
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Pill Cauldron Sect, Refining Foundation Building Pill

Foundation Building Stage, constructing the foundation in the Core Lake within the body, the light of the Dao Platform spreads throughout the body, shedding the mortal body.At the initial stage, it has the ability to fly, with a maximum lifespan of three hundred years.During the Foundation Building stage, the spiritual foundation is flawless, without a single crack, known as a perfect Foundation Building.Three cracks are considered top-quality Foundation Building, six cracks are considered high-quality Foundation Building, and nine cracks are considered medium-quality Foundation Building.The worst is eighteen cracks, which is the lowest-grade spiritual root. This kind of spiritual root is on the verge of collapse and has almost no possibility of Core Formation.Ye Kaishan's goal this time is to pursue the highest-level spiritual foundation.He steps on the flying sword, soaring thousands of miles, and arrives at White Sun City in less than an hour."Who is this senior? Such a handsome body technique..."Some Independent Cultivators who have just entered the Immortal Path couldn't help but exclaim, their faces full of envy.Time has passed, and now Ye Kaishan has become a senior admired by others.After landing in White Sun City, Ye Kaishan goes straight to the Pill Pavilion and takes out his identity token.The one in charge of reception is a female cultivator in the Qi Refining stage."Senior, is there anything I can do for you?"The smiling female cultivator asks. Ye Kaishan is young and powerful, and his identity as an alchemist has a great impact on female cultivators who have just entered the Immortal Path."I need ten sets of medicinal materials for refining Foundation Building Pills... And another ten Foundation Building Pills."Ye Kaishan doesn't waste words. During the Foundation Building stage, one may need a lot of Foundation Building Pills, so it's better to prepare more just in case.The female cultivator's mouth drops open. Foundation Building Pills are expensive, and some Independent Cultivators need to accumulate for many years to exchange for one Foundation Building Pill.And Ye Kaishan asks for twenty at once, which is quite shocking to her."Thank you."Ye Kaishan takes out two Qi Nurturing Pills from his gourd and hands them to the female cultivator as a tip."Um... Senior, please wait, it'll be ready soon."Excitedly, the female cultivator takes the pills and hurries to prepare, stealing a glance at Ye Kaishan halfway, her eyes filled with shyness.Just one action has greatly increased her favorability towards Ye Kaishan.Ye Kaishan sits quietly on the side, his gaze wandering around, looking for the woman he met last time in the Great Void Valley.At this moment, Qin Chan appears, gracefully swaying her hips as she walks in, followed by a group of men and women.This group of people is wearing distinctive clothing and has a remarkable temperament, obviously from sects of cultivation.The man in the lead looks to be around forty years old, with an arrogant and proud expression.From Qin Chan's words and actions, it can be seen that she highly respects this person."People from the Pill Cauldron Sect..."Ye Kaishan recognizes the origin of this group.Within the Fire Country, there are four major sects: the Pill Cauldron Sect, the Cloud Billow Sect, the Hundred Flowers Sect, and the Giant Mammoth Gate.Among them, the Pill Cauldron Sect is considered the strongest in terms of both strength and reputation.At this moment, Qin Chan notices Ye Kaishan on the side and pauses for a moment before walking up and asking, "Master Ye, why are you here? Is there something you need?""I came to buy some spiritual herbs to refine Foundation Building Pills."Ye Kaishan nods.The conversation between the two immediately catches the attention of the middle-aged alchemist. He raises his eyelids and casually asks, "Qin Chan, who is this expert?"As he speaks, his gaze sweeps over Ye Kaishan."I'll introduce you guys. This is Ye Kaishan, the alchemist of my Pill Cauldron Sect.And this is Master Zhen Taihe from the Pill Cauldron Sect," Qin Chan introduced the two."Ye Kaishan? I haven't heard of him... The Foundation Building Pill is a crucial pill for cultivators to enter the Foundation Building stage. If the heat is not controlled properly and it affects the efficacy, it's equivalent to harming people," Zhen Taihe said before Ye Kaishan could speak. His words seemed like guidance, but more so questioning Ye Kaishan's abilities.The Foundation Building Pill is a Yellow Grade top-grade pill, and it's difficult for ordinary alchemists to refine. Even if they manage to refine it, the efficacy is often greatly reduced.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan's face turned cold. "You have quite the audacity. Could it be that you can refine the Foundation Building Pill with perfect efficacy?"He was sitting here peacefully, but he was mocked as soon as he arrived. Anyone would lose their temper in this situation."Hmph! Ignorant fool! Go and inquire around. My master is the most popular alchemist in White Sun City. People who want him to refine pills can line up from here to outside the city!" a disciple behind Zhen Taihe scolded."No one is perfect, and no pill is perfect. Being able to bring out 70-80% of a pill's efficacy is the lifelong pursuit of an alchemist," Zhen Taihe shook his head and chuckled, as if laughing at Ye Kaishan's lack of understanding of this basic principle.Qin Chan awkwardly smiled and said, "Please calm down, both of you. Master Zhen, the things you requested will be prepared soon. Please rest inside for a moment."After speaking, she immediately led Zhen Taihe and his group to an upstairs private room.Then she came in front of Ye Kaishan."You were a bit impulsive. Zhen Taihe is a member of the Pill Cauldron Sect and the most powerful alchemist in White Sun City. There's no benefit in offending him.""It seems like he offended me first, right? Acting all high and mighty, I thought he was the most powerful alchemist in the Fire Country," Ye Kaishan sneered.At this moment, the female cultivator in charge of reception, He Yue, came back."Master Ye, here are the things you requested."Ye Kaishan took the items and paid without blinking an eye. It cost him several hundred medium-grade spirit stones in total.One couldn't help but sigh at how expensive the Foundation Building Pill was.Qin Chan looked at him in surprise. She didn't expect Ye Kaishan to be so generous."May I borrow your alchemy room?" Ye Kaishan continued.Then, led by the female cultivator He Yue, he arrived at a separate alchemy room prepared specifically for alchemists in the Pill Cauldron Sect.It had all the basic necessities for alchemy.Ye Kaishan had forty years of alchemy experience, and his experience was genuine.Being a hundred years old as an alchemist didn't mean having a hundred years of alchemy experience, because it was impossible to be refining pills day and night, every moment of every day.The alchemy experience rewarded by the system was genuine.One year of it was equivalent to several years for an ordinary alchemist.Therefore, with only forty years of alchemy experience, Ye Kaishan's value was quite terrifying.No matter how powerful the Foundation Building Pill was, it was like holding a knife in his hand for Ye Kaishan.After familiarizing himself with the surroundings, he began the refinement.After a long time, the refinement was complete. Ye Kaishan carefully examined it and nodded in satisfaction.He tidied up the pill, left the alchemy room, found Qin Chan, and handed her the refined Foundation Building Pill, saying,"Please ask Miss Qin to put these 'Kaishan Brand' Foundation Building Pills on sale.As for the price, make it 10% cheaper than Zhen Taihe's."Qin Chan looked at the pill in her hand with half-belief and nodded slowly. She then instructed someone to put it on sale.