
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

One Hundred Heirs, Going To Yunlan

"A mere Qi Refining Eighth Level dares to haggle in front of us!""We have been entrusted by others, how can we not have this principle?"The gray-robed cultivator said coldly, a hint of killing intent in his eyes."Attack!"Both of them released the aura of Qi Refining Perfection.At this moment, Ren Tinglan flew out, ready to join forces with Ye Kaishan to fight the enemy.However, Ye Kaishan shouted loudly and rushed forward first, a terrifying aura surging from his body."Crimson Flame Blood Ignition Technique!""Twenty years of lifespan!"In an instant, Ye Kaishan was enveloped in a red aura, emitting a scorching heat, like a demon that had just crawled out of purgatory.His cultivation went from Qi Refining Eighth Level straight to the Tenth Level Great Perfection. If it weren't for the limitations of the realm, he might have reached an even higher level. The violent power distorted the surrounding void.Ye Kaishan directly burned twenty years of lifespan, without any nonsense, as he had plenty of lifespan now.The two cultivators were dumbfounded. Suddenly, a figure flashed by in a blood-red light, and Ye Kaishan used a move called "Black Tiger Rips Heart" to pierce through one of their chests.The other person was frightened and turned to escape."Cloud Probing Hand!"Ye Kaishan reached out with one hand, condensing a three-zhang-sized blood hand, and grabbed the person in his palm, crushing him into a pulp.The battle was over.From start to finish, it took only a few breaths.Ren Tinglan was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.This scene was not only seen by the Ye family, but also by the people of Azure Cloud Town who had come to watch the excitement."Immortal... Ye Kaishan has become an immortal!""No wonder the Ye family's master is getting younger and younger. It turns out he has already transcended the mortal realm!"Everyone was shocked, and Liu Jianghe and Ma Delu were so scared that their canes fell.They immediately decided to disband the family and give all the industries in Azure Cloud Town to the Ye family....After dealing with the two gray-robed cultivators, Ye Kaishan searched their spoils, only finding two pitiful Yellow Grade Inferior Spiritual Weapons and several dozen Inferior Spirit Stones.Then, he learned from Shui Bing'er that these two people were likely to be her father's mortal enemies, sent by the Tian family patriarch.The destruction of the Shui family was also caused by this person."The Tian family patriarch is named Tian Wenjing, a Foundation Building Stage powerhouse!"Shui Bing'er said so."Scared me, I thought it was a Gold Core patriarch or a Nascent Soul patriarch. It turns out to be a 'Foundation Building patriarch'!"Ye Kaishan laughed. He, as a "Qi Refining patriarch," vowed to meet this Foundation Building patriarch....After burning twenty years of lifespan, Ye Kaishan entered a short period of weakness.After three months of recuperation, he finally began his plan to take concubines and marry Ren Tinglan.With decorations and drums, the ceremony was lively.After the ceremony, the newlyweds entered the bridal chamber."Tinglan, are you ready to have children for me?" Ye Kaishan smirked in the bridal chamber."Um..."In the dimly lit room, a woman's soft whisper could be heard....[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving your aptitude to Yellow Grade Peak.]"Awesome!"Ye Kaishan was overjoyed, exclaiming in satisfaction, both physically and mentally.Three months later, Ren Tinglan's belly finally started to grow."Husband, you made my belly big."Ren Tinglan pointed to her own abdomen and said coquettishly, "It's good that it's big, it means the seed has sprouted." Ye Kaishan teased.After a few more months, the other wives gave birth one after another.Shui Bing'er gave birth to another spiritual root successor for Ye Kaishan.Not long after, it was finally Ren Tinglan's turn. Her first child was a boy, and he also had a spiritual root.[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to a Profound Grade lower-ranked spiritual root successor. Reward: +10 lifespan, Profound Grade lower-ranked Spiritual Weapon - Xuan Guang Flying Sword, Yellow Grade top-tier body technique secret manual - "Thousand Miles Soaring Light Technique".]"What the f*ck? A Profound Grade spiritual root?" Ye Kaishan was shocked when he heard the system prompt. Ren Tinglan gave him a big surprise with her first child.Moreover, the rewards were generous. A Profound Grade Spiritual Weapon, plus a Yellow Grade top-tier body technique. With these, he would no longer have to endure the hardship of riding a horse to travel in the future.This would be a qualitative leap."Lan'er, you've worked hard." Ye Kaishan excitedly hugged Ren Tinglan and kissed her deeply."Hmph, give our child a name." Ren Tinglan gave him a glare."Okay!"Ye Kaishan nodded. Since it was a Profound Grade spiritual root, let's call him... Ye Xuan![Congratulations to the host's successor for breaking through one hundred. The size of the family has once again increased. Reward: 1000 pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, ten years of alchemy experience, ten years of cultivation, ten years of spiritual plant cultivation experience.][Successor: 100. Family reputation: 1786.]After Ren Tinglan gave birth, Ye Kaishan's successor broke through the one hundred mark.The family's reputation also increased significantly. Since he defeated two gray-robed cultivators last time, the Ye family became the only powerful clan in Azure Cloud Town without fighting.Without fighting, Ye Kaishan had never taken the initiative to attack other families. He simply wore them down.The outside world began to know that Azure Cloud Town had produced a cultivation family. Other cultivation families secretly investigated the details of the Ye family.On this day, Ye Kaishan absorbed the rewarded experience and his cultivation broke through to the ninth level of Qi Refining.The ten years of cultivation reward was almost equivalent to a Yellow Grade spiritual root, an average cultivation speed without external assistance."Qi Refining ninth level, one more level to reach perfection. I'm ready for Foundation Building."By then, he would be able to go from being a "Qi Refining Ancestor" to a terrifying "Foundation Building Ancestor."Ending his seclusion, Ye Kaishan set off for Cloud Billow Sect with his third child who had a spiritual root.For the Ye family's successors with spiritual roots, they would be sent to immortal sects, while those without spiritual roots would engage in business or become officials.For example, Ye Kaishan's second daughter, Ye Jing, and third son, Ye Changsheng, had already gone to the distant imperial capital of Fire Country to seek their fortunes and had achieved some success....Not long after, Ye Kaishan arrived at Cloud Billow Sect with his daughter."Is this your third daughter?" Yan Shuitian looked speechless."How many children do you actually have?""Not many, not many." Ye Kaishan laughed awkwardly, afraid to scare Yan Shuitian if he revealed the actual number."Did I make things difficult for you?""Not at all!" Yan Shuitian said irritably, feeling inexplicably annoyed."Hmm? You've reached the ninth level of Qi Refining?"She suddenly felt a movement in her eyes and sensed the spiritual power emanating from Ye Kaishan. She couldn't help but be surprised."Yes, I luckily broke through!"Ye Kaishan's reaction was calm. Yan Shuitian was at the ninth level of Foundation Building, and there was still a big gap between them. He still needed to work hard.Sooner or later, he would surpass Yan Shuitian's defenses."Alright, I'll take care of the person. You can go now." Yan Shuitian waved her hand."Um... I still want to see my son." Ye Kaishan smiled.Yan Shuitian didn't want to talk anymore and led Ye Ling away.Ye Kaishan followed the familiar path and arrived at the back mountain. Just like last time, he shouted at the entrance."Ye Chen, your father is here!"His voice was loud and caused a commotion.Female cultivators appeared from the cave entrance. When they saw that it was Ye Kaishan, they were first stunned, then revealed a joyful expression.