
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Special Physique, Borrowing A Sword

Next, each of the three major sects left behind a group of people to guard the Giant Mammoth Gate.The rest, led by Ye Kaishan, hurried to the town of Zhenbei.The town was under attack from the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom and was in great danger.Furthermore, the Immortal Sect of the Martial Kingdom had also sent strong cultivators to intervene secretly.In Zhenbei, there were also Ye Kaishan's two in-laws, so he had to go and check on them....Half a day later, everyone arrived at Zhenbei.Zhenbei's King Li Fengxian was the younger brother of the Lord of the Fire Country and had reached the Core Formation stage.Upon learning of Ye Kaishan and the others' arrival, he came out to greet them from afar.In addition, there were disciples from the major sects and the princes and princesses of the Fire Country dynasty.They had come to Zhenbei earlier to contribute their efforts.One reason was to defend their homeland, and the other was to gain achievements."Lord Ye, why have you all come here? How is the situation at the Giant Mammoth Gate?" Li Fengxian couldn't wait to ask as soon as they met.The Giant Mammoth Gate had been targeted by the Demon Fiend Sect, and the situation was probably even more difficult than in Zhenbei. Instead of helping the Giant Mammoth Gate, Ye Kaishan and the others had come to support them."Could it be... that the Giant Mammoth Gate has already fallen?" The faces of the people turned grim. If that were true, the situation would be even more difficult."The Giant Mammoth Gate betrayed us and surrendered to the Demon Fiend Sect, but we have already suppressed them," Ye Kaishan responded, lifting up Tu Gang.Only then did everyone notice the abnormality of the Giant Mammoth Gate's people. They stood there, ashamed and embarrassed, at a loss for what to do.Like children who had done something wrong."Traitors! How dare you betray us at a time like this!" Upon learning the cause and effect, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, cursing loudly. They were practically drowning Tu Gang in their saliva.As the Sect Master of the Giant Mammoth Gate, this was what he deserved."We owe this to Master Ye, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable," Dan Yangzi stepped forward and praised him immensely.He had been completely convinced by Ye Kaishan.Just as he was about to recount the glorious deeds of Master Ye's battle against the witch, suddenly, the ground beneath their feet trembled."Something's wrong! The demonic army of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom is coming!" A loud roar sounded, and from the distant city gate came the shouts of the defending soldiers."Gather! Defend the city!" Li Fengxian shouted, and the soldiers resting in the city immediately sprang into action.It was clear that they had faced this situation more than once.Ye Kaishan went up to the ten-zhang-high city wall and saw a dark mass of beasts in the distance, rolling towards them like a tide.The deafening roar of the beasts grew closer and louder.Most of these were first and second-tier demonic beasts, but their sheer numbers made them an unstoppable war machine.In addition, there were seven or eight Core Formation cultivators sitting on the backs of the beasts, forming seals."Soldiers, kill them for me!" On the city wall, the Thirteenth Princess of the Fire Country, wielding a flying sword, shouted loudly.She was the most talented princess of the Fire Country, brave and skilled in battle, having trained on the battlefield for years.This shout caught Ye Kaishan's attention, and he focused his gaze on the princess.Li Shengying, 38 years old, with a Profound Grade high-quality spiritual root, at the fifth level of Foundation Building.Suddenly, Ye Kaishan's gaze froze. This princess actually possessed a hidden constitution, the Flame Spirit Body, naturally inclined towards the fire attribute.He suddenly remembered that the Fire Country had once produced a very powerful Lord who could control the flames from all directions, a person who could single-handedly withstand millions of troops.Perhaps that was the ability brought about by this special constitution. Now, this special constitution had appeared in the Thirteenth Princess."What a promising talent..." Ye Kaishan admired in his heart, unable to help but pay more attention to this princess.At this moment, the Core Formation cultivators on the city gate have already taken action, flying out and engaging in combat to block the tide of beasts.Someone on the ground has erected an earth escape.Someone is spewing fire dragons from their mouth.The battlefield instantly becomes chaotic."It's time for you to do your best," Ye Kaishan calmly says to Tu Gang and the others."Perform well. If you dare to play tricks, I will detonate the restrictions on you and turn you into human bombs.""No, no, we will definitely sacrifice our lives and shed blood for the Fire Country!"Tu Gang nods repeatedly, emitting a kind of heroic spirit from his body, then rushes into the battlefield with his subordinates without hesitation."Husband, shall we go too?" Yan Shuitian, Jiang Hongdou, and the other women are already eager."No rush, we must know how to hold back.""If the opponent only has this level of strength, there's no need for us to take action."Ye Kaishan says calmly."Are you saying, the main force of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom has not yet appeared?"Yan Shuitian hears the hidden meaning in his words.As Ye Kaishan expected, another part of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom's forces has already begun to move.In the originally calm town of Zhenbei, a powerful aura suddenly erupts."Haha! You all fell into our ambush!"A man with tiger stripes on his face suddenly rushes out from the city, arrogantly laughing.He is a beastman of the Tiger Clan under the Heavenly Wolf King's command.As soon as he finishes speaking, all the hidden beastmen in the city rush out, including the Snake Clan, Cat Clan, and Deer Clan.There are nearly ten cultivators at the Core Formation stage alone.Among them, there are even three beastmen at the perfect Core Formation stage.The powerhouses on the side of the Fire Country are shocked.Li Fengxian's face turns pale. He didn't expect these beastmen to have infiltrated Zhenbei City at some point.This is his negligence."Today, Zhenbei City will cease to exist."The leader of the Snake Clan laughs. She has a standard oval face, narrow eyes, and cherry-red lips.Her waist is slender, not just a water snake waist, but more like a water snake.However, her lower body is a thick snake tail.Seeing this snake person, Ye Kaishan can't help but feel regretful. She looks good, but unfortunately has a tail.The leader of the Cat Clan looks similar to Miao Cha, a standard beast ear girl template, but her cultivation is very high, already at the late Core Formation stage.For a moment, with attacks from both inside and outside, the powerhouses on the side of the Fire Country quickly become disorganized.However, at such critical moments, there is always someone who adds fuel to the fire.The witch Yao Xing appears on the battlefield. This time, she came prepared to make amends for her crimes.The young master of the Demon Fiend Sect died in front of her. If she can't achieve some results, it will be troublesome when the sect master comes out of seclusion.The appearance of a Nascent Soul stage cultivator instantly makes everyone feel like they've lost their loved ones.The already unfavorable situation, coupled with a Nascent Soul powerhouse, how can they continue to fight?"So you're Ye Kaishan? This time, let's see how you can defeat me!"Yao Xing stands tall in the sky, her black hair dancing, the corners of her mouth curling up, revealing sharp teeth.If she had a pair of wings, she would be a demon from hell.In the next moment, she takes out a black flag and waves it.The Demon Fiend Sect's treasure, an Earth Grade lower-tier Law Weapon, the Demon Summoning Banner.As she waves it, everyone's vision blurs, and an inexplicable murderous intent arises in their hearts, an unprecedented desire to kill.The Demon Summoning Banner can summon the demons in people's hearts, the deepest negative emotions."Go!"Ye Kaishan summons the Four Spirit Suppressing Tower and then shouts to everyone."Everyone, lend me your swords!"