
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Princess Killer, Hundred Flowers Sect Can't Stand It Anymore

Ye Kaishan has undoubtedly been hailed as the strongest in the seven kingdoms after killing the Heavenly Demon Saint Child at the Soul Formation Stage.No one can compete with him.This has completely dispelled the doubts of those who were hesitant and thought that Ye Kaishan had too many concubines.As long as they can form an alliance with the Ye family, they will be able to walk sideways in the seven kingdoms.No matter who it is, they must give face to the Ye family.This time, the female cultivators who came to Qingyun City to seek a connection are not limited to ordinary cultivation families.Even the princesses of the kingdoms have come.Nascent Soul experts from the Kingdom of Linyuan, Shou Guangyao, personally brought the seventh princess of the Kingdom of Linyuan to the Ye family to propose a marriage."Ye Fellow Daoist, this is Princess Ningrou of the Kingdom of Linyuan. The King of Ningguo wants to betroth her to Fellow Daoist. What does Fellow Daoist think?"The King of Ningguo is named Ning Wanlou. After hearing about Shou Guangyao's acquaintance with Ye Kaishan, he specially offered many benefits and sent the princess in his place.He had inquired early on and knew Ye Kaishan's preferences. He is a princess killer, having married three princesses from the Fire Country alone.Coincidentally, he also has some daughters, all of whom are legitimate princesses."Oh? King Ning is too polite, coming all this way..."Ye Kaishan smiled and looked at Ningrou, examining her background.Ningrou, 38 years old, has a Profound Grade high-quality spiritual root and is at the Foundation Building fifth level."Not bad..."After finishing reading, Master Ye nodded in satisfaction. This princess has a good spiritual root cultivation and is a good seedling.Moreover, she has a gentle and tender appearance, the type that makes people want to cry for three days even with just one punch.This suits Ye Kaishan's taste.At this moment, Ningrou was also secretly observing Ye Kaishan, her eyes filled with shyness and admiration.Standing in front of her is... the strongest man in the seven kingdoms, the number one alchemist, and the number one formation master.Such an outstanding man, even if he has hundreds of concubines, still cannot hide his charm.Especially for female cultivators who have just embarked on the path of cultivation, his allure is comparable to a nuclear bomb.They simply can't resist.Even the princesses of the kingdoms would fall for him."Ye Fellow Daoist, if there are no problems, the princess will stay here. King Ning said that the distance between the two countries is far, and it would be troublesome to travel back and forth."Shou Guangyao smiled and said, knowing that Ye Kaishan would not refuse.This task is simply too simple.It's like getting a treasure for free from Ning Wanlou."Well... alright, let's leave it at that this time. If there is another princess in the future, I will personally marry her."Ye Kaishan nodded slightly, feeling a bit more favorable towards this unfamiliar King Ning.This guy is quite understanding and considerate.If he were to personally go to the Kingdom of Linyuan to pick up the bride, it would indeed require a lot of effort.After hearing Ye Kaishan's words, Shou Guangyao was stunned.What does this mean... you want to marry a second princess?Amazing, too amazing.The old guy was in awe, never having seen such a fierce Fellow Daoist.Taking in concubines like crazy and still having such strong cultivation.If it were him, he would probably be half-buried and turned into a dried corpse.And he's at the Nascent Soul stage? Ascension stage!"I have been entrusted by others, and now that the task is completed, I will take my leave, Fellow Daoist Ye. We may meet again if fate allows."Shou Guangyao clasped his hands and prepared to bid farewell."Wait..." Ye Kaishan called out to him."Fellow Daoist Shou, since you're here, why not have a wedding banquet before you leave? After all, you're almost like a matchmaker."Upon hearing this, Shou Guangyao thought for a moment and agreed."Since that's the case, then I won't be impolite."He said with a smile. This way, he can also get closer to Ye Kaishan and maybe even learn a few tricks from him.So, Shou Guangyao stayed behind and prepared to attend the banquet.Ye Kaishan immediately gave orders to welcome the princess from the Kingdom of Linyuan.The department responsible for welcoming the bride immediately got busy.Sending invitations, hanging lanterns, and preparing the banquet.All major immortal sects and cultivation families, no matter where they are, as long as they know about this news.They immediately prepared congratulatory gifts and set off for Qingyun City.The Ye family gave them some time to prepare.The wedding will not take place until half a month later...."Ye Kaishan is taking another concubine, this time it's the princess of the Linyuan Kingdom."Upon receiving the disciples' report, Mi Yao, the Grand Master of the Hundred Flowers Sect, felt a headache coming on.Ever since the alliance with the Ye family, every time Ye Kaishan takes a concubine, the Hundred Flowers Sect has to prepare congratulatory gifts.Once or twice is fine.But over the past few decades, this has happened hundreds of times.In between, there are also celebrations for the birth of children.With all these events combined, the number of gifts given is astronomical.Although the Hundred Flowers Sect is a sect of immortals and has a good family business, it cannot withstand such expenses.The sect's treasury is already struggling to support it.It's a case of spending more than what is earned."If this continues, I might as well marry into the Ye family," Mi Yao sighed, realizing that only by becoming family can they avoid this gift-giving process.Otherwise, there is no escaping it....The Falling Dawn Sect of the Wu Kingdom also received this news.One of their disciples, Xue Jing, is a concubine of Ye Kaishan.Based on Ye Kaishan's current reputation, they also have to make a gesture."Prepare a congratulatory gift and send it to the Ye family in the Fire Country," she immediately ordered, thinking that it's just a congratulatory gift.The Falling Dawn Sect, with its wealth and power, can easily afford it.Clearly, the naive Dugu Zhi has not yet realized the seriousness of the situation....Soon, half a month has passed, and the ceremony for Ye Kaishan's marriage to Ning Rou is held as scheduled.This time, it is extremely lively because he is marrying a princess, and many noble families from the Linyuan Kingdom have come to attend.Congratulatory gifts are one aspect, and the next is to recommend their own female relatives to marry into the Ye family.To embrace the protection of the Ye family.During the ceremony, one gift after another is presented, including various spiritual treasures, elixirs, herbs, materials, and so on.Seeing this, Shou Guangyao, who was originally feasting, noticed the gifts from various guests.He suddenly remembered that he hadn't given a gift yet.Since he is attending someone else's joyous occasion, how can he go empty-handed?So, Shou Guangyao gritted his teeth and took out the treasure given to him by Ning Wanlou.A Profound Grade jade bracelet, personally given by Ning Wanlou, is presented.Since he wants to establish a good relationship with Ye Kaishan, he cannot be stingy."Shou Guangyao, the master of the Linyuan Kingdom, presents a Profound Grade treasure..."This move made the guests marvel.The old guy is really generous.He actually presented a Profound Grade treasure as a gift.The ceremony ends.The bridal chamber is filled with candlelight.Ye Kaishan lifts the red veil.He sees Ning Rou, who is tender and a little shy.Clearly, she is a novice."Don't be afraid," Ye Kaishan holds Ning Rou in his arms and whispers in her ear.A night of silence....The next day, Ye Kaishan energetically pushes open the door.This is not the end, it's just the beginning.There are still many female cultivators waiting for him to marry.As the news spreads, the guests who have not yet left Qingyun City are immediately speechless.Experienced people have already guessed and prepared multiple congratulatory gifts in advance.After all, if Ye Kaishan starts taking concubines, he won't stop.