
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Nascent Soul Mid-Term, More Than Enough Madness

"My husband, you've made my belly grow big... It's really annoying!" Jin Ruyi felt the little life in her belly and said in embarrassment.She never expected that one day she would also become pregnant."It's good that it's big. This is our crystallization. This little one will definitely be amazing in the future." Ye Kaishan gently caressed Jin Ruyi's belly.After Jin Ruyi became pregnant, the other concubines gradually gave birth to children for Ye Kaishan.On this day, Ye Kaishan's spiritual root offspring finally reached a whole number.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for breaking through 300 spiritual root offspring. The family's scale has increased, rewarding fifty years of cultivation experience, fifty years of refining experience, fifty years of alchemy experience, and 2000 pieces of medium-grade spirit stones.]Ye Kaishan spent three days absorbing the rewarded experience.With great momentum, he broke through to the mid-Nascent Soul stage.His other techniques also became more advanced.Ye Kaishan began refining pills and made a batch of pills for the Core Formation Stage and the Nascent Soul stage.Among his concubines, there were Jin Ruyi and Yao Xing at the Nascent Soul stage.There were Ji Yin, Yan Shuitian, Lu Xuan, Ling Qiao'er, Miao Cha, She Qianrao, and others at the Core Formation Stage.Among them, Ji Yin, Lu Xuan, Miao Huan, and She Qianrao had already reached the peak of Core Formation and could break through to the Nascent Soul stage at any time.Once they broke through, the Ye family would have seven Nascent Soul ancestors.This was a terrifying number.In the past, only the former lord of the Fire Country and the sect master of the Pill Cauldron Sect were at the Nascent Soul stage.The Martial Country, the Tian Shui Country, and the Lin Yuan Country only had two or three Nascent Soul cultivators.The strongest daughter country among the seven countries might have a few more.In order to help the concubines break through smoothly, Ye Kaishan refined a lot of Essence Gathering Pills and Foundation Building Pills.There were plenty of spirit pills and spirit stones to enhance their cultivation.As long as the Ye family had ten Nascent Soul cultivators, they could reach the sixth-grade immortal cultivation family.The seventh-grade reward was Divine Grade, and the sixth-grade would be even more impressive....On this day, someone from the Hundred Flowers Sect came. It was a female disciple who said she had come on behalf of the sect master to fulfill a beautiful matter."Reporting to Senior Ye, our sect master wants to betroth Elder Yin Niyun to you. What do you think, Senior?" After hearing the female disciple's report, Ye Kaishan immediately became excited.The enchanting flower, Yin Niyun.Since his first visit to the Hundred Flowers Sect, he had been captivated by this golden flower."Go back and tell your sect master that I will personally go to the Hundred Flowers Sect to marry Yin Niyun in a month." Ye Kaishan immediately spoke without any hesitation.How could he refuse? He agreed without hesitation.A month later, Ye Kaishan controlled the Moon Gazing Flying Boat and arrived at the Hundred Flowers Sect.The female cultivators were immediately shocked by this huge object.It was too big.Floating in the sky, it exuded a strong sense of oppression."This is Senior Ye's flying Law Weapon. It's so grand. I really want to touch it.""It's so big. I've never seen such a big Law Weapon before."All the female disciples of the Hundred Flowers Sect were attracted and couldn't take their eyes off it."Haha..." Ye Kaishan's laughter came from the flying boat."If you ladies like it, you can come up and touch it. Don't be polite."Ye Kaishan warmly greeted them and didn't bother to put away the treasure. He left it outside for the women to admire.He alone walked into the main hall of the sect and met the elegant and noble Sect Master Mi Yao."Master Mi, after I marry Yin Niyun, I will have four golden flowers. When can I have the fifth one?"Ye Kaishan jokingly said.Upon hearing this, Mi Yao smiled slightly and said, "Master Ye, don't you know that imperfection is beauty?""Each of our Hundred Flowers Sect's golden flowers is one in a million. You alone have four. Aren't you satisfied?"She was calm and spoke confidently, exuding the charm of a mature woman."I have always pursued perfection, and I always feel unsatisfied if it falls short."Ye Kaishan smiled and looked sincerely at Mi Yao.The latter couldn't withstand the gaze and awkwardly turned her head away."Here! Mí Dàzōngzhǔ, this is the betrothal gift.""I see that your cultivation is perfect, and you should have already broken through to the Nascent Soul stage. Here are three Nascent Cultivating Pills, and if it's not enough, I have more."Ye Kaishan immediately displayed the charm of a mature man.He knew that Mi Yao, as a woman, was not an ordinary girl. Romantic gestures wouldn't work on her; she valued practical things more.At the moment, Nascent Cultivating Pills were definitely the thing she needed the most.Mi Yao looked at the three Nascent Cultivating Pills, hesitated for a moment, and didn't expect Ye Kaishan to forcefully hand them over without giving her a chance to refuse."Take it. When I, Ye, give something away, I never take it back."These domineering words made Mi Yao tremble in her heart, and she obediently accepted the pills....Shortly after, Ye Kaishan returned to Qingyun City with Yin Niyun.Guests from various countries came to congratulate them, and the Ye family was overwhelmed with gifts.The Ye family members suddenly realized that even without doing any business, they could earn a lot just by accepting concubines from the ancestors.The ceremony was completed.The wedding night arrived.The enchanting flower, Yin Niyun, showed a completely different side from the other three golden flowers.Although she was inexperienced, she seemed to have experienced everything and knew too much.This night made Ye Kaishan extremely happy.He continued with determination and married Shen Miao, a beloved disciple of Gu Li.During this time, Ye Kaishan would often visit the alchemy workshop, showcasing his astonishing alchemy skills.Over time, Shen Miao secretly fell in love with him.Ye Kaishan had long had this intention, wanting to marry Shen Miao into the Ye family.This woman had great talent in alchemy, and after marrying her into the Ye family, he could confidently pass on his alchemy techniques to her.Why let others benefit from his hard work?As a result, the Ye family continued to celebrate, with lanterns and red lanterns almost never taken down.These two years were the peak period of accepting concubines.Now, Ye Kaishan had nearly five hundred concubines.The Ye family's mansion kept expanding, almost every day.Shen Miao's father was the current prime minister of the Fire Country. When he learned that his daughter was going to marry Ye Kaishan, he immediately rushed to attend the ceremony.After the Third Prince learned of this news, he felt a chill in his heart, as if snowflakes were falling.No!The goddess he had pursued for so many years was getting married!However, even if he had many grievances, he dared not show any resentment. When attending the wedding, he had to reluctantly offer his blessings.The Crown Prince understood this feeling very well and patted his brother's shoulder with sympathy.The two leaned against each other, feeling the overgrown grass and lush greenery above their heads.After the ceremony, Ye Kaishan and the bride entered the bridal chamber.Shen Miao was an extremely clean and naturally beautiful woman, with a flawless body and no imperfections.This made Ye Kaishan sigh in his heart, even though he had married nearly five hundred concubines.He still couldn't find a pair that looked the same.Each concubine had her own unique qualities and beauty, which was rare.On the third day after Ye Kaishan and Shen Miao's marriage, the royal family of the Fire Country announced astonishing news."King Yan, Li Fengtian, will abdicate in three years and pass the throne to his grandson, Ye Kai."This news shocked everyone.