
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Master Ma And Master Ye

Ma Yuanhua's voice was loud and resounding, as if at this moment, he had taken on a daunting task.The cultivators present nodded secretly, although his words sounded somewhat arrogant.But they couldn't refute it, because that was the truth.The Golden Light Sect specializes in the study of formations, just like the Pill Cauldron Sect.Each has its own area of expertise.In a specialized field, it is best to leave it to the professionals.Immediately, Ma Yuanhua began to take action.He saw him swing his sleeves and stride towards the cold pool."This seal combines the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams, the Three Powers and Six Harmonies... It seems exquisite, but as long as one corner is resolved, the formation will collapse on its own."While he formed hand seals, he explained in a chanting manner, as if he were teaching students.His whole body exuded a confidence as steady as an old dog.As his words fell, he confidently pointed in a certain direction.Everyone widened their eyes, watching with anticipation.However, nothing happened.Ma Yuanhua was stunned for a moment, then formed hand seals again.Still calm and peaceful."Tsk~"The onlookers burst into laughter, thinking that Ma Yuanhua's confident appearance meant he had succeeded.But it turned out to be useless.They had been waiting in vain.Ma Yuanhua had a moment of panic, but quickly calmed down.This time, he didn't speak, focusing all his energy on breaking the formation, giving it his all.Unknowingly, an hour passed.A day passed.The formation seal remained firm, and the cultivators present began to whisper and question."Can Master Ma really do it? It's been a whole day and there's been no movement.""I think it's a bit mysterious. Didn't you see how anxious he was, sweating profusely...""Master Ma's techniques are flashy, but it seems like they're useless.""I think it's better to dig a hole next to the cold pool. Maybe we'll find a hidden treasure."The murmurs of the crowd reached Ma Yuanhua's ears.More sweat appeared on his forehead, and he started to panic.The strength of the seal exceeded his imagination.Not to mention a day, even a year would probably not be enough to break it.But now that he had boasted, he couldn't back down. How could he continue to make a living if he gave up like this?"Don't worry, everyone. I have a feeling that the seal will be broken soon."Ma Yuanhua shouted loudly, determined to persist and continue his efforts.The crowd was half skeptical.Ye Kaishan, on the other hand, burst into laughter. Ye Fan had asked him to buy time, and now he didn't even have to lift a finger.Now there was Master Ma to bear the burden.No one understood the art of procrastination better than him.And so, Master Ma embarked on a long journey to break the formation.Unknowingly, half a month passed.During this time, people asked many times.Ma Yuanhua always gave a perfunctory answer.He was almost there on the first day, and he was still almost there after half a month.It was like downloading study materials, always getting stuck at 99.9%.Finally, even Ma Yuanhua himself felt embarrassed. Suddenly, his face turned pale and he spewed out a mouthful of blood.Thump, thump, thump... He took three steps back.He looked at the seal with a horrified expression."Not good, this is probably a relic left by an immortal. I have broken 90% of the formation, but I lack the cultivation to break the final 10%..."He trembled and sat down on the ground, looking as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.This sense of desolation, this heroic spirit, was awe-inspiring."What immortal relic?""Master Ma, there's no need to blame yourself. If it's an immortal relic, the seal must be extraordinary. It's not your fault.""Master Ma is the number one formation master in the Seven Kingdoms. If even he can't break the seal, what should we do?"Upon hearing the words "Immortal's Remains," the cultivators became anxious, wishing they could dig a hole in the ground and hide.Although Master Ma Yuanhua did not break the seal, no one blamed him or looked down on him. After all, this was the seal of an Immortal's Remains. What could a Nascent Soul cultivator do?Master Ma sat on the ground, a relieved expression flashing in his eyes. Fortunately, he had acted cleverly and put on a performance on the spot. Otherwise, he would have been laughed at and unable to hold his head up high in the future.As for the so-called Immortal's Remains, it was just something he casually made up. Otherwise, how could he appear impressive?"Now what should we do? Are we just going to give up like this?" someone asked unwillingly."We can stay here and forcefully attack the seal. No matter how strong the seal is, there will always be a weak point," Dugu Zhi said. He had come a long way and couldn't just easily go back.Others also thought the same.Therefore, the cultivators present began to randomly attack the seal in order to break it.One after another, they took turns attacking."Fellow Daoist Ye, why aren't you making a move?" Suddenly, Dugu Zhi couldn't help but ask Ye Kaishan, who remained indifferent.While everyone else was busy, this person stood there motionless, which seemed a bit out of place."Oh, I'm looking for that point. As long as I find it, a gentle touch is all it takes to break the formation," Ye Kaishan said confidently.Dugu Zhi listened with a puzzled expression.Point? What point? You better be talking about breaking the formation."Master Ye, from what you just said, it seems like you're confident in breaking the formation?" Ma Yuanhua, who overheard their conversation, immediately asked loudly.There was no way around it. He was too sensitive. As the number one formation master in the Seven Kingdoms, he couldn't stand others discussing formations in front of him. Moreover, according to Ye Kaishan's words, it seemed like he was confident in breaking the seal. Wasn't this slapping his face? He had just said that the seal couldn't be broken, and now someone came out saying they just needed to find a point and a gentle touch would do.Master Ma was a little angry.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan shook his head and smiled lightly. "I dare not say I'm confident, but I do have some ideas.""I don't know much about formations, just a little bit," he added.A little bit? Master Ma looked at Ye Kaishan strangely, wondering if this guy was trying to show off."Master Ye, since you're confident, then give it a try. I'm really looking forward to seeing your skills," Master Ma said with a smile, appearing polite on the surface but harboring ill intentions in his heart.With the support of the Ye Family Patriarch, his own skills would appear even more superior.Why not take advantage of this opportunity?Ye Kaishan smiled faintly at him, then walked up for real.Just now, he received a message from his son, Ye Fan.He had already resolved the situation over there.The formation could be broken at any time.As long as the two of them, father and son, cooperated, they could break the formation with a wave of their hands.Seeing this, the people present couldn't help but show surprise.They knew that the Ye Family Patriarch's alchemy skills were unparalleled in the region.Could it be that his skills in formations were also extraordinary?Even Ma Yuanhua had tried for more than half a month but failed to break the seal.Could he really do it?This was the seal of an Immortal's Remains!The crowd didn't hold much hope.But out of respect for the Ye Family Patriarch, they obediently stopped and stepped aside, making room.Ye Kaishan flew to the side of the cold pool and stopped, not making any movements, just as everyone began to grow anxious.Then, he slowly raised his hand and lightly tapped the seal.Buzz...Ripples spread out, and the seal slowly opened.