
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Please Order My Master To Your Heart's Content

Ye Kaishan searched for the traces of the two people, his divine sense enveloping the surrounding territory.Yin Hun and Ji Yin were very clever, fleeing in opposite directions.In this way, no matter what, each person at least had a fifty percent chance of escaping.Ye Kaishan put away the Four Spirit Demon Suppression Tower, hesitated for a moment, and chased after Ji Yin.Yin Hun was at the perfect Core Formation stage and desperately tried to escape, making it not so easy to catch up to him.Compared to Ji Yin, who was only at the mid-Core Formation stage, it was much easier.His figure moved, transforming into starlight and chasing at extreme speed.Not long after, feeling the approaching starlight from behind, her face immediately turned bitter.In the end, between her and Yin Hun, Ye Kaishan ultimately chose her."You can't escape from my grasp. I'll give you a chance. Do you want to live or die?"Ye Kaishan's voice came, and he summoned the ten-colored Demon Suppression Tower, suppressing Ji Yin."Wait!"Ji Yin immediately stopped, finally admitting defeat."I want to live. As long as you don't kill me, I'll do anything."She had a pitiful and helpless expression, her will to survive at its peak."Open your mouth!"Ye Kaishan came in front of her, coldly saying."Huh?" Ji Yin was momentarily stunned, subconsciously opening her mouth and having a large pill stuffed into it.Caught off guard, she coughed repeatedly and almost vomited.Ye Kaishan lifted her chin, and a trace of tears shimmered in the corners of the woman's eyes.She had a pair of fox-like eyes, narrow and eerie, but her face looked somewhat ordinary, making her stand out."This is not your true appearance. Reveal your true face."Ye Kaishan said lightly.Hearing this, Ji Yin gritted her teeth and tore off a layer of skin from her face, revealing her true appearance.It was a breathtaking face that no man could ignore.At the first sight of this face, Ye Kaishan thought of a character.The calamitous Su Daji."Very good. From now on, I am your master. Obey me obediently, or I'll send you to meet Li Huayuan."Ye Kaishan hooked her chin, threatening fiercely.Even if Ji Yin had a hundred objections, at this moment, she could only comply."Yes, master. Whatever the master wants Ji Yin to do, Ji Yin will do.""Very well, come back with me and bear me hundreds of children."Ye Kaishan was straightforward. Ji Yin was at the mid-Core Formation stage, a top-grade Profound Grade spiritual root, and possessed the Heavenly Fox Enchanting Body.It could be said that all the elements were in place, and the children she bore would definitely be extraordinary.Because people with special constitutions have a certain probability of giving birth to children with special constitutions as well.Just like people with the twin gene, their descendants also have the possibility of giving birth to twins.Hearing this, Ji Yin momentarily froze, her heart filled with horror.Hundreds of children?Wouldn't that kill her?Especially when these words came from Ye Kaishan's mouth, there was no trace of joking.Before coming, she had investigated Ye Kaishan, who had hundreds of children.Obviously, he had a kind of crazy obsession with having children.She was already starting to feel afraid.Bearing hundreds of children, she didn't even dare to imagine such a scene."You...you can't do this!" Ji Yin mustered up the courage to retort."What? Have you already forgotten what I just said?" Ye Kaishan's face tensed."No... I said I would listen to you, but I really can't bear hundreds of children."Ji Yin said with a dejected tone, still possessing a strong instinct for survival.She really didn't want to die.But she also didn't want to give birth to so many."You think it's too many? Then let's start with ten," Ye Kaishan laughed and said, without any hesitation, grabbing Ji Yin and returning to the Ye family.At this moment, the concubines in the house were all anxiously waiting. When they saw Ye Kaishan return, they immediately surrounded him."Husband, are you alright?""What just happened?"The women chattered, showing great concern.Ye Kaishan waved his hand, indifferent."Somebody just tried to possess me, but I killed them."He briefly explained what had happened.After listening, Yan Shuitian and the other women immediately showed a shocked expression."Husband, you killed the Master of the Dark Nether Sect?"Yan Shuitian exclaimed. As an elder of the Cloud Billow Sect, she was very familiar with the Dark Nether Sect.It was an evil sect that could be compared to the Demon Fiend Sect."I didn't expect Li Huayuan to still be alive. He is a Nascent Soul expert, but you killed him," Yan Shuitian marveled. A long time ago, the major sects besieged the Dark Nether Sect and severely injured Li Huayuan.They thought this old guy was dead, but they didn't expect him to survive until now."It was just luck. If he hadn't tried to possess me, I don't think it would have been so easy to kill him," Ye Kaishan said. Li Huayuan was a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.In a direct confrontation, even if he had the Four Spirit Demon Suppression Tower, it would be difficult to kill him.Moreover, burning lifespan had its limits, and the gap in cultivation level was too large to be solved simply by increasing strength.If Ye Kaishan's opponent was an immortal, even if he burned a million years of lifespan, it would be useless.Because the essence of life and control of power between the two were too disparate.Fortunately, Li Huayuan chose the easiest way to die, allowing Ye Kaishan to easily kill him.No matter what, in the eyes of the women, Ye Kaishan was like a god-like man.Next, Ye Kaishan brought Ji Yin to a secret room, sealing off all her powers and making her stand there like a wooden stake.Then, Ye Kaishan began to touch and manipulate her, not in a harassing way, but in a research manner.He tried using formations and puppetry techniques to set restrictions on Ji Yin's movements, in order to control her actions.After several attempts, he succeeded.With just a thought, he could easily make Ji Yin assume various poses to restrict her movements.After all, a mid-stage Core Formation cultivator needed to be cautious, or it would be easy for the opponent to escape.Ye Kaishan had a lot of fun, controlling Ji Yin in front of him, making her strike various strange poses.One moment she was the Statue of Liberty, the next she was doing the one-legged crane stance, and then she imitated Lin Daiyu bending over a willow tree, full of artistic beauty.Ji Yin's face turned red with embarrassment, wishing she could just die on the spot.How could she, a strong Core Formation cultivator, be manipulated so easily, like a puppet?"Very good! It's working well," Ye Kaishan stopped and clapped his hands in satisfaction, while Ji Yin remained in a high leg pose without moving.It wasn't that she didn't want to move, but she couldn't.Without her powers, she was extremely weak, and assuming such a difficult pose was not an easy task.Overall, it was very torturous.Her whole body was almost cramping."Practice with me for three months, and I'll give you a devilish figure," Ye Kaishan said with a smile, then turned and walked away.In fact, Ji Yin already had a devilish figure.Her slender figure was like a well-developed fruit, truly a beauty.