
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Marrying A Fairy, Improving Roots

"Give me a home?" Shui Bing'er was stunned and didn't understand Ye Kaishan's meaning for a moment.After she realized it, her face immediately turned red.This is bad!It's only the first time they've met, and the other party already wants to marry her. This development is a bit too fast!"The cultivation world is cruel. As a lonely woman with no support, where else can you go?"Ye Kaishan continued, just now he used the system to check Shui Bing'er's qualities, and it showed a green light.Her aptitude even reached the Yellow Grade top quality.With such aptitude paired with her qualities, it would be easy to produce talented offspring.The color quality is determined by the comprehensive evaluation of various data of a woman. Although Shui Bing'er looks good, she is almost on par with Zhao Feiyan.Her aptitude also reached the Yellow Grade top quality.But her luck is too bad, otherwise her whole family wouldn't have died.Ye Kaishan thought this was acceptable and didn't want to beat around the bush. He directly launched an attack, ready to bring Shui Bing'er back home and marry her directly.After hearing Ye Kaishan's words, Shui Bing'er fell silent. Yes, her whole family is gone, where else can she go?"I've heard that within the Fire Country, there are many Demonic Cultivators who specifically capture women like you with outstanding appearances to use as cauldrons. The outcome is extremely tragic..."Ye Kaishan felt that the other party was moved and continued to launch an attack."And, with your aptitude and cultivation, even if you join a sect, you can only become an outer disciple. Without resources or support, if you don't make significant progress in three to five years, you will be kicked out and become an Independent Cultivator!"Ye Kaishan wasn't just making things up. Cultivation resources are limited, and sects don't support idle people. Most of the cultivation families in the mortal world were established by those who were expelled from sects.Shui Bing'er's family is an example. Her father was a Qi Refining stage cultivator who couldn't advance to the Foundation Building stage and was eventually expelled from the sect, so he established the Shuiyue Villa.Only when one reaches the Foundation Building stage can they establish a firm foothold in the sect.After a moment of silence, Shui Bing'er raised her head and looked at Ye Kaishan's mature face, asking, "Can you really provide me with support?""Yes! I can refine pills. At the very least, you won't have to worry about cultivation resources. I also have a family, and prosperity and wealth are also guaranteed!"Ye Kaishan was very straightforward, introducing his background and showing the charm of a mature man. There was no romance, only strength.Upon hearing this, Shui Bing'er was truly moved. In Ye Kaishan's eyes, she saw sincerity.As someone from a cultivation family, she knew how cruel the cultivation world was. Without support or resources, it was simply impossible to make progress."I agree to go back with you, but in the future, if there is a chance, I hope you will help me seek revenge for my parents!"Shui Bing'er said solemnly."Definitely!" Ye Kaishan nodded heavily, feeling excited.Finally, he was going to marry a fairy!Now he would definitely have many talented children with spiritual roots!Next, Ye Kaishan took Shui Bing'er to White Sun City and exchanged a mid-grade Yellow Grade pill furnace with a flying sword.In the cultivation world, flying swords, the most common type of magic treasure, had a relatively low price, while pill furnaces, a rare and difficult-to-forge magic treasure, were much more expensive.Seeing Ye Kaishan exchange for a pill furnace, Shui Bing'er couldn't help but nod secretly.She thought that Ye Kaishan didn't lie to her; he really knew alchemy.The status of an alchemist in the cultivation world was very high."I've climbed too high." Shui Bing'er thought to herself....A few days later, Ye Kaishan returned to Azure Cloud Town. When he left, he was alone, but now he had Shui Bing'er by his side.As soon as he arrived home, Ye Kaishan immediately announced his intention to take a concubine and instructed the servants to prepare.When everyone learned that this time he was taking in a fairy from a cultivation family, the entire Azure Cloud Town was in an uproar.Everyone was dumbfounded. The fairy was going to descend upon their Azure Cloud Town?The heads of the Liu and Ma families were so envious and jealous that they almost smashed the table.Although Shui Bing'er was only at the fifth level of Qi Refining, in the eyes of mortals, she was a lofty "fairy"."What kind of virtue and ability does Ye Kaishan possess to be favored by a fairy?""Ah! This is more uncomfortable than killing me!"The two major families wailed. With the protection of a fairy in the Ye family, how could they still compete with them?Zhao Gang, the head of the Zhao family, secretly laughed.Three days later, the Ye family was decorated with lights and decorations. When Shui Bing'er appeared in her phoenix crown and red wedding dress, everyone's eyes were fixed on her.In fact, Shui Bing'er's appearance was on par with Zhao Feiyan, but her ethereal temperament as a cultivator added to her charm.After paying respects to heaven and earth, the newlyweds entered the bridal chamber."Husband, be gentle... I'm scared." The candlelight went out, and Shui Bing'er's shy voice could be faintly heard."You're already this old, and you're still so shy?"Ye Kaishan laughed and the following days were naturally wonderful....[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving their aptitude and reaching the Yellow Grade Superior.]...In the following days, Ye Kaishan worked day and night, pouring his heart and soul into his cultivation.It was more difficult for cultivators to conceive than ordinary people.Three months later, Shui Bing'er's belly finally started to grow.Ye Kaishan was finally satisfied.After sowing the seeds, he finally found some time. He started to try alchemy with the alchemical furnaces he had exchanged.Starting with the most basic spirit pills.The most basic Yellow Grade pills included the Qi Nurturing Pill and the Spirit Nurturing Pill, which could enhance the cultivation of the Qi Refining Stage.The Life Extending Pill could increase lifespan.The Youth-Retaining Pill was the favorite of female cultivators.These four pills were the most common and popular.Ye Kaishan plucked a few rare spiritual herbs from the backyard spiritual field of the Ye family, barely gathering enough ingredients to start refining.His first attempt was the Qi Nurturing Pill. He refined nine pills in one furnace, with five successful pills and four failed ones.Ye Kaishan was already satisfied with this result, considering it was his first attempt without much experience.This success rate could be considered that of a little genius.Next, he refined a furnace of Spirit Nurturing Pills, an enhanced version of the Qi Nurturing Pill that worked on the later stage of Qi Refining.Four successful pills and five failed ones.Then came the Youth-Retaining Pill, the favorite pill of women. Ye Kaishan did not forget his promise to Su Mei to help her retain her youth.The Youth-Retaining Pill was a Yellow Grade Superior pill, which made it more difficult. However, Ye Kaishan was lucky and successfully refined four pills in one furnace.As for the Life Extending Pill, he did not refine it. His lifespan was relatively abundant and he didn't need it for the time being.Several months passed with this refining process. When Ye Kaishan went out with the pills, the women were already preparing to give birth one after another.Su Mei, Wu Nanchun, Wang Xifeng, and Zhao Feiyan gave birth one after another, adding four heirs to the Ye family.Unfortunately, none of them gave birth to children with spiritual roots.Ye Kaishan understood this. Even for cultivator couples, there was no guarantee of giving birth to children with spiritual roots.This was largely based on luck.Therefore, he gave the four Youth-Retaining Pills to the four women as a postpartum surprise.