
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Marrying An Elder And Nascent Soul

Women in the mortal world carry a pregnancy for ten months, but female cultivators may not necessarily do so, especially when it comes to the special fetus in their womb.Ye Kaishan became even more certain that Yao Xing's baby would definitely be extraordinary.During this period, the other concubines gave birth to spiritual root heirs one after another, and the proportion was much higher than before.The newly married concubine, Xu Ruoyan, had a belly that had already grown like a ball and could give birth at any time.Unexpectedly, Yan Ruyu gave birth to a pair of twins, but unfortunately, they did not have spiritual roots.Xia Qingyou gave birth to a Profound Grade spiritual root heir, earning quite a reward.Ye Kaishan made a shocking discovery. The probability of his later concubines giving birth to spiritual root heirs had almost reached a terrifying 20%.Following this trend, the cultivators of the Ye family would reach a terrifying number in the future.The reason behind this was that the concubines Ye Kaishan married recently had high spiritual root cultivation, almost all starting with Profound Grade spiritual roots.Moreover, his own spiritual roots had also improved significantly, reaching Earth Grade spiritual roots, naturally leading to an increase in the chances of giving birth to spiritual root heirs.If both husband and wife had immortal spiritual roots, the probability of giving birth to spiritual root heirs would almost be 100%.Nothing is absolute; there will always be some flaws.The next day, the Ye family became busy, decorating with lanterns and preparing for Ye Kaishan to fulfill his promise and marry Elder Lu Xuan.If it weren't for the old demon's delay, he would have married this woman long ago.Invitations flew everywhere, and major families knew that it was time for bloodshed.When Yang Menghua heard this news, her eyes widened in disbelief.It was too sudden. She hadn't even noticed any signs of their affair, and now they were getting married.Isn't this too hasty?She tried to persuade Elder Lu Xuan, but Elder Lu Xuan had already left in the Ye family's wedding sedan.Everything was so efficient."Master Ye is marrying the Elder of Cloud Billow Sect! It seems that ordinary female cultivators can no longer catch Master Ye's attention.""By the way, how many Core Formation cultivators does the Ye family have now? If they continue to marry like this, it will be incredible..."The guests attending the wedding couldn't help but exclaim.After the ceremony, the newlyweds entered the bridal chamber.Since joining Cloud Billow Sect at the age of twelve, Lu Xuan had never left for anything other than missions and focused solely on cultivation.Now, at around two hundred years old, she rarely showed a shy expression in the bridal chamber.Ye Kaishan was experienced and knew how to resolve this awkwardness.After a long time, everything fell into place.Until dawn.After one night, Elder Lu Xuan seemed as if she had been bathed in spring breeze, radiant and with much softer eyes than before.She had experienced a feeling she had never felt before, received the nourishment of love, and her whole being had elevated."Husband, thank you. You have shown me that life is not just about cultivation..."With a loving expression, Lu Xuan said to Ye Kaishan."As a family, it's only natural for me to do this."Ye Kaishan pulled her into his arms dominantly and kissed her fiercely.After marrying Lu Xuan, Ye Kaishan continued his momentum and married Miao Cha, Miao Huan, and She Qianrao.Compared to other female cultivators, these three were heavyweight.The wedding night was an unprecedented experience.Ye Kaishan said that he wouldn't exchange them for an Immortal King.At the same time, his aptitude also broke through to the middle grade of Earth Grade.These three were all at the Core Formation Stage, and their spiritual roots were of high level, bringing considerable benefits.After marrying the three women, the Ye family already had more than ten Core Formation Stage cultivators.[Congratulations, host. The family's scale has increased and reached the eighth-grade cultivation family.][Reward: Qiankun Infant Transformation Technique.]"Hmm... Qiankun Infant Transformation Technique?"Ye Kaishan looked at the reward and couldn't help but be stunned. Just by the name, he knew that this thing was probably not simple.He immediately couldn't wait to check it out.After learning about the function of this technique, he couldn't help but take a cold breath."This secret technique can actually allow a person to have three Nascent Souls?"Ye Kaishan was shocked. Generally speaking, Nascent Souls are the cultivation of a cultivator's Primordial Spirit.Humans have three souls and seven spirits. This technique can divide the soul into three parts, corresponding to the three Nascent Souls of heaven, earth, and man. As long as one Nascent Soul is not destroyed, one can achieve immortality.At the same time, the power brought by three Nascent Souls is also tremendous.Others have one, but you have three.It's like others have one kidney, but you have three kidneys. The battle power can be imagined.However, this secret technique can only be used when one reaches the Nascent Soul stage."It seems that I need to quickly cultivate my Nascent Soul..."Ye Kaishan thought so and immediately went to the cultivation room to start refining the Nascent Cultivating Pill.If one cultivates normally, it is unknown when they will be able to break through the Dan and become an infant. It may take several years, or even longer, and requires a certain level of agreement.But if one uses the Nascent Cultivating Pill, then this time will be infinitely shortened.After a long time, three Nascent Cultivating Pills were successfully refined.The process went very smoothly and extremely smoothly.To be safe, he refined three more.With everything ready, Ye Kaishan went to a wilderness outside the Ye family, ready to break through here.Because after the breakthrough, there will be a tribulation, and the tribulation of the Nascent Soul stage is not a joke. If not careful, it can level the Ye family.So choosing to break through outside is much safer.Ye Kaishan carefully set up a formation to prevent anyone from causing trouble during his breakthrough.And his group of beloved wives were also guarding from a distance.Yao Xing, with a round belly, leaned on a chair made of fur from a third-order monster beast, while being served by maidservants."I wonder what grade of Nascent Soul can my husband's Gold Core produce..."Ling Qiao'er curiously said, sparking a discussion."In my opinion, with my husband's top-grade Gold Core, there is a high probability of producing a colorful Nascent Soul."Yan Shuitian expressed her opinion. The grade of Nascent Soul is not as accurately divided as Core Formation. It is judged by the colorful light emitted by the Nascent Soul.For example, her senior sister, when she formed her infant, emitted a colorful light, which is already considered a relatively good quality.In their opinion, Ye Kaishan is a Gold Core ancestor, so it is not excessive to form a colorful Nascent Soul.At this time, Ye Kaishan sat cross-legged on a huge rock, adjusted his breath, and then took out a Nascent Cultivating Pill and swallowed it.As the pill entered his abdomen, it turned into a strong force that continuously impacted the Yin-Yang Taiji Pill in his body.The Nascent Cultivating Pill is like a catalyst that can accelerate the shattering of the Yuan Dan and give birth to the Nascent Soul.However, the energy of a single Nascent Cultivating Pill obviously cannot shatter the Yin-Yang Taiji Pill.Ye Kaishan took out another one and swallowed it.Then the third... the fourth... the fifth...Until the fifth Nascent Cultivating Pill entered his abdomen, the Yin-Yang Taiji Pill in Ye Kaishan's body finally cracked and slowly melted.As the surface melted, a Nascent Soul slowly appeared.It was a little person exactly like Ye Kaishan, sitting cross-legged in the dantian with closed eyes, looking old and majestic.The sky above Ye Kaishan suddenly brightened, and rays of light shone upon the world.