
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Sending One Abduction And Two, Qi Refining Is Complete

The female cultivators rushed out, surrounding Ye Kaishan."Ladies, I apologize for the disturbance..." Ye Kaishan said.With that, Ye Kaishan took out a gourd containing Qi Nurturing Pills and poured out a handful of pills."Two pills for each person, please don't be polite with me."He handed out the pills to the women as if feeding pigeons.Instantly, the eyes of all the female cultivators lit up. One pill last time, and now two pills. It was equivalent to half a year of their efforts.Qi Nurturing Pills only had an effect in the early stage of Qi Refining. After the fifth level, the effect was not significant.Since Ye Kaishan himself didn't need them, he decided to increase his investment.The women took the pills and looked at Ye Kaishan with admiration.Nowadays, Ye Kaishan appeared to be only thirty years old, with a handsome and mature charm. Combined with his generous actions, his charisma was terrifying.Next, he unintentionally revealed the happy days of Xie Yu'e and Zou Xue, which made the women even more envious.They were not young anymore and knew that there was no hope on the path of immortality. Finding a good place to settle down was the right way.Ye Kaishan had good cultivation, a wealthy background, and generous actions. Each one of them was attractive, and when combined, it was even more irresistible."Brother Ye, can I go to Azure Cloud Town with you?" One female cultivator couldn't help but speak up, taking the initiative."You are welcome anytime."Ye Kaishan smiled handsomely, further deepening their connection. Many female cultivators began to feel moved.That's enough for now.Next, the women enthusiastically brought Ye Kaishan to the Cave Mansion where Ye Chen was located, shouting together."Ye Chen! Your father is here!""Junior Brother Ye Chen, come out and see your father.""..."After a while, Ye Kaishan successfully met Ye Chen. Seeing that his son was safe, he felt relieved.The father and son chatted for a while, and before leaving, Ye Kaishan left some spirit stones and pills, and also passed on the "Clear Jade Qi Refinement Technique" to Ye Chen, instructing him to cultivate diligently and not to spread it outside.He had wanted to visit Ye Fan, but he learned from the female cultivators that Ye Fan had recently gone out with the sect team, so he had to give up the idea.With everything done, Ye Kaishan left Cloud Billow Sect with two female cultivators by his side.One was named Gu Ying, and the other was Luo Zhenli. Both had Yellow Grade medium-grade spiritual roots and were at the fifth level of Qi Refining.Both of them were in their thirties, but they looked no different from being in their twenties. Instead, they exuded a mature charm from within.As the three of them walked, they talked and laughed, getting farther and farther away from Cloud Billow Sect.Ye Kaishan kept sending people away from Cloud Billow Sect and also kept bringing people in.Every time he sent someone, he would take one or two away....At the same time, Yan Shuitian settled Ye Ling and came to the main peak of Cloud Billow Sect. On a cliff, there sat a stunning woman in a loose blue Daoist robe."Master, do you have something to tell me?" Yan Shuitian bowed to the woman."I've said it many times, there's no need to be so formal when there's no one else around." Yang Menghua said lightly, her expression cold, as if she had no worldly desires. Her whole being gave off an untouchable aura."I understand, Senior Sister." Yan Shuitian said again."What's been happening recently? Who is that person surnamed Ye?" Yang Menghua asked indifferently."A former acquaintance, that's all." Yan Shuitian forced a smile, unable to hide anything from Senior Sister's discerning eyes."Former acquaintance? Didn't Senior Sister tell you that if you could cut off all distractions, why would you still be stuck at the Foundation Building Stage?In the future, you are not allowed to have any contact with that person surnamed Ye. Cut off all worldly matters as soon as possible." Yang Menghua said in a deep voice. Yan Shuitian had excellent aptitude, and if she could be as single-minded as her, she would have already stepped into the Core Formation Stage."But... he is not an ordinary person. I saw him today, and he has already reached the ninth level of Qi Refining." Yan Shuitian explained with a brave face."Oh? Ninth level of Qi Refining..." Yang Menghua's gaze flickered. "Next time he comes, let him come see me.""Uh... Senior Sister, why do you want to see him?""Are you worried that I will harm him? Have I ever been that kind of person?" Yang Menghua said coldly."Alright." Yan Shuitian nodded and didn't say much....On the other side, Ye Kaishan and his companions returned to Azure Cloud Town.Gu Ying and Luo Zhenli met their former fellow disciples, Zou Xue and Xie Yue. After a conversation, they immediately wanted to marry Ye Kaishan.From the mouths of the two women, Ye Kaishan learned that they had an endless supply of spiritual stones and elixirs, and they didn't have to worry about resources when cultivating at all.It was much more comfortable than being in the Cloud Billow Sect.With an abundance of spiritual stones and elixirs, this was not a life for humans, but a life of immortals.Upon hearing that someone wanted to marry him, Ye Kaishan naturally wouldn't refuse and immediately made preparations.For this set of procedures, the Ye family was already accustomed to it and knew it inside out.One month later, Ye Kaishan married Gu Ying and Luo Zhenli one after another.He briefly experienced the feeling of being a groom every night.Unfortunately, the aptitude of the two women was not high, and there were no critical hits. His spiritual roots did not make a leap and break through to the Profound Grade.However, one year later, both women gave birth, and Luo Zhenli gave birth to a child with spiritual roots.[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a child with Yellow Grade superior spiritual roots. Reward: +10 lifespan, one Yellow Grade superior spiritual weapon, and a bottle of Youth-Preserving Pill.]Spiritual roots were a mysterious thing, and appearance played a significant role. Ye Kaishan was already satisfied with having one child out of two.Time flew by, and three more years passed.During these three years, Ye Kaishan took in another female cultivator who had run away from the Cloud Billow Sect and joined the expanding family."Finally, Qi Refining is complete, and I can prepare for Foundation Building."On this day, Ye Kaishan woke up from his cultivation. During this period, he had been waiting for Tian Wujing, the ancestor of the Tian family, to come for revenge. Although the person hadn't arrived, his cultivation had broken through.[Congratulations to the host for having over 150 descendants. The family's scale has increased. Reward: 1000 medium-grade spiritual stones, twenty years of alchemy experience, twenty years of formation experience, and one intermediate spiritual field.]Ye Kaishan absorbed the insights. His alchemy experience had reached forty years, and he also had an additional twenty years of formation experience, which he hadn't expected.However, the art of formations was as rare as alchemy. If one excelled in formations, they could easily manipulate their opponents, even if the opponent's cultivation was stronger.After absorbing twenty years of formation experience, Ye Kaishan immediately began to modify the Small Spirit Gathering Formation.Then he expanded and strengthened the protective formation.With everything in order, Ye Kaishan tidied up, stepped on his flying sword, and flew towards White Sun City.This time, he was going to buy the spiritual herbs for refining Foundation Building Pills or directly purchase the pills.These pills were essential for breaking through the Foundation Building Stage.Foundation Building meant the foundation and was an extremely crucial realm in the path of cultivation, even affecting future achievements.Many cultivators had fallen at this stage.