
Halfway Into The Soil, The System Let Me Spread The Branches And Leave

Ye Kaishan, who has been in another world, has been pursuing longevity all his life, but he has no spiritual roots and no hope of immortality. When he is about to die, he awakens the system of branching and scattering leaves. As long as you keep opening branches, you can improve the root bones, and if you keep spreading leaves, you can extend your life and get rewards. Giving birth to becoming stronger? Then I'm more than welcome. Who said that a cultivator should be pure-minded and have few desires, but I want to have more children and more blessings. In the past, there were hundreds of refinements to become immortals, so I have hundreds of people to become immortals. Until the descendants of the Ye family spread all over the sky, Ye Kaishan discovered that he was already invincible.

DaoistViking · อื่นๆ
139 Chs

Kaishan Foundation Building Pill, Zaina Fairy

Zhen Taihe learned that Ye Kaishan had put the Foundation Building Pill on the market and immediately burst into laughter.The Foundation Building Pill was the most abundant and proud elixir he had refined.So what if the price is cheaper than his? No one would joke about the Foundation Building Pill. They would rather spend more to buy elixirs with better effects....Ye Kaishan left the Treasure Pill Pavilion and went around the nearby market.Most of the cultivators here were at the Qi Refining Stage, with occasionally a few at the Foundation Building Stage.They were selling things they needed in exchange.Ye Kaishan deliberately sought out some beautiful female cultivators and exchanged their items at a high price.In other words, his intention was not just about the wine. He did this to establish connections.Moreover, he had done this more than once and had already become a "big spender" in the eyes of many female cultivators."Senior Ye, I want to buy a Spiritual Weapon flying sword, but I'm short on spirit stones. Can I borrow some from you?"A female cultivator approached Ye Kaishan, feeling a bit embarrassed.This woman's name was Lan Jingting, at the sixth level of Qi Refining, and she was from White Sun City. She had met Ye Kaishan a few times before.She came from an ordinary family, with parents who had no spiritual roots and was not a disciple of any immortal sect, so it was very difficult for her to earn spirit stones."Lady Lan, if you need a flying sword, I can give you one as a gift."Ye Kaishan said with a smile, surprising the woman and leaving her stunned."Are you... are you serious? How can I repay you?" Lan Jingting stammered, clearly shocked by Ye Kaishan's wealth."If possible, I hope you can marry me." Ye Kaishan said without any beating around the bush.He had already checked Lan Jingting's qualifications. She had a green quality and a Yellow Grade superior spiritual root, making her a good seedling.Moreover, she had a good appearance, pure and lovely, at least 85 points.Upon hearing this, Lan Jingting blushed, but the look in her eyes when she looked at Ye Kaishan had already taken on a different color.She really needed someone to rely on!"I... I promise." The woman whispered, not daring to lift her head."Good!" Ye Kaishan took out a Yellow Grade superior flying sword and handed it over directly."This will be your betrothal gift. After you go back, I will come to welcome you.""Okay..."...Ye Kaishan happily returned to Azure Cloud Town and ordered his servants to prepare.The entire Ye family called him the master again.It seemed that every time he came back, he felt uncomfortable without taking a concubine.A month later, the wedding procession headed straight to White Sun City."Which family's wedding procession is this?""The Ye family from Azure Cloud Town? Isn't that the recently rising cultivation family? It is said that the Ye family's Qi Refining Patriarch single-handedly killed two opponents at the Qi Refining Perfection stage...""Gasp... The Qi Refining Patriarch is so terrifying!"The people of White Sun City whispered to each other, and many prominent families in the city paid attention, further enhancing the reputation of the Ye family.In the Treasure Pill Pavilion, Qin Chan watched the wedding procession passing by from upstairs, her face full of speechlessness.No matter how she looked at it, Ye Kaishan didn't seem like a serious alchemist.Just then, the waitress He Yue rushed in, excitedly saying, "Master... the Foundation Building Pill is sold out, and many people have come to buy Foundation Building Pills!""Sold out? Quickly inform Master Zhen to start refining!" Qin Chan exclaimed loudly, muttering to herself that the Foundation Building Pills had been selling well recently."No! They specifically asked for the Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pill and said that the Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pill can achieve ninety percent of the medicinal effect."He Yue shook her head repeatedly, her face turning red with excitement. She didn't even know why she was so happy.It was as if the Kaishan brand Foundation Building Pill was refined by her."What? Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill..."Qin Chan stood up abruptly, her curvaceous and tall figure towering over He Yue as she looked down at him."Is it true?""Of course it's true, those people buying the elixir are downstairs," He Yue nodded."I'll go take a look."With those words, Qin Chan swiftly descended the stairs like the wind.Sure enough, she saw a crowded hall with dozens of people clamoring to buy the Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill."What? Your Treasure Elixir Pavilion is resorting to hunger marketing too? Such a good Foundation Building Pill, and there are only ten in total?""If you can't afford it, don't buy it."A group of cultivators threatened the reception staff, pressing them for answers."Well... ladies and gentlemen, please calm down. The Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill is temporarily out of stock, but we still have the Foundation Building Pill refined by Master Zhen Taihe..."The reception staff explained loudly."Hmph! Master Zhen's Foundation Building Pill is expensive and can only exert seventy percent of its medicinal effects. How can it compare to the Kaishan Brand?""No, I came from afar just to buy the Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill, and now you're telling me it's sold out?"They were all recommended by cultivators who had taken the Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill.As soon as they heard it was sold out, they became agitated on the spot.Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Qin Chan immediately stepped in, promising to replenish the Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill as soon as possible.Only then did the crowd stop, not daring to challenge Qin Chan any further.This news quickly spread, reaching Zhen Taihe's ears."Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill... ninety percent efficacy. Find out who made this pill for me!"Master Zhen was furious, feeling that someone was deliberately ruining his reputation. Foundation Building Pills were his specialty.Unfortunately, this person was attacking him in his area of expertise.He had been refining Foundation Building Pills his whole life, and even at his best, he could only achieve eighty percent efficacy, usually only seventy percent.Ninety percent only existed in theory."By the way, Master, I know who this person is..." His disciple's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in realization."Who?""It's the alchemist we met at the Treasure Elixir Pavilion that day, his name is Ye Kaishan... isn't the Kaishan Brand Foundation Building Pill made by him?"The disciple affirmed.Zhen Taihe's face trembled, finally remembering this person. If it weren't for his disciple's reminder, he wouldn't have even considered Ye Kaishan as a person."It's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"He stood up abruptly, his face filled with shock and anger, unable to accept it."Is there a possibility that those people were all his accomplices?"The disciple understood his master's pain and asked tentatively."Well... you continue to monitor this matter for me. If another Kaishan... Brand Foundation Building Pill appears, buy it immediately and bring it to me!"Zhen Taihe calmly instructed.At this moment, Ye Kaishan, who was oblivious to all this, had already brought his beautiful bride home.They performed the wedding ceremony and entered the bridal chamber.The next day, Ye Kaishan leisurely walked out of the room, stretching lazily, when a servant came to report."Master, there's a woman named Qin Chan outside looking for you."Ye Kaishan's expression changed, and he went to the reception hall. Sure enough, he saw a tall and slender woman standing there."What a rare guest, what brings Qin Fairy here?" Ye Kaishan walked up quickly."Master Ye is truly fortunate."Qin Chan smiled. Since coming to the Ye family, she had felt that Ye Kaishan was not a serious alchemist.Other alchemists were focused on their craft, delving into the Dao of alchemy.He, on the other hand, was delving into the sewer system.