
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Poor Ghost Secret Realm?

The seal on Blackwater Frigid Pond began to melt under Ye Kaishan's finger.There were no fancy movements, no dazzling signs, just plain and simple."Hiss..."The cultivators present gasped in cold air, some even rubbed their eyes in disbelief.Is it really that simple?It gives people a feeling that anyone could have done it."No... it's impossible..." Ma Yuanhua was dumbfounded on the spot. He had put in a lot of effort for half a month, but the seal remained motionless.Yet, Ye Kaishan opened it with just one finger.Could it be that this seal doesn't like to be forced?Do you really need to find that point?"Master Ye, your reputation is well-deserved."At this moment, the queen sitting high on the cloud seat spoke, her eyes showing admiration and curiosity as she looked at Ye Kaishan.It had long been rumored that this Ye family ancestor was an "anomaly" who did things that were beyond imagination.Today, seeing it with their own eyes, it was indeed true.Behind the queen, the female cultivators of the Daughters Kingdom were also amazed by Ye Kaishan's skill.Mainly because of Master Ma's contrast, it created a contrast that made people feel that Ye Kaishan's finger was simply a divine move."Your Majesty, you flatter me. It's just a small matter, not worth mentioning." Ye Kaishan stood with his hands behind his back, exuding an invisible pressure.The female cultivators present were amazed, while the male cultivators questioned their lives."It turns out that Senior Ye is not only highly skilled in alchemy, but also unparalleled in formations. I wonder if there is anything he can't do...""Comparison is the death of joy. It is said that Senior Ye either takes concubines or has children, and yet he can cultivate to such a level. Could he be a reincarnated immortal?"At this moment, Ye Kaishan once again became the focus of the audience, attracting much discussion.Soon after, important figures from various sects rushed into the secret realm.At this time, Blackwater Frigid Pond had become a space-time tunnel.Ye Kaishan took a step into the tunnel and felt dizzy.When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a small world.The mountains were clear, the water was beautiful, and the birds were singing."Such rich spiritual energy..." Dugu Zhi exclaimed. The spiritual energy here was almost several times stronger than outside.Everyone expanded their divine senses to explore this small world.After understanding it, they learned that the owner of this secret realm was a powerful cultivator named Haoyang Daoist, who had reached the Body Integration stage.Such cultivation level was not only shocking in the Seven Kingdoms, but also in the entire Thunder Continent. It belonged to the top-notch experts."The treasure of a Body Integration expert, we hit the jackpot!"The cultivators were excited. Just obtaining one or two treasures from the secret realm of a Body Integration expert would be enough.In the eyes of Foundation Building Stage cultivators, the inheritance of such a powerful expert was no different from a miracle.Therefore, everyone started to take action and search the secret realm.Ye Kaishan remained calm and secretly searched for Ye Fan's traces.Not long after, the cultivators gradually felt that something was wrong.The joy on their faces turned into doubt."Where are the treasures? After searching for so long, all I found was a Yellow Grade spiritual herb?""What the hell? I only found a few pieces of low-grade spiritual stones. Is this really the secret realm of a Body Integration expert? I think it's more like the remains of a poor ghost.""Profound Grade spiritual herb! Unfortunately... it's not mature yet. What a disappointment."Throughout the secret realm, the cultivators complained, doubting their lives.Most of them only found some spiritual stones and spiritual herbs, and they were all of very low quality.It was completely different from what they had imagined.It felt more like the secret realm of a Core Formation cultivator, completely inconsistent with the aura of a Body Integration expert.Ye Kaishan spread out his divine sense and heard the discussions of the cultivators, feeling a sigh in his heart."It seems that this kid was a bit too hasty and didn't search thoroughly enough."This small world is only a few thousand miles in size, and a group of cultivators quickly arrived at the center.They discovered a dilapidated Taoist palace.Although this Taoist palace was in ruins, it was quite large."Everyone, I believe that the inheritance of Daoist Haoyang is inside. This is the real treasure land. After we finish searching for treasures, how about we distribute them equally?"At this moment, Dugu Zhi spoke loudly, and his voice spread in all directions.The major sects responded one after another.As seven major sects, they were familiar with each other. When faced with opportunities, it was not as simple as resorting to violence to resolve conflicts.The difference in strength between the sects was not significant. If they were to fight, both sides would suffer losses, and in the end, they would lose the opportunity without gaining anything.Therefore, equal distribution would benefit everyone.Unless they encountered treasures that could drive people to lose their rationality, it would be unlikely to cause large-scale killings.As a result, the powerful figures from all sides rushed into the dilapidated Taoist palace.Ye Kaishan followed behind, neither fast nor slow.Not long after, everyone was dumbfounded, unable to believe what they were finding in every corner."What's going on? Who is Daoist Haoyang? How could he be so poor?""I obtained a cultivation technique, but it's only a Yellow Grade.""Spirit stones... a large piece of low-grade spirit stone!"The cultivators complained, their faces filled with disappointment."Could it be that Daoist Haoyang is not dead, and this is just his temporary dwelling place?"Chu Shiwei said suspiciously. She had just finished checking a room and found nothing but a few old jars that were empty."It's highly possible. This stingy senior didn't leave behind any inheritance, but the seals he set up are quite good."Yang Menghua said with a speechless expression, harboring deep resentment towards Daoist Haoyang."How could this be? A secret realm of a Body Integration expert shouldn't be so shabby..."The queen's face showed doubt, with a hint of contemplation in her eyes.But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.After all, they were the first group to enter after the seal was opened.At this moment, while the attention of the cultivators was focused on the treasures, Ye Kaishan had already found Ye Fan. The father and son had innocent expressions, pretending to know nothing.With thousands of cultivators entering, no one paid attention to when Ye Fan entered.After collecting the treasures, he quietly met up with Ye Kaishan, as if they had just entered this place.Unless someone had registered the number of people entering at the entrance, no one would be able to discover it.As soon as they met, Ye Fan handed a storage ring to Ye Kaishan.Ye Kaishan quietly put away the ring, planning to examine it later after leaving.The cultivators were unwilling and continued searching.Ye Fan didn't take everything, leaving behind a small portion of the treasures.But it was still far from what everyone had expected.After an unknown amount of time, the cultivators finally decided to give up.The entire secret realm had been thoroughly searched. Even the stones on the roadside had been picked up and examined.Finally, they could confirm that there were no more treasures here.Reluctantly, they prepared to leave the secret realm."It's a pity that Fellow Daoist Ye's amazing skills were wasted. I didn't expect this secret realm to be so shabby."A group of Nascent Soul cultivators walked together, and Dugu Zhi friendly said to Ye Kaishan.Master Ye responded with a guilty smile.In the blink of an eye, everyone passed through the exit and returned to the outside world.As soon as they returned, they felt a powerful aura enveloping the heavens and earth."Hehe, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Did you find any treasures?"