
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Marry Nascent Soul, The Witch Is Here

"Father, how about I give you the small tripod?"Ye Fan suddenly said, feeling that he didn't have the ability to control this thing.Upon hearing this, Ye Kaishan was momentarily stunned, then smiled with relief."Since it has chosen you, it must have its reasons. How could I take something from you?""Keep it well yourself and don't reveal it in front of others."He continued to remind him.Ye Fan nodded heavily, keeping it in mind."By the way, you're not young anymore. It's time for you to marry and have children."Ye Kaishan changed the subject and said with a smile.Many of his offspring had gotten married and had children after reaching adulthood, but only a few troublemakers remained single.Ye Fan was one of them.Ye Fan scratched his head awkwardly. Wherever he went, he could almost always run into relatives from the Ye family.This was especially true in the Cloud Billow Sect, where he could encounter his "stepmothers" everywhere.It could be said that wherever he went, he received special attention. As long as he announced his identity, the other party would definitely welcome him with a smile.This made him unable to experience the kind of crisis and excitement that comes from experiencing the world."Father, I prioritize cultivation and don't want to start a family for now.""Alright, as a child grows up, they have their own plans. I respect your thoughts."Ye Kaishan was very open-minded and didn't say much more.Afterwards, he passed on the "Nurturing Spirit Technique" and some relatively low-level techniques to Ye Fan.With his current cultivation level, he couldn't even master the advanced ones.As for techniques like the "Crimson Flame Blood Burning Technique" that burned lifespan, he had no interest at all.Ye Kaishan's lifespan was almost inexhaustible, lasting for several thousand years at the very least, but his offspring didn't have such long lifespans.One small mistake and they would be gone.Next, Ye Kaishan established a technique department.He would provide some basic techniques for the clan members to cultivate.These included not only his own techniques, but also some acquired from other places.A month later, Ye Fan went out to gain experience, while Ye Kaishan went to a secret room to meet the great artist Yao Xing."Witch, have you considered it? If you think a hundred is too much, then start with ten.To tell you the truth, Jiyin, who had the same experience as you, had a hundred and not one less."Upon hearing this tempting voice, Yao Xing suddenly felt that it was quite a good deal.Others had to have a hundred, but she only needed ten.Wasn't this a bargain?So she tentatively asked, "If I have ten, will you let me go?""Of course!" Ye Kaishan nodded heavily.Yao Xing fell silent.Under Ye Kaishan's relentless pressure, she finally relented.In fact, upon further thought, it was difficult to find a man as outstanding as Ye Kaishan in the entire territory of the Seven Nations.A Gold Core Ancestor, a master alchemist, and also proficient in formations.With his Core Formation Stage cultivation, he could suppress those in the Nascent Soul Stage.Setting aside other factors, Yao Xing truly felt that he was a very charismatic man.Especially after spending time together recently, it didn't seem so difficult to accept.Ye Kaishan waved his hand and lifted the restriction, but the seal on Yao Xing's cultivation was still in place.Otherwise, if a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator went berserk, the entire Ye family would suffer.Yao Xing collapsed on the ground and took a while to recover.Half a month later, the Ye family was decorated with lights and festivities, and the Ancestor was about to take another concubine.When everyone learned that the object of his affection was a Nascent Soul cultivator, they were shocked beyond measure."Does this mean that the Ye family will have a Nascent Soul Ancestor?""One? Two! Don't forget, the Ye family Ancestor is capable of suppressing those in the Nascent Soul Stage.""The Ancestor is too powerful! He even defeated the Nascent Soul Ancestor of the Demon Sect."Upon hearing the news, people were amazed and exclaimed that this was a clever move.Turn the enemy into one's own people.This realm is too high."How did you do it? I want to learn!"An ancestor from a family of cultivating immortals slapped his thigh.He is eager to make progress.If he could marry a concubine whose realm is higher than his own, why worry about the family not prospering?Not to mention him, even Li Fengtian, after learning about this news, wanted to bring a gift and go to apprentice.If he could also marry several Nascent Soul female cultivators, Fire Country would have taken off long ago."Father, how can we continue like this?"The Crown Prince also wanted to apprentice, but he was more afraid that the Ye family would threaten the position of the Fire Country royal family.He was already designated as the next generation lord, but if he didn't inherit it in time, Fire Country would change hands.Li Fengtian fell silent for a moment and waved his hand, "Someone, quickly go and invite the Princess Consort!""Father... this is not a solution!" The Crown Prince became anxious.What's the use of just being allowed to marry a princess? Can you marry her quickly?"Then what do you suggest? Do you have a better solution?" Li Fengtian asked with a stern gaze."I..." The Crown Prince was at a loss, and upon careful consideration, he really didn't have one.The Ye family's climate had already formed, and their strength was even stronger than that of the immortal sects.Not only that, their network of relationships was particularly close, with at least two of the four major immortal sects having a significant connection to the Ye family.Within Fire Country, many famous cultivating families had intermarriages with the Ye family.If they were to take action, he didn't believe that these cultivating families would truly stand with the royal family.Upon careful consideration, the Crown Prince couldn't help but gasp in shock.Unbeknownst to him, the Ye family's influence had already become so great.Without expending a single soldier, just by taking in concubines, they had established close connections with the major cultivating families."Could this be the plan of the Ye family's ancestor?" The Crown Prince suddenly realized that this was the true purpose of the Ye family's ancestor.From beginning to end, they never laid a hand on you, just by taking in concubines, they completely assimilated you.By the time you realized it, everyone around you was their people."First stabilize the current situation. When I have time, I will go to the Pill Cauldron Sect." Li Fengtian pondered for a moment and said solemnly....At this time, the celebration banquet of the Ye family was coming to an end.In the night, Ye Kaishan bid farewell to the guests and pushed open the door to the bride's room.Yao Xing, sitting in front of the bed, trembled slightly. This moment that was about to come made her somewhat afraid.But faintly, she also felt some anticipation.She felt that something was wrong with herself, to actually have such emotions that she shouldn't have."Wife, it's time to rest." Ye Kaishan extinguished the candlelight and walked slowly to the bedside.What followed was a memorable period of time.Several consecutive days.Ye Kaishan devoted all his efforts to taking care of Yao Xing. The higher his cultivation, the more difficult it was to conceive a child.So, he had to work hard and not be lazy.All the sweat from his efforts would be poured onto the seeds of hope.Heaven helps those who help themselves.Half a year later, on a certain day, Yao Xing suddenly felt a faint movement of life in her belly.At that moment, a miraculous glow of motherly love appeared on her face."Ye Kaishan, I'm pregnant..." Yao Xing told Ye Kaishan with a complex expression.In the six months of their interaction, she had unknowingly begun to accept this man.