
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Qi Refining Eight Layers, Bao Dan Pavilion Qin Chan

After the expansion of the Ye family, under the introduction of the professional matchmaker Hua Gu, Ye Kaishan took in several concubines.All of them had a beauty score of over 80, including an 18-year-old girl named Huang Hua.Almost all the famous beauties in Azure Cloud Town had joined the Ye family and, under the care of Ye Kaishan, they all contributed to the growth of the family.Although they did not give birth to any children with spiritual roots, they made a significant contribution in terms of quantity.In this way, three years passed, and Ye Kaishan reached the eighth level of Qi Refining.He had 90 children, and the milestone of a hundred was within reach.On this day, Xie Yu'e gave birth again, to a baby girl with spiritual roots.[Congratulations to the host for expanding the family and giving birth to a Yellow Grade lower-level spiritual root offspring. Reward: +10 lifespan, Yellow Grade middle-level spell "Cloud Seeking Hand," and a lower-level spiritual field.][Congratulations to the host for having ten children with spiritual roots. Reward: ten years of alchemy experience, ten years of spiritual plant cultivation experience, and 500 middle-grade spiritual stones.]Unknowingly, Ye Kaishan already had ten children with spiritual roots.And the rewards were generous. In addition to the experience, the 500 middle-grade spiritual stones were equivalent to 5,000 lower-grade spiritual stones, a considerable fortune.He immediately took out some and distributed them to the concubines at the Qi Refining stage for their cultivation.Shui Bing'er and Xie Yu'e were overjoyed. Since following Ye Kaishan, they never lacked cultivation resources. They had enough spiritual stones and pills.Unlike before, when they had to be reluctant to use spiritual stones for cultivation, these pills were like a feast.Unable to contain her excitement, Xie Yu'e boasted to her friend from the Cloud Billow Sect. Not long after, a female cultivator arrived in Azure Cloud Town.The woman's name was Zou Xue, and she was at the fifth level of Qi Refining. She had received Ye Kaishan's pills and became his key investment target.Upon learning of her arrival, Ye Kaishan immediately welcomed her warmly.Zou Xue stayed at the Ye family for a few days and saw how Xie Yu'e enjoyed her life here. Apart from giving birth, she had nothing to worry about. Her cultivation had even reached the sixth level of Qi Refining.Finally, one day, Zou Xue found Ye Kaishan and shyly said, "Brother Ye, I want... to have a child for you."Hearing the words "have a child," Ye Kaishan's eyes lit up. Zou Xue's Yellow Grade middle-level aptitude was even of green quality. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."Zou Xue, I also have this intention. Go back and prepare. I will come to pick you up in a month, alright?" Ye Kaishan said with a smile.The woman nodded shyly.Zou Xue returned to the Cloud Billow Sect, bid farewell to her master and fellow disciples, and waited at home for Ye Kaishan's arrival.A month later, the Ye family once again celebrated with lights and decorations. The people of Azure Cloud Town were already accustomed to this.After paying respects to heaven and earth, they entered the bridal chamber.It was another unforgettable sleepless night.Taking advantage of the situation, Ye Kaishan worked hard for two months and finally made Zou Xue's belly grow.Then, he took some time to go to White Sun City and bought a large batch of spiritual herbs and seeds.He also sold some unused pills.Because the pills he sold were cheap and effective, and he was straightforward, he quickly gained a good reputation.Some business associations, forces, and cultivation families had secretly started paying attention to Ye Kaishan, trying to gather information.This time, after finishing his business, Ye Kaishan was about to leave when a woman stood in front of his stall.The invisible aura made the surrounding cultivators retreat.Ye Kaishan, who was busy working with his head down, first noticed a pair of straight and beautiful legs, as if carved from jade.When he looked up, he saw a woman who appeared to be around thirty years old, mature and beautiful, exuding a strong aura of a capable and powerful woman."I see that you are an excellent alchemist. Would you be interested in joining the Treasure Pill Pavilion?" the woman said with a smile as she noticed Ye Kaishan's attention. Her voice was calm and pleasant."Um... who are you?" Ye Kaishan stood up and realized that the woman was also tall, with a full chest and a large aura, making her a good candidate for bearing children."My name is Qin Chan, and I am the person in charge of the Treasure Dan Pavilion in White Sun City."The woman spoke confidently.The Treasure Dan Pavilion, commonly known as Dan Fang in the folk, is a business association jointly established by the Pill Cauldron Sect and the Fire Country."No problem, I agree."Ye Kaishan paused for a moment and immediately agreed.Qin Chan was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Ye Kaishan to be so straightforward, leaving her prepared words stuck in her throat."Let's go, take me to register."Ye Kaishan took the initiative, making people feel intimidated.The woman suddenly regretted inviting Ye Kaishan, feeling that this guy had impure motives.Soon after, the registration was successful.Joining the Treasure Dan Pavilion does not restrict freedom, but instead allows one to purchase spiritual medicines at a low price. Overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.One day later, Ye Kaishan returned to Azure Cloud Town and planted the purchased spiritual medicines and seeds in the spiritual field.With ten years of experience in cultivating spiritual plants, he found it easy to handle.After completing all this, he went to chat with Ren Tinglan, building a relationship. The two of them were already very familiar with each other.In these years of companionship, Ren Tinglan had truly accepted Ye Kaishan from the bottom of her heart.On this day, Ye Kaishan was happily telling cold jokes and cheesy pick-up lines to make Ren Tinglan happy.Suddenly, the woman lowered her head and whispered softly,"I want... you to give me a home.""What?" Ye Kaishan was stunned for a moment."You bastard! I want to have a child with you!" Ren Tinglan's voice grew louder.Ye Kaishan was overjoyed, stood up abruptly, and hugged her tightly, passionately kissing her."I want you to give birth to a hundred, a thousand..."Just then, a loud noise came from outside, and the whole room shook."Oh no, my lord, two immortals have come to attack!"Urgent shouts came from outside the door."Immortals?"Ye Kaishan let go of the beauty in his arms and rushed out.Outside, he saw a scene of ruins. The gate of the Ye family had been destroyed, and several servants lay in disarray, barely alive.Two gray-robed cultivators stood proudly on the side, exuding a terrifying killing intent, causing all the Ye family's servants to tremble in fear, looking at them as if they were gods."Are you the head of the Ye family?""I heard that Shui Bing'er is here. Bring her out immediately, or we will wipe out your entire family, sparing no one."Seeing Ye Kaishan appear, one of the cultivators stared at him with murderous intent."For Shui Bing'er..."Ye Kaishan's eyes flashed with killing intent. He didn't expect the enemies of the Shui family to find their way here. What grudges and grievances were there?Both of these gray-robed cultivators were at the tenth level of Qi Refining, making a big fuss over killing a Shui Bing'er."Why do you want to kill Shui Bing'er? Are you enemies of the Shui family? Or were you sent by someone?" Ye Kaishan calmly asked."Enough nonsense. Take people's money and help them solve their problems. I don't want to say it a second time." The gray-robed cultivator said."Oh... since that's the case, I'll pay you double the price. Will you help me kill them and go back?" Ye Kaishan smiled."Hehe, do you think we're fools? If we kill you, your belongings will be ours as well." The other gray-robed cultivator sneered.