
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Successful Foundation Building, Three Great Skills

"Oh, it's nothing. What does Qin Fairy have to find me for?"Ye Kaishan waved his hand and smiled, then silently checked the qualifications of the woman in front of him.Suddenly, a green light shot out, filling the entire living room.Green quality, sevenfold Foundation Building, Profound Grade lower-level spiritual root..."Wonderful, she's almost on par with Yan Shuitian."Ye Kaishan was surprised. This was the second woman with green quality that he had encountered so far.Although this woman was the shopkeeper of Baodan Pavilion, her cultivation level was not bad."Master Ye, your Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pill is very popular. I would like to ask you to refine some more."Qin Chan straightforwardly said, looking at Ye Kaishan with a complicated gaze. She didn't expect someone who didn't look like an alchemist to be able to refine Foundation Building Pills with a ninety percent efficacy."Qin Fairy, I just got married. I don't have time to refine pills."Ye Kaishan shrugged."Name your conditions," Qin Chan said without beating around the bush. Being shrewd, she naturally knew that Ye Kaishan was trying to negotiate and ask for benefits."Alright, since Qin Fairy is so sincere, I won't hold back."Ye Kaishan immediately nodded and stated his requirements.After some negotiation, both sides were satisfied.Soon after, Danbao Pavilion sent a large quantity of spiritual herbs, and Ye Kaishan immediately began refining pills.Before long, he refined nearly a hundred Foundation Building Pills.However, he didn't rush to send them to Baodan Pavilion. Instead, he planned to use them for his own Foundation Building....In the secret room of the Ye family, Ye Kaishan adjusted his state and took out a Foundation Building Pill, swallowing it.Instantly, the spiritual lake in his body began to boil, then became viscous and slowly contracted.This was a sign of condensing the Spirit Gathering Base.The spiritual lake in the dantian shrank to a small range, and its speed slowed down. This meant that the medicinal power was not enough.Ye Kaishan took out several more Foundation Building Pills and swallowed them.Boom! A tremendous force surged once again.A base platform, seemingly made of crystal, slowly emerged from the spiritual lake, growing taller and thicker.Until all the lake water was drained.Looking at the pitted and uneven base platform, Ye Kaishan knew that this step was crucial. If not done well, cracks would be left behind.Ye Kaishan ate the Foundation Building Pills as if they were free.While others were cautious when taking one, he grabbed them all at once.Finally, the spiritual lake completely dried up, leaving behind a crystal-clear and flawless base platform.Perfect Foundation Building!At the moment of successfully Foundation Building, the meridians in Ye Kaishan's body continued to expand and become more resilient.His bones shimmered, and his physical body radiated a powerful vitality.He became younger, his figure grew taller, and even his appearance changed slightly, becoming more handsome.Now he looked like he was in his early twenties, exuding an ethereal aura from head to toe.This was the change brought about by perfect Foundation Building, everything was transforming towards perfection."Handsome, so handsome."Ye Kaishan looked at himself in the mirror, wanting to kneel down in admiration.With this appearance, he would surely make those little fairies dizzy with infatuation.After Ye Kaishan came out of seclusion, Ren Tinglan was the first to notice his change."Husband... you've Foundation Building?"She held her pregnant belly and said in astonishment, a hint of infatuation flashing in her eyes."Yes, your husband is now a 'Foundation Building Patriarch'." Ye Kaishan smiled proudly.Ren Tinglan smiled happily, but Ye Kaishan caught a glimpse of her melancholy."Don't worry, husband will also help you with Foundation Building."Ye Kaishan hugged Ren Tinglan and whispered in her ear.Yin Yang Innate Supreme has the ability to enhance one's aptitude and repair hidden ailments and injuries in the body.Over the years, Su Mei, Ye Kaishan's first concubine, has unknowingly reached the Yellow Grade lower-level spiritual aptitude.Although it is a slow process, as long as one is willing to work hard day and night, improving one's aptitude is not a problem at all.Any hidden injuries left by Ren Tinglan's Foundation Building are just minor issues.The next day, Ye Kaishan tidied up and brought the refined Foundation Building Pills to the Baodan Pavilion in White Sun City, personally handing them over to Qin Chan."Here are fifty Foundation Building Pills. Take them for now," Ye Kaishan said.Qin Chan was overjoyed and immediately put the Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pills on the shelves and spread the news.Before long, the entire White Sun City knew about this news.Many people wanted to witness whether the Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pills were as amazing as rumored.Soon, a group of cultivators came to buy the Foundation Building Pills.Liu Yang, a disciple of Zhen Taihe, also mixed in and squeezed for a while before finally buying one.He immediately ran back and handed the pill to his master.Zhen Taihe took the pill, carefully examined it, and then lightly scraped off a layer of powder with his fingernail and put it on his tongue.In the next moment, his pupils shook, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face."It really is ninety percent... how is this possible!"He said in a daze, already somewhat confused."No, I have to return to the sect!"Zhen Taihe regained his senses, took the pill, and ran out, riding his flying sword out of White Sun City....Ye Kaishan returned home and continued to take care of his newlywed wife, Lan Jingting.Not long after, her belly finally swelled.A few months later, Lan Jingting gave birth.[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a Yellow Grade top-level spiritual aptitude offspring. Reward: +10 lifespan, Yellow Grade top-level Spiritual Weapon, 500 lower-grade spiritual stones, and one Divine Travel Talisman.]"A Divine Travel Talisman? Not bad!"Ye Kaishan's eyes lit up when he saw the reward.In addition to Lan Jingting, Ren Tinglan and Shui Bing'er also gave birth to offspring with spiritual aptitude.[Congratulations to the host for having twenty offspring with spiritual aptitude. Reward: choose one of the three Profound Grade techniques, ten years of alchemy experience, and 200 middle-grade spiritual stones.][Offspring: 189. Family prestige: 2766. Family size has increased. Please continue to work hard, host.]"Oh..." Ye Kaishan checked the information.The three Profound Grade techniques are:"Tiangang Battle Qi""Sky-Cutting Sword Art""King Ming's Cold Flame"Tiangang cultivates the body, Sky-Cutting cultivates the sword, and King Ming cultivates techniques.After careful consideration, Ye Kaishan chose the Sky-Cutting Sword Art without hesitation.He already had a Profound Grade flying sword, which could unleash the maximum power of this sword art.Moreover, as a cultivator, how could he refuse the pleasure of exterminating demons and controlling the sword between heaven and earth?Among the three techniques, the Sky-Cutting Sword Art is the most sharp, straightforward, and has the most devastating instant damage.After making his choice, Ye Kaishan practiced for three months before finally mastering the basics of this sword art.Next, he took out some spiritual stones and distributed them to his wives who could cultivate.He also gave each of them a Spiritual Weapon rewarded by the system.The women were naturally overjoyed.They all vowed to give birth to another hundred children for Ye Kaishan."You should give birth to the ones in your bellies first!" Ye Kaishan laughed and then set off for the Cloud Billow Sect with his two children.Every once in a while, there would be children reaching the age of cultivation.For those offspring without spiritual aptitude, they would manage the family business or go out to experience the world.Clear division of labor and rational development.