
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Suppressing The Old Devil, The Mysterious Man Appears

Cao Wanxie felt dizzy in front of his eyes, his body swayed, almost falling down.However, in the next moment, he shouted angrily and spat out a bead from his mouth.As soon as this bead appeared, it blocked the power of the bell, calming down the blurred soul."Die!"Cao Wanxie's body moved and disappeared into thin air, using the innate Divine Ability of a Nascent Soul cultivator, the teleportation technique.Before anyone could see his movements clearly, Chu Shiwei was sent flying, spitting out blood from his mouth.The cultivators from the five major countries were shocked. They didn't expect the Law Weapon of the Jade Maiden Palace to be useless.That black bead was a treasure that guarded the soul.The old demon went on a rampage, flickering among the crowd and exploding one Core Formation cultivator after another.Even Jin Ruyi and Shou Guangyao were severely injured by him.He reached out and grabbed the Nascent Soul of the dead cultivators, then swallowed it in one gulp.In his hands, the Core Formation stage was as easy as cutting vegetables.After completing all this, Cao Wanxie's next target rushed towards a graceful figure.Yang Menghua suddenly felt a deadly threat. As a Nascent Soul cultivator in the early stage, she was no match for Cao Wanxie.Just then, a Sword Intent surged up, and a sword light that stretched for thousands of feet fell like a galaxy.Ye Kaishan made a move, and this sword intercepted the old demon's path."You wicked person! How dare you ruin my good fortune? I originally planned to keep you for last and let you experience the cruelest death in the world. Since you can't wait, I'll send you on your way first!"Cao Wanxie grinned like a bloodthirsty beast. He raised his hand and the void began to flow.Ye Kaishan's body flew uncontrollably towards him."Merely a perfect Core Formation stage! Even if you are a Gold Core cultivator, you still have to die for me!"Cao Wanxie sneered disdainfully and reached out with his pill-extracting hand, grabbing towards Ye Kaishan's dantian.He wanted to taste the flavor of a Gold Core. Since he couldn't form one himself, he would just have to enjoy someone else's.Just then, a powerful airflow suddenly erupted from Ye Kaishan's body, as if sword qi crisscrossed in strands.Centered around him, a tornado storm formed, engulfing Cao Wanxie.This was a unique domain formed by the Big Dipper Battle Qi, although it couldn't be considered a true domain.But at such a close distance, any opponent would face attacks like a violent storm.Cao Wanxie's body instantly had countless blood marks. If it weren't for his tough physique, he would have turned into dust long ago.He was shocked and quickly circulated his spiritual power to form a protective shield around his body.Ye Kaishan's treasures kept attacking, and his flying sword accompanied him, actually suppressing Cao Wanxie."Damn it! Fellow Daoist Ye is so strong!""This is the Gold Core Patriarch? Terrifying.""He can actually fight Cao the old demon on equal terms!"The cultivators from the five countries were all stunned. This was a battle that crossed a major realm.However, this guy's treasures were also outrageous.Seeing that Ye Kaishan had suppressed Cao Wanxie, everyone also took action and launched a siege.However, due to the commotion caused by the Big Dipper Battle Qi, they could only attack from a distance.Ye Kaishan was enjoying himself, adding one year of lifespan after another. With nearly ten thousand years of lifespan, it was enough for him to squander.Lifespan -1.Battle power +1.Continuously testing his limits.He became more and more courageous, full of spirit.Cao Wanxie was shocked and deeply doubted his life. Was his opponent really just a perfect Gold Core cultivator?He was too fierce all of a sudden.What he didn't know was that Ye Kaishan was not just a perfect Gold Core cultivator, he was a complete Yin-Yang Pill cultivator."Fellow Daoist Ye is too strong. No wonder he can marry so many concubines. If I were a woman, I would want to marry him."A male cultivator exclaimed in admiration.Jin Ruyi's eyes lit up as she looked at Ye Kaishan in amazement.Such charisma was exactly to her taste.A real man should be able to face challenges head-on.Under this series of collisions, coupled with the siege of the crowd, Cao Wanxie felt more passive than ever before.Immediately, he took advantage of a gap, his figure flickered, and he fled into the distance."Where do you think you're going?""Don't you want to avenge your son?"Ye Kaishan shouted loudly, bringing up old matters. Upon hearing these words, Cao Wanxie's figure paused for a moment, showing a momentary hesitation.At this moment, Ye Kaishan formed a seal and then pointed his finger.The Fire Dragon Shield flew out, growing larger and larger, covering Cao Wanxie's head.Powerful flames were released, and the Fire Dragon roared, reaching a length of thousands of feet."Earth Grade Law Weapon!"Cao Wanxie's pupils contracted. This damn guy actually had another trick up his sleeve.The grade and power of this treasure surpassed that of the Summoning Demon Banner."Watch me turn you into ashes!"Ye Kaishan shouted, fully activating the Fire Dragon Shield to refine and sacrifice. Other cultivators also joined in, helping to suppress together.With the combined efforts of everyone, plus the power of the Fire Dragon Shield itself, Cao Wanxie couldn't resist at all. He started to panic and shouted in a desperate tone."Master! Save me!"Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions froze, showing a hint of confusion.Who is he calling "master"?"What's a dog barking? Even if you call your father, it's useless when facing death!"A cultivator sneered, thinking that Cao Wanxie had lost his sanity.Suddenly, a melodious flute sound rang out from the sky.Immediately after, the earth trembled slightly.Everyone quickly released their divine senses to check.This was a sight to behold. Starting from the center of the royal city, in all directions, there was a dense mass of monsters rolling towards them.They were all demonic beasts, some walking on the ground and some flying in the sky.There were tens of thousands of them, almost endless.There were at least twenty to thirty third-order demonic beasts, and three fourth-order demonic beasts.What made everyone even more fearful was that on the back of one of the fourth-order demonic beasts stood a figure in a black robe, whose true appearance couldn't be seen clearly.He was casually playing a long flute, and the strange sound was coming from there.This was a Law Weapon that could control all demonic beasts.It seemed that this person had summoned all the demonic beasts from the seven kingdoms."We're done for, we're done for, we're ambushed!" a Core Formation cultivator said with a mournful face.With so many demonic beasts, even a Nascent Soul stage cultivator might not be able to escape.Even if these demonic beasts just stood there and let you kill them, they could exhaust a person to death.Cultivators were not immortals, their spiritual power would eventually be depleted.Not to mention that the other side also had three fourth-order demonic beasts.For a moment, everyone felt a great sense of crisis, and some even felt despair.The man in the black robe stood on the back of a fourth-order demonic beast that was the same color as fire, looking indifferently ahead.The corners of his mouth hidden under the black robe curved up in an arrogant arc, and then he muttered to himself."This barren land is really boring. Let my army of demonic beasts turn this place into a purgatory..."His tone was very indifferent, as if he was playing a game that was not interesting at all....Seeing the tide of beasts getting closer and closer, Ye Kaishan freed up his hand and lifted Dual Pupils, holding the Spirit Fox in his hand.He gently stroked the back of the little fox, but his gaze was fixed on the demonic beast under the black-robed man.In the next moment, he activated the spiritual communication technique, controlling this demonic beast with his divine sense.At the same time, the little fox also sensed its master's intention.Dual Pupils bloomed like flowers, releasing a powerful soul force."Boom!"Suddenly, the fiery red fourth-order demonic beast went berserk, violently throwing the black-robed man off and then biting at him."What the hell? What's going on?"The black-robed man, who was thrown off, was full of question marks.