
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Profound Grade Root Bone, Hundred Flowers Sect Cousin

Ye Kaishan quickly and rhythmically married four women into his home.A month passed.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving your aptitude and reaching the Profound Grade Lower Rank.]Upon hearing this prompt, a smile curved on Ye Kaishan's lips, and he laughed comfortably.His aptitude had finally reached the Profound Grade, and he could clearly feel that his body was absorbing spiritual energy much faster.In the next six months, he tirelessly and tirelessly worked, finally making the bellies of the four new brides grow.But it exhausted him.[Congratulations to the host for breaking through 200 offspring, increasing the size of the family, and receiving rewards: "Thirty-Six Cycles Heavenly Vortex Profound Scripture," ten years of cultivation experience, ten years of alchemy experience, a jar of Profound Grade spiritual pills, and 500 medium-grade spiritual stones.]"Two hundred children..."Ye Kaishan's mind stirred, and he checked the rewards."Thirty-Six Cycles Heavenly Vortex Profound Scripture" is a Earth Grade Lower Rank cultivation technique.With the assistance of the "Clear Jade Qi Refinement Technique," it can greatly improve cultivation speed.The Profound Grade spiritual pill is called the "Chongxuan Pill," a Profound Grade Lower Rank spiritual pill used in the later stage of the Foundation Building Stage to enhance cultivation speed."Not bad..."Ye Kaishan was quite satisfied, then absorbed the cultivation experience, and in no time, his aura suddenly changed."Foundation Building Second Stage!"In his dantian, he had already built the second platform, greatly increasing his mana.Next, he absorbed the alchemy experience and refined some pills for consumption during the Foundation Building Stage.On this day, Su Mei gave birth again, giving birth to a child with spiritual roots.[Congratulations to the host for branching out and giving birth to a Yellow Grade top-quality offspring, receiving rewards of +10 lifespan, 500 lower-grade spiritual stones, and an exploding talisman.]"Husband, I have given birth to another child with spiritual roots for you."Sitting on the bed, Su Mei held the child in her arms and said joyfully to Ye Kaishan.This was already the fourth child with spiritual roots that she had given birth to.After giving birth, she was full of energy and not the least bit weak.Because three years ago, she had already developed spiritual roots, and Ye Kaishan personally guided her cultivation, providing various pills and spiritual stones.She was now a cultivator at the Fourth Stage of Qi Refining."You're amazing, Meier. After all these years, you haven't changed a bit, still the same as before."Ye Kaishan rubbed her head and said affectionately.The stubborn little girl from before had long become the mother of several children, and the only thing that hadn't changed was that she was still so beautiful."How can that be? It's all thanks to you, husband, for taking good care of me..." Su Mei said shyly."When you're fully recovered, husband will take care of you some more."Ye Kaishan smirked....In the blink of an eye, a year had passed. During this time, Ye Kaishan guided the women in their cultivation, and Wu Nanchun and Wang Xifeng successively embarked on the path of immortality.Occasionally, he would refine the Foundation Building Pills needed by the Treasure Pill Pavilion, cultivate spiritual herbs when he had nothing to do, and take in concubines.The range of concubines was no longer limited to Azure Cloud Town; he didn't spare the surrounding towns either.Even the cultivation families in White Sun City were not exempt.Because in this year, relying on the reputation of the Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pills and the escape of Zhen Taihe, Ye Kaishan had become the number one alchemist in the hearts of many cultivators in White Sun City.Every time he went to White Sun City for business, he couldn't help but be called Master Ye.In order to get closer to Master Ye, some cultivation families in White Sun City actively married their daughters to Ye Kaishan.Everyone knew that the only hobby of Master Ye was taking in concubines.And he didn't refuse anyone who approached him.As long as you asked, he would never refuse.In the span of a year, Ye Kaishan took concubines every month and his career entered a period of rapid growth.He took twelve concubines in one year.Most of them were female cultivators, with only a few mortal women.However, for Master Ye, this was not a problem. As long as he was willing to work hard, he could cultivate spiritual roots even without innate talent.On this day, Ye Kaishan arrived in White Sun City with a refined Foundation Building Pill.As soon as he entered the city, he ran into Qian Lou, the head of a cultivation family in the city.Qian Lou was a cultivator at the early stage of Foundation Building and was once a disciple of the Cloud Billow Sect."Senior, would you have time to visit my Qian family? I have a cousin..."Qian Lou nodded and bowed, not daring to show any arrogance in front of Ye Kaishan, who was at the Foundation Building Stage. He even recommended his cousin with a lewd smile on his face."We can talk about your cousin later. I have something to do now."Ye Kaishan stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a shiny golden identity token on his chest. Wherever he went, he was the center of attention.Many beautiful young girls and noble ladies blushed and shyly stole glances at him. In their minds, a story was already unfolding."Well, Master Ye is busy. My Qian family will welcome you at any time."Qian Lou nodded repeatedly. The fact that Master Ye did not refuse meant that there was hope....Ye Kaishan made his way to the Treasure Pill Pavilion, where he was greeted by the adorable girl Gu Yue.When she saw him, her eyes curved into crescent moons."Master Ye, come quickly. The shopkeeper of my family has been waiting for you inside for a long time."Gu Yue said enthusiastically.Ye Kaishan's expression was strange. Why did this sound like some kind of transaction?He went upstairs and immediately saw Qin Chan standing by the window, her figure breathtaking."It seems like the number of cultivators in the Qi Refining stage has increased again..."Ye Kaishan muttered to himself. At this moment, Qin Chan noticed his arrival and turned around to greet him."What's wrong, Fairy Qin? It seems like you have something on your mind?"Ye Kaishan asked with a smile."What could be on my mind?" Qin Chan glanced at him irritably."I'm just worried about you. Zhen Taihe's master is an elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect. I received news that they will come to White Sun City soon, obviously for you."Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan looked at Qin Chan unexpectedly and said, "I didn't expect you to care about me.""But there's nothing to worry about. Let them come. If they dare to cause trouble, I'll even fight their master.""I warn you not to act recklessly. That's an elder of the Pill Cauldron Sect!" Qin Chan was exasperated."Alright, here's the pill for you. If there's nothing else, I'll go see my cousin."Ye Kaishan waved his hand dismissively."Cousin?" Qin Chan was stunned. Before she could ask, Ye Kaishan had already left.The head of the Qian family had been waiting for a long time and as soon as he knew Ye Kaishan had arrived, he immediately prepared a banquet."Master Ye, your visit has brought glory to my humble abode," Qian Lou flattered."Don't waste words. Where's my cousin?"Ye Kaishan never forgot his original intention. Qian Lou's cultivation level was not bad, so his cousin must not be an ordinary person and he couldn't let her slip away."Please come inside. My cousin will be here soon."Qian Lou was overjoyed, his mouth almost crooked from smiling."I'm not afraid to tell you, my cousin is from the Hundred Flowers Sect. She has both looks and temperament, absolutely worthy of Master Ye.""Hundred Flowers Sect?"Ye Kaishan's heart skipped a beat, his interest piqued even more. The Hundred Flowers Sect only accepted women, and not only did they require spiritual roots, but they also had stricter appearance requirements.Every woman who came out of there was a peerless beauty.