
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Marrying Sha Jiaojiao, The Silver Shark Clan Is Furious

"Do I not need to inform your family?" Ye Kaishan was stunned, thinking that this was too fast."No need, I said it before, in the Silver Shark Clan, I have the final say," Sha Jiaojiao said domineeringly."Alright!" Ye Kaishan nodded slightly. Since the woman insisted, he naturally wouldn't refuse.Immediately, he instructed his subordinates to start preparing.The news spread as well.When everyone learned of Sha Jiaojiao's identity, they were all shocked and dumbfounded."Oh my god! We're done for, Master Ye is even taking a concubine into the sea!""This is outrageous! Aren't there enough women on land for him to take?""Maybe Master Ye wants to taste the flavor of the sea.""I heard she's a princess of the sea clan. As long as she's a princess, she can't escape Master Ye's grasp.""The Princess Killer's reputation is well-deserved..."The cultivators of Fire Country were shocked and admiring as they discussed.While people were still fantasizing about the sea, Master Ye had already reached in and explored its depths.This level was something they could never catch up to in their lifetimes....The Ye family, after the ceremony.The wedding night.It was destined to be another crazy night....While Ye Kaishan was immersed in the blissful moment, in a blue sea area far away in the endless ocean.This was the territory of the Golden Shark Clan."Father... I have failed," Sha Pojun knelt on the ground in pain, speaking to the golden-haired man sitting on the throne.After being defeated by Ye Kaishan, he escaped to the sea and took some time to recover his strength.Only today did he return to beg for forgiveness."I already know!" Sha Buqun said indifferently. He had already received the news from the sea clan that had returned."What about the clan leader...?" Sha Pojun asked tentatively."The clan leader is furious and wants to personally go ashore with the ancestor's skull, but I stopped him."Sha Buqun said calmly, looking at his son with a gaze full of love."All of this is not important. As long as you're fine. From childhood to adulthood, you've had it too easy. It's good to encounter some setbacks."Taking advantage of this opportunity to teach his son a lesson was also a good thing."But..." Sha Pojun hesitated, his face looking as if he had eaten shit."But what?" Sha Buqun asked."The... skull of the great-grandfather was smashed by that person.""What?"Sha Buqun stood up with a bang, emitting a terrifying aura, his anger almost bursting out of his eyes."That is the skull of your great-grandfather, the treasure of our lineage!""Where are the fragments? Let me try to repair it. Even if it can be restored, its hardness will never be the same as before, you unfilial child."Sha Buqun felt dizzy and almost fainted from anger."The fragments... were eaten by that person's spirit beast," Sha Pojun said softly, not daring to lift his head."I..." Sha Buqun almost couldn't catch his breath. It took him a long time to calm down."Beast! It seems that I have to personally take action.""What is his cultivation level?"Sha Buqun began to inquire about Ye Kaishan's strength and wouldn't act impulsively for revenge."Mid Soul Formation stage, but he possesses a Heaven Grade magic treasure and is powerful, slightly stronger than me," Sha Pojun replied, being more conservative in his assessment.The word "slightly" was used very subtly."You, you can't even defeat a human in the mid Soul Formation stage. You really disappoint me," Sha Buqun scolded angrily, hating that his son couldn't live up to his expectations.In secret, he felt relieved. With his perfect Void Refining cultivation, he could easily defeat someone in the mid-stage of Soul Formation as if playing around.Even if this person had a combat power comparable to the mid-stage of Void Refining, the result would be the same.Sha Pojun was at a disadvantage and dared not argue."Go back and heal, I will inform the clan leader and seek revenge for you."Sha Buqun shouted, his figure disappearing from the hall....In another sea clan, the territory of the Silver Shark Clan.Since learning about the defeat of the Golden Shark Clan, the entire Silver Shark Clan burst into laughter.At this moment, the leader of the Silver Shark Clan, Sha Wanli, was discussing this matter with a group of clan members in the hall."I didn't expect the small Fire Country to be so powerful. This is only the most barren place on the Nine Continents. It's hard to imagine how strong the inland humans are.""Powerful? Haven't you heard? The one who defeated Sha Pojun is a human in the Soul Formation Stage. I think the Golden Shark Clan underestimated them.""Thank goodness, Jiaojiao is fine. If something happened to her, I would definitely slaughter the Golden Shark Clan.""You should be grateful if you're not slaughtered by the Golden Shark Clan."Listening to the discussions below, Sha Wanli couldn't help but smile.Double happiness.The Golden Shark Clan was defeated.His daughter was alive.Both of these made him extremely happy."Clan leader, this is our great opportunity. Shouldn't we take advantage of it now and invade the Fire Country to find the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball?"An elder asked. As long as they could obtain the Dragon Ball, not only could they defeat their archenemy, the Golden Shark Clan, but they could also become the rulers of the sea, which was not just a dream."Well... let's not be hasty. Jiaojiao hasn't returned yet. I believe she is working hard to find the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball. Give her some time. If we rashly go, we might startle the snake."Sha Wanli said wisely, as if he had already guessed his daughter's thoughts.Hearing this, the Silver Sharks nodded.f+l,+f!"I envy the clan leader for having such a good daughter. Unlike mine, who only knows how to fight and kill, without understanding strategy."An old man with silver hair said enviously.Listening to the praise of the crowd, Sha Wanli felt extremely pleased.Ah... comfortable!Just then, a shellfish sea creature hurriedly arrived to report."Clan leader, there is news from Princess Jiaojiao."The eyes of the Silver Sharks lit up, focusing on Sha Wanli."Could it be that Sha Jiaojiao has already obtained the Dragon Ball?"They all thought of this at the same time."Speak! Speak up loudly, what happened to Princess Jiaojiao?" Sha Wanli was in a great mood, encouraging the trembling sea creature."She... she married a human, they are already married!"The sea creature gathered courage and said loudly.As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent, and all the Silver Sharks widened their eyes, their expressions filled with disbelief.What did they hear?Sha Jiaojiao married a human?Nonsense!"Rubbish! This is all nonsense! Where did you hear this news?"Sha Wanli stood up abruptly, staring at the sea creature below, his hair standing on end with anger.How could the noblest princess of the Silver Shark Clan marry a human?It's absurd."It's... it's true, I didn't make it up..." The sea creature was so scared that it almost wet itself, bravely answering.After hearing his account, the Silver Sharks showed surprise.Sha Jiaojiao actually married Ye Kaishan, the man who defeated Sha Pojun."Clan leader... don't get too excited. Perhaps Jiaojiao has other plans.""Plans? What plans?" Sha Wanli's eyes widened in anger."She's gone too far. Such a big matter, and she didn't even consult me. Watch me break her legs!"As soon as he finished speaking, Sha Wanli stormed out of the hall.