
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Old Zuna Is Crazy, The Root Bone Breaks Through Again

And those guests who didn't prepare gifts could only look around in Qingyun City and buy suitable presents.But all the shops in Qingyun City are owned by the Ye Family Chamber of Commerce.No matter what they buy, it ultimately ends up back in the hands of the Ye Family.This made some people unable to help but secretly complain.They spent spirit stones to buy treasures from the Ye Family Chamber of Commerce, and then used them as gifts to give to the Ye Family.In the end, the Ye Family profited twice.They were practically making a killing.They had become a great scapegoat.Shou Guangyao, who was preparing to leave, learned this news.He thought that since he had attended a wedding and set a precedent, he naturally couldn't miss the following wedding banquet.Otherwise, it would be impolite.Fortunately, he still had a lot of treasures on him that could be used as gifts.Next, Ye Kaishan embarked on a continuous journey of taking concubines.What surprised everyone was the immense scale of this time.He didn't stop after taking more than ten concubines in one go.All the guests were dumbfounded.Even those who were prepared and had gifts ran out.So they could only buy them in Qingyun City.Even Shou Guangyao, who had a solid family background, couldn't hold on anymore.Every time he gave away a treasure, it felt like he was cutting his own flesh.He began to regret agreeing to bring Princess Ningrou to Ye Kaishan as a gift.Not only did he give benefits to Ye Kaishan, but he also caused himself a great loss."I should have stayed at home and closed my doors. I shouldn't have been blinded by greed. As expected, the cycle of karma..." Shou Guangyao couldn't help but sigh. He prepared the gifts and hurried to the Ye Family.In the end, Ye Kaishan only stopped after taking thirty concubines in a row.The guests were shocked, the treasures were all given away, and the spirit stones were emptied.During this period, the hard-earned family fortune was given away.They were greatly injured, greatly injured.And Ye Kaishan's terrifying speed of taking concubines also made the cultivators of the Seven Nations scalp tingle."It's too crazy, Patriarch Ye has taken thirty concubines again!""Damn it! A group of gold-digging female cultivators. I'm not bad-looking either, why can't I find a partner?""Patriarch Ye is the number one powerhouse of the Seven Nations, what are you?""If this continues, all the beautiful female cultivators of the Seven Nations will be taken by him!"The male cultivators were heartbroken and shocked, but at the same time, their scalps tingled with envy.He already had hundreds of concubines, and he still kept taking more.Moreover, the concubines Ye Kaishan took were no longer ordinary female cultivators.They were either core disciples of immortal sects or outstanding descendants of cultivation families, extraordinary existences.They were all goddesses in the hearts of many male cultivators.So this made many cultivators furious.Beast! Fucking beast!...Hundred Flowers Sect.Mi Yao was torn apart. Thirty gifts made the already not wealthy family even worse off.She never thought that the biggest crisis for Hundred Flowers Sect would not be encountering the Evil Sect, but rather that they would almost go bankrupt from giving gifts.In the end, she could only lower her requirements again and again, reducing the quality of the gifts.But they couldn't be too low, after all, they were an immortal sect and had face to maintain....Falling Dawn Sect."Is Ye Kaishan crazy? He actually took thirty concubines at once, causing me to be involved in thirty gifts."Dugu Zhi complained to Xue Qingqiu, experiencing the shock of Ye Kaishan taking concubines for the first time.They used to be far away and had no connection, so they rarely paid attention to such matters.But now they had to pay attention."There's nothing we can do. Ye Kaishan is now the number one powerhouse of the Seven Nations, and there are many people who admire him. It's normal." Xue Qingqiu smiled. In the world of cultivation, strength was always respected, and the most valued thing was power.Wouldn't it be strange to admire a weakling instead of an expert?Especially this powerful and exceptionally handsome person, he knows a lot and comes from a wealthy background.Although he has a few concubines, it cannot hide his brilliance."Dugu Zhi, you wouldn't also..."Dugu Zhi looked at Xue Qingqiu strangely, feeling that this guy's reaction was off."No way!"Xue Qingqiu firmly stated and left in a hurry.Dugu Zhi thought she went to cultivate, but after Xue Qingqiu left the mountain, she headed straight for Fire Country.When they last parted ways, Ye Kaishan left her with a message."Come visit the Ye family when you have time, I have a surprise for you."He didn't mention what the surprise was, but Xue Qingqiu felt uneasy like a cat scratching, needing to vent.After enduring until now, she finally decided to go see Ye Kaishan....At this moment, Ye Kaishan was working day and night.Even if he didn't eat, drink, or sleep, time was still tight.Ye Kaishan transformed into a master of time management, going all out for the grand plan of branching out.There was no other way, some things could only be done personally and could never be replaced by others.Half a month later, Xue Qingqiu finally arrived at the Ye family."Xue Fairy, you've finally come?"In the reception hall, Ye Kaishan looked at the charming Xue Qingqiu and asked with a smile.This woman was still defeated by her own curiosity.The hint left last time had an effect."Fellow Daoist Ye, what exactly is the surprise you mentioned last time?" Xue Qingqiu hesitated for a moment and asked with difficulty."The surprise is..."Ye Kaishan took a step forward, came in front of Xue Qingqiu, and suddenly embraced her.This sudden move almost made Xue Qingqiu scream. She was like a startled deer, her body tense, at a loss for what to do."Marry me and I'll help you form your Nascent Soul."Ye Kaishan said softly.Upon hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Xue Qingqiu's eyes, but in her heart, an inexplicable joy suddenly surged.She slowly lowered her head and made a mosquito-like "Mm" sound....So, Ye Kaishan took advantage of the situation and immediately made preparations to marry Xue Qingqiu.The major aristocratic families and sects who learned of this news were so scared that they almost kneeled on the spot.Oh, Ye Patriarch, please don't take any more. I'm afraid!"This is outrageous. Ye Patriarch is taking in the elder of the Martial Country Immortal Sect!""Our Fire Country is not enough for him to take in.""It is said that this elder holds great influence in the Falling Dawn Sect and is a powerful cultivator at the Core Formation stage...""What's so special about being at the Core Formation stage? Ye Patriarch has even taken in Nascent Soul cultivators!"The cultivators in Fire Country admired him greatly....After receiving the news, Dugu Zhi from the Falling Dawn Sect stood up in astonishment, his face full of surprise.What's going on?Xue Qingqiu has fallen so quickly?It caught her off guard.She was just making solemn promises not long ago.And now she's suddenly getting married.Although he was angry, he still had to send a congratulatory gift....The ceremony of taking in concubines was over.The wedding night.Xue Qingqiu was stunningly beautiful, mature, charming, and had a kind of shy innocence.All these qualities mixed together, making Ye Kaishan admire her endlessly.She was even more enchanting than the thirty concubines he had just married.The candlelight went out....[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving your aptitude and reaching Earth Grade top quality.]