
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Marry The Princess Again, The Attention Of All Countries

On this day, the Ye family was once again bustling with preparations for the next wedding.The welcoming department was all smiles, despite being tired, because the rewards were substantial.Master Ye was never stingy with his own people.However, at this moment, the Crown Prince arrived at the Ye family with a decree from Li Fengtian."Oh, what a rare guest. Is the Crown Prince here to attend the wedding?" Ye Kaishan teased in the reception hall.Li Xian smiled awkwardly, not daring to act rashly, and appeared even more humble than last time.As for the matter of the hat on his head, it had long been buried deep inside him."Lord Ye, I am here today for a joyous occasion. The monarch has decreed that the Thirteenth Princess will be betrothed to you.""I wonder what Lord Ye's thoughts are?"The Crown Prince asked tentatively, seeking Ye Kaishan's opinion, afraid that he might not agree.Obviously, he still didn't have a deep understanding of Master Ye.How could Ye Kaishan refuse such a thing?"No problem, let's set a date."Ye Kaishan waved his hand confidently, without any hesitation.As for the thoughts of the monarch of the Fire Country, he didn't want to bother with them. It was simply a fear that the Ye family would threaten the position of the Fire Country's royal family.But some things were inevitable and unstoppable.As long as he continued to take concubines and have children, any problem could be solved.Moreover, the Thirteenth Princess possessed a special physique. Even if the monarch of the Fire Country didn't speak up, he would find a way to marry this woman.Master Ye never concealed his preferences."Well then... how about a month from now?" The Crown Prince was overjoyed, not expecting Ye Kaishan to agree so readily.This way, he could also report back to his superiors."Hmm... a month might be a bit rushed, but if we hurry, it should be fine."Ye Kaishan said thoughtfully. He was currently preparing to marry Xia Qingyou.But speeding up the timeline was not a big problem.Just a little more effort.Overcome and overcome.Everything was settled, and both sides were satisfied, getting what they wanted.After the Crown Prince left, the Ye family immediately became busy."Everyone, cheer up. The tasks are a bit heavy recently, so let's work harder. The Master's joyous occasion cannot be taken lightly..."The captain of the welcoming team in the Ye family shouted at the people below.Soon, the Ye family became lively again, bustling with activity.Invitations flew like snowflakes, spreading in all directions.Many guests had just returned home after attending the previous wedding banquet, only to receive invitations from the Ye family.For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.They had never imagined that social interactions could also put the family's finances in great jeopardy.Especially when they learned that there were seven or eight more weddings to come after this one.Many people simply decided to stay in Qingyun City and find an inn, determined to see it through.They did nothing but eat and drink.What's more, some even planned to move their families to Qingyun City at the right time.Most of them were relatives of the Ye family, thinking that living nearby would be more convenient.No need to travel long distances back and forth anymore.Drink until you drop dead right at the doorstep.From now on, the top priority of the family would be this....A few days later, everything was ready. Ye Kaishan led a team to set off and welcome Xia Qingyou.This woman who never parted with her sword had put it down today and donned a red robe.Xia Qingyou was like a solitary blooming lotus, cold and proud. Only in front of her beloved man would she reveal a shy expression.She heard that in the Battle of Zhenbei City, Ye Kaishan controlled thousands of flying swords and killed countless enemies.Combined with the rumors and myths, in her mind, Ye Kaishan was like a legendary sword immortal.Wedding night.This woman skilled in swordsmanship put down her flying swords and wielded a long spear.Until dawn.On the other side, Ye Kaishan immersed himself in a state of tenderness.Outside the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom, far away from the Fire Country, there was a major earthquake.No one expected that their elite army, along with the Demon Fiend Sect, failed to break through the gates of the Fire Country.They were rejected by a powerful figure who suddenly appeared.Even Yao Xing, the leader of the cat people and snake people, was captured.Especially when they heard the news released by Li Fengxian: if they wanted Yao Xing back, they had to exchange it for the head of the ruler of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom.The ruler of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom exploded with anger, unable to eat or sleep, going mad.Afraid that the ruler of the Demon Fiend Sect would come knocking on his door and take his head."Investigate! Investigate who this Ye Kaishan is!" the ruler of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom roared, his mentality shattered.Not only the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom, but also several neighboring countries of the Fire Country began to investigate Ye Kaishan.After all, the combat power of a Nascent Soul stage cultivator could influence many things.This could even affect their stability, so they had to handle it with caution.The ruler of the Martial Kingdom immediately ordered a halt to any actions against the Fire Country until the investigation was complete.For a while, because of Ye Kaishan, the already restless Seven Great Nations became even more turbulent....On this side, Ye Kaishan knew nothing and didn't want to know anything. He only had one goal in mind.The time had come to marry the Thirteenth Princess.This time, it was even more grand, after all, she was a princess of the royal family."Ye Patriarch has married another princess, and the best one at that. The ruler has spared no expense this time.""Can he not spare any expense? Ye Patriarch can even defeat a Nascent Soul stage cultivator. At this rate, the Fire Country might have to change its surname...""It's difficult, too difficult. If I were the ruler, I would be at a loss. Ye Patriarch not only has formidable strength, but his descendants are also spread all over. The old tree has deep roots..."Some cultivators who were just joining in the fun discussed one after another.Ye Patriarch not only had powerful cultivation, but also a large number of descendants, not only within the immortal sects, but also within the court.The entire Ye family was like a towering tree, with roots deeply embedded underground.Even if the royal family of the Fire Country wanted to take action against the Ye family, aside from whether they could win or not, the subsequent impact alone would be a headache.They could understand the ruler of the Fire Country's approach, unable to fight or scold, they could only form a marriage alliance to stabilize the situation.If one princess was not enough, then add another....After a series of events, Ye Kaishan finally welcomed the Thirteenth Princess back to Qingyun City.The process went very smoothly, and Li Shengying, upon learning that she was going to marry Ye Kaishan, was so excited that she almost ran over herself.She had a straightforward personality, belonging to the type of female general who wouldn't yield to anyone.The guests had long been waiting, not only from the major aristocratic families, but also representatives from the four major immortal sects.They were given ample face....Wedding night.Ye Kaishan once again experienced a different kind of charm.It could be said that even a deity would not exchange it.After marrying the princess, Ye Kaishan energetically and continuously took in female cultivators from several other cultivation families.When it came to taking concubines, he was never sloppy or tired.Finally, when he took in the fifth one.On the wedding night, Ye Kaishan finally heard the long-lost sound of the system.His spiritual roots had finally made a major breakthrough.