located in the northernmost part of the Fire Country and is a sect mainly focused on taming beasts.The place is infested with demons and is the most dangerous."It's been restless lately. The Heavenly Wolf Kingdom is stirring, and I suspect they have joined forces with the Demon Fiend Sect and want to attack the Fire Country," Yang Menghua continued, describing the recent situation.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan thought of the cat woman. Perhaps this was also a fuse, but he happened to have bought it."When I go back, I will interrogate the cat woman thoroughly..."..."Hmm? The Demon Fiend Sect has searched the Blackwater Frigid Pond. What are they looking for?" Suddenly, Ye Kaishan heard the conversation between the two women and asked with a puzzled expression."I don't know the specifics, but I guess it's an extremely important treasure," Yang Menghua replied.Ye Kaishan fell silent, suddenly thinking of the small black cauldron his son Ye Fan had shown him."Could it be this thing?"What is the purpose of this small black cauldron?Why does the Demon Fiend Sect want it?Ye Kaishan made an excuse to leave and went to the back mountain to look for Ye Fan, only to be informed by the female cultivators that Ye Fan had gone out to train.Does this son love training too much?He came back once after the Gold Core event and then disappeared again."I hope there is no danger..."Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Ye Kaishan no longer inquired, thinking that he would carefully examine the extraordinary aspects of the small black cauldron when Ye Fan returned next time.Therefore, in order to thank the female cultivators, Ye Kaishan informed them of Ye Fan's whereabouts.Each person was given two pills.Shortly afterwards, he returned to Qingyun City, accompanied by two beautiful female cultivators.These were female disciples who joined the Cloud Billow Sect later, young and just beginning their cultivation journey.Although their cultivation level was low, their spiritual roots and appearance were not bad.Ye Kaishan easily won them over with just a few words.After bringing them back, a ceremony was quickly held.A month later, Princess Li Xin became pregnant, and Duan Lingshan and several other female cultivators from prominent cultivation families also became pregnant one after another.That night, after having dinner with his concubines, Ye Kaishan, reeking of alcohol, pushed open the door of the cat woman's room.The cat woman's name was Miao Cha, Miao being the surname of the cat clan."What... what do you want to do?" It was late at night, and Miao Cha naturally became somewhat flustered when she suddenly saw Ye Kaishan push open the door.Her cultivation had been sealed off during this time, and apart from being slightly more agile, she was no different from an ordinary person.During this period, she had been locked up here, not allowed to leave, and had been in darkness for a long time. Her state of mind had deteriorated somewhat."Have you figured it out?" Ye Kaishan approached the cat woman and asked condescendingly."Figure out what?" Miao Cha pretended to be calm and asked. It was late at night, and she had no idea what he was talking about.What exactly did he want to figure out?"Tell me everything you know. Is the Demon Fiend Sect secretly colluding with the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom? What are they planning?" Ye Kaishan paced slowly and asked calmly.Actually, he didn't want to get involved in the friction between the Fire Country and the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom.But if it could threaten him, or even the entire Ye family, then it would be a different story."I... I don't know anything." Miao Cha paused for a moment and shook her head slowly."Don't know?" Ye Kaishan circled behind the cat woman and suddenly grabbed her furry tail.For a moment, Miao Cha's pupils trembled, her whole body tensed up as if she had been electrocuted, and then slowly relaxed."I really don't know. The Heavenly Wolf King sent me to the Fire Country to assassinate the royal family and disrupt the situation here..." Miao Cha said weakly, her voice almost squeezed out from between her teeth."Oh... since that's the case, then you should just stay here honestly from now on." Ye Kaishan played with her furry tail and said with a smile."What do you want to do?" Miao Cha asked anxiously, constantly feeling like she was being electrocuted.Ye Kaishan circled to the front, lifted her ear, and gently whispered a word."You..."Miao Cha was completely panicked, her eyes like a startled rabbit. Although she was untamed, she had never experienced anything like this before in her life.Just thinking about it made her flustered.Ye Kaishan stroked her ear, about to make the next move, when suddenly his movement paused and he looked towards the window.The protective formation guarding the family had been triggered. Someone had secretly broken in!