
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Marry The Golden Flower, Seven Star Sword And Shield

Ye Kaishan didn't dare to be negligent. The enchantress named Ji Yin had achieved a perfect Foundation Building cultivation.She attacked fiercely, focusing on the lower three paths, every move deadly.The two of them tangled, destroying everything in the room.The disciple of Hundred Flowers Sect living next door felt that tonight's battle was extremely intense.Unable to help it, a wave of spring feelings surged, biting their teeth and tightly gripping the bedsheets.As they fought, Ye Kaishan became truly furious, seizing the opportunity, terrifying purple lightning surged from his palm.With a fierce palm strike to the woman's chest, a soft sensation flashed in an instant."Pu chi..."The woman groaned, spitting out a mouthful of blood and flying out.Ye Kaishan pursued in victory, but the woman's body technique was extremely elusive. Just as she fell to the ground, she disappeared like a wisp of black smoke.The tremendous commotion finally made people realize that a real battle had taken place, not the kind they had imagined."Master Ye, what happened?" a female disciple in charge asked with concern."I found the spy. I struck her in the chest. If she's still in Hundred Flowers Sect, we should be able to track her down."Ye Kaishan looked calmly at the place where the woman had disappeared.To be honest, this woman had piqued his interest.Because during the fight just now, he had checked the woman's attributes.She possessed a special physique.Heavenly Fox Enchantress Body.Moreover, her true cultivation was not at the perfect Foundation Building stage, but at the Core Formation stage.The reason she didn't unleash her full strength was probably due to some concerns.His palm just now was enough to kill any Foundation Building stage cultivator, but the other party was unharmed and able to escape.This also demonstrated her strength.Upon hearing Ye Kaishan's words, the female disciple immediately went to inform the sect master and began a search.Until the next day, the spy still hadn't been captured.Ye Kaishan didn't continue to wait and left Hundred Flowers Sect with Zhu Man.Ling Qiao'er had already returned home, waiting for him to come and marry her.Shortly after, Ye Kaishan returned to Azure Cloud Town.Immediately putting down what he was doing, he began to arrange the wedding plans.Not only Ling Qiao'er, but he also made agreements with other female disciples of Hundred Flowers Sect to marry them once he returned home.As a man, he naturally couldn't go back on his word.So, the Ye family was decorated with lights and festoons.This time, Ye Kaishan rode the Silver Lightning directly to Ling Qiao'er's home and married her.A third-rank spirit beast as a "wedding carriage" was a very prestigious matter.Ling Qiao'er's family was also a cultivation family in the mortal world, naturally very satisfied with Ye Kaishan, who was both talented and ruthless."Brother Ye, do you know? When the sect master called us together and asked who was willing to marry you, I was the first one to stand up..."On the way back, Ling Qiao'er nestled in Ye Kaishan's arms, happily recounting the process."Oh? Besides you, who else?" Ye Kaishan asked curiously."There's also Senior Sister Hongdou, but she was a bit slower than me. In the end, the sect master chose me to marry you."Ling Qiao'er said with a smile."So Jiang Hongdou is also there..."Ye Kaishan was somewhat surprised and secretly determined not to disappoint this beauty.Sooner or later, he would marry Jiang Hongdou as well.Back at the Ye family, the newlyweds immediately paid their respects to heaven and earth.Entering the bridal chamber, Ye Kaishan lifted the red veil from the bride's face.Ling Qiao'er looked delicate like a doll, shyly tugging at her clothes, like a little white rabbit.Ye Kaishan lifted her up and gently placed her on the bed.The candlelight went out, and the faint moonlight shone on the ground, adding a bit of brightness to the dark room.Suddenly, Ling Qiao'er sat up, surprised, covering her mouth, and looked at her own arm."That...that's so big...it won't really break, right?"...[Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving their aptitude, reaching Profound Grade Superior.]The next day, Ye Kaishan stretched lazily, while Ling Qiao'er had already fallen into a deep sleep.Next, Ye Kaishan fulfilled his promise and married several other female cultivators from the Hundred Flowers Sect.There were a total of four, each with a Foundation Building Stage cultivation and excellent appearance and aptitude.Three months later, Ling Qiao'er's belly finally started to grow with two of them.The higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to conceive and give birth to offspring.But once pregnant, the chances of giving birth to a spiritual root offspring will greatly increase.There may even be a chance to give birth to a child with a special constitution.Now, Ye Kaishan is already over 120 years old.His eldest child is already 40 years old. Among these descendants, those with spiritual roots cultivate immortality, while those without engage in business or politics.And they continue the Ye family tradition, branching out and having many descendants.[Ding! The number of descendants has exceeded 100. Reward: a bottle of Life Extending Pill, a medium-grade spiritual field, 500 medium-grade spiritual stones, and an explosive flame talisman.]"Do I really have a hundred grandchildren?"Upon hearing this prompt, Ye Kaishan was initially surprised.Because after the children grew up, many of them went out to explore the world.So he wasn't sure how many children they had in the end.Hearing this news suddenly, he felt a bit of joy in his heart.Although the rewards for the descendants are halved, the more people there are, the better.Little by little, each offspring contributes a bit of lifespan, plus rewards when reaching a certain quantity.Following this trend, when a certain number is reached,they can freely have children....Four months later, several concubines from the Hundred Flowers Sect began giving birth one after another.The first one was Ling Qiao'er.Ye Kaishan, as always, stood outside the delivery room waiting.[Ding! Congratulations to the host for having many descendants and giving birth to a Profound Grade Inferior spiritual root offspring. Reward: +10 lifespan, Profound Grade Inferior Spiritual Weapon, Profound Grade spiritual root, 500 medium-grade spiritual stones.]"Not bad!"Ye Kaishan nodded slightly and took a look at the rewards.The Profound Grade Spiritual Weapon was a chest armor that could protect vital areas.The spiritual root was called the Twin Dragon Strange Flower, resembling two intertwined dragons.Ye Kaishan put away the rewards, entered the delivery room, and kissed Ling Qiao'er.Not long after, the other four Hundred Flowers Sect concubines also gave birth.Among them, only two spiritual root offspring were born.Even if the spiritual roots were excellent, it was impossible to have spiritual root offspring with a 100% success rate.Regarding this, Ye Kaishan was already very satisfied.As the women continued to give birth one after another, his offspring finally exceeded 500.[Congratulations to the host for the offspring exceeding 500. The family size has expanded. Reward: body technique "Seven Star Sword Shield," ten years of cultivation experience, ten years of alchemy experience, ten years of refining experience, and 2000 medium-grade spiritual stones.]"Five hundred..."Ye Kaishan's eyes lit up. The "Seven Star Sword Shield" was a Profound Grade medium-grade body technique.It was much more precious than ordinary cultivation techniques.It could instantly transform into seven stars, excelling in both escape and attack.He went to a secret room, sat down, and absorbed the experience, cultivating the body technique.Unknowingly, several more months passed.Ye Kaishan's cultivation broke through to the ninth level of the Foundation Building Stage.He was only one step away from reaching the Core Formation Stage.